Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1259: Taboo

"I'm Xu Yaqiang, just call me Adam. Besides, Xu Fu is my grandfather."

Little Superman understands what, this person is the fifth son of the fifth child, the instigator who persuades his father to grab the family business and expand the blessing.

"Hello Adam, is there anything wrong with you?"

Find out who the object is, so Little Superman doesn't have to temper his temper. This guy is not a good bird at first sight. He is born from one's heart. If the first meeting can't give people a good face, there is basically no in-depth contact.

Little Superman’s face turned away thousands of miles away, did not make Xu Yaqiang feel embarrassed or awkward, as if he hadn’t seen him, he said to himself, “It’s our honor to be here for Mr. Li to be here. How can the housekeeper not come to toast a glass of wine?"

Yes, he had a bad impression of this person, but he ended up guilty of taboos, and failing to lift the table on the spot was already a good tutoring performance for Superman.

Yang Cheng was very happy to watch the show. Hearing this Adam’s recklessly calling Little Superman as Mr. Xiao Li, he secretly called him addicted. Little Superman is most taboo to be regarded as a vassal of Superman Li, and Mr. Li is to others. It's glory, but for Little Superman, it's as uncomfortable as eating shit.

The shit-like face is enough to explain everything.

"No, we are ready to go after eating, Mr. Xu drinks slowly by himself."

Yang Cheng laughed out loud, this guy is really small.

Hearing him laugh so presumptuously, Xu Yaqiang couldn't be stretched no matter how thick-skinned his face was, but he knew in his heart that it was definitely not a good thing to be able to sit at a table with Superman for dinner, he couldn't afford it, just Pretending not to hear, he sneered and said, "That's OK, I hope I will come to Fulinmen frequently in the future, and today's alone counts as mine~"

Yang Cheng said quickly, "You are welcome, it's just a meal."

He beckoned the waiter at the door to come in and handed over his card, "No password, remember to take it back and sign it for me."

The waiter was at a loss. He looked at Shaodong's house and then at Yang Cheng's card. It was neither right nor wrong for him to reach out in midair.

Yang Cheng held the card and frowned, "Are you going to let me keep my arms up?"

The waiter was startled, and the eyes that looked at Young Master almost burst into tears.

In the end, Xu Yaqiang nodded, and the waiter quickly took over the card, apologized to Yang Cheng, and quickly ran out to settle the account.

No one in the box was talking, and the atmosphere was so stiff. Concubine Liu Yi looked at her left and right, and slyly pulled the corner of Yang Cheng's clothes, whispering in her ear, "Nothing will happen, right?"

Yang Cheng smiled and shook her hand, "Don't worry, there are no more than one hand in Xiangjiang who dare to sing a drama with Superman."

Xu is the waiter who used a 100-meter sprint speed and quickly returned to the box, bowed apologetically to Yang Cheng, returned the card, and made Yang Cheng think that he had returned to the evil old society. Landlord.

Little Superman snorted and turned to go out without saying a word. Guo Jiawen chased after him.

Instead, Yang Cheng walked leisurely behind, and there was a beauty like Concubine Liu Yifei holding hands, like the second generation ancestor who came out on the street, passing by Xu Yaqiang, pretending to be an old man, and patted him on the shoulder. , Pretending to be kindly reminded, "Richard is very taboo from calling him Mr. Li."

Xu Yaqiang's face became pale after brushing, and he barely squeezed out a smile, "Thank you, and ask a friend to help me with a few words, Adam is grateful." Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

Yang Cheng smiled very distractedly, "Easy to say~ Easy to say~"

In front of the gate of Fulinmen, I saw Little Superman chatting with acquaintances, waiting for the people to leave, then stepped forward and said, "If we don't have any arrangements, let's go first?"

Little Superman turned his head and glanced at Xu Yaqiang who came out to see off the guests in disgust, then said, "There was no arrangement, but now I am in a bad mood. Find a place to have a drink?"

Yang Cheng hesitated for a while, but his mood was very good. Later, he had to talk to Liu Yifei about his life. Isn't drinking a delay?

Seeing the look of Superman's expectation, he was too embarrassed to refuse, thinking about the suggestion, "Go to the Ritz-Carlton? The ozone bar? I just slept there after drinking."

Little Superman was a little moved, "Have you booked a room?"

Yang Cheng nodded, "Yes, there was only one presidential suite left when I ordered. Would you like to call to ask?"

Upon hearing the words, Superman immediately dialed the assistant's phone and asked the assistant to help him book the room. After a few minutes, the assistant responded that the room was set.

Yang Cheng smiled and opened the door, "Good luck, let's go. When we arrive, we will arrange a spa for the two ladies, and we will go for a drink."

"Perfect decision~"

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Hong Kong is located on the 103rd to the 118th floor of the Global Trade Plaza, with a total of 312 rooms. The "starting price" for a regular suite reaches 4,500 Hong Kong dollars per night, while the 117th floor of the top presidential suite costs 10 per night. Ten thousand Hong Kong dollars.

Different from the strong Victorian aristocratic style of the peninsula, Ritz-Carlton has performed modern luxury to the extreme. In recent years, with the increase of mainland tourists, Ritz-Carlton has also become the first choice for the new generation of wealthy groups in the mainland. Internet celebrities love it.

Arriving at the Global Trade Plaza, take the elevator to the hotel reception lobby on the 9th floor, and then take the express elevator. It only takes more than 50 seconds to rise to the hotel lobby on the 103rd floor. Once the elevator is out, there is an abstract Z of galloping horses on the atrium. Chinese classical watercolor paintings are presented in broken strips, showing the grace and luxury of the "Lion King".哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

As if to create a sense of warmth and intimacy for the guests, Ritz-Carlton also deliberately laid out handmade wool velvet carpets, and divided different areas through different stitching patterns, such as blue-gray and brown-yellow patterns. The freehand ink painting is general, delicate and elegant.

Upon check-in, the hotel learned of the identities of Yang Cheng and Superman, and the lobby manager who came after hearing the news immediately gave a gorgeous smile like the night view of Victoria Harbour to welcome the guests.

"It should be the first time for you to stay at the Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong. It will take some time to check in. Please allow me to take a brief tour with them? It will be convenient for you to better enjoy the services provided by Ritz-Carlton. "

The cordial attitude and respectful attitude won the unanimous favor of Yang Cheng and Superman. They were idle as well. The four people followed the manager's footsteps and simply strolled around on the 103rd floor.

"The 103rd floor is the multifunctional space of the hotel. There is not only the one-Michelin-star Italian restaurant tosca, but also the two-Michelin-star Chinese restaurant Tianlongxuan.

Tianlongxuan has a secret private box that provides catering and banquet services 24 hours a day. If necessary, please contact your suite housekeeper directly. "

Passing through the private box corridor of Tianlongxuan, Liu Yifei and Guo Jiawen rushed in to take pictures very unimaginatively. Don't blame them for the appearance that they have never seen the world. The narrow corridor forms a very strange visual effect. , In the glass display cabinets on both sides of the promenade, there are crystal glass artworks, which are magnificent under the golden light, standing in them, breathing with the smell of gold.

The manager is very considerate to help take pictures. There is no need for any filter effect. Just one shot is the visual sense of the blockbuster. Liu Yifei and Guo Jiawen are also on the stage. They are even more skilled in taking pictures. No matter how they shoot, they are beautiful.

Yang Cheng and Superman stood at the entrance of the promenade, smiling bitterly at each other, women's hobbies would never be understood by men, but fortunately, neither of them was too face-seeking, and they did not feel that their women were embarrassing.

After the photo was taken, the manager’s intercom sounded a notice from the front desk that the check-in procedure had been completed, but the manager still took them back to the front desk from another road to show the hotel’s features as much as possible.

After all, for the hotel, every guest staying in the presidential suite is a rare and distinguished customer who can afford the top-notch service.

On the 103rd floor, there are restaurants in the four corners of the southeast, northwest and north, which means that each restaurant can enjoy different high-altitude scenery.

The hotel’s executive bar also provides afternoon tea. All the sofas and chairs face the floor-to-ceiling glass, which gives you a panoramic view of the most beautiful skyline of Hong Kong. The independent and private location is not only the best place for Internet celebrities to take pictures, but also will not be disturbed and peeped. It's really ingenious, and maybe it's more suitable for young people than the elegant atmosphere of Peninsula afternoon tea.

They decided to come down and have a try tomorrow and returned to the hotel to get the room card. The manager passed the group to the suite housekeeper who came downstairs to greet him and left.

The butler also introduces while walking, not to make the guests feel awkward, it is one of their compulsory courses. At the elevator leading to the guest room, the butler introduced, “This glass seal is made by an American artist for the Ritz-Carlton Exquisite works.

Don't think it's just a vase. The so-called high place is very cold. On a windy day, it will shake slightly. "

The hotel rooms are all located above the lobby on the 103rd floor, distributed between the 106th and 117th floors. The famous Ritz-Carlton Club is also placed on the 116th floor. The invincible view is not difficult to imagine.

The executive superior suites and presidential suites are also located on the 116 and 117 floors. Guests staying in the suites can not only enjoy three meals a day for free, but also drink champagne and whiskey from morning to night. After this calculation, it seems that the room rate is not too expensive.

On the 117th floor, there are two adjacent presidential suites belonging to Yang Cheng and Little Superman. They are pushed open separately, and the curtains facing the door are automatically opened. The gorgeous night view of Victoria Harbour is like an exquisite theater movie. Right now.

Entering the room, there are welcome cakes and iced champagne on the table. On the ground, in accordance with the requirements of Yangcheng, fresh rose petals are used to form a corridor extending to the bedroom. Aromatherapy candles can be seen everywhere, the taste is very uniform, it is the kind of light fruit Fragrant, even if you smell it for a long time, you won't feel a headache.

Yang Cheng nodded in satisfaction to the butler, "Very well, you have worked hard~"

The butler bowed and smiled, "It is a great honor, this is what we should do."

"Thank you, please help the two ladies to arrange a spa. Richard and I go to the ozone bar and need a seat by the window."

The butler immediately said, "I will make arrangements~"

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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