Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1270: Entertainment company worth 40 billion?

"What was your plan from the beginning?"

Ouyang Hui turned her hair away from her ears, "At first, I thought about winning the first place, smashing one piece of land at a high price, and waiting for a deal with the party that won the 1K and 1L area." https://

Yang Cheng frowned, "What if they don't want to exchange?"

Ouyang Hui smiled confidently, "I have a way to get the other party to agree~"

Yang Cheng didn't ask too much. Everyone has their own secrets and unique secrets. This is what they can eat, but a woman who says she has a way to get the other party to agree is easy to misunderstand.

"Forget it, wait for the news from the length and over there. We will cooperate with each other, and finally won the target plot is not a big problem."

Ouyang Hui has nothing to do, why not use a more labor-saving way.

. . . . . .

Two days later, Paul Kedland's life was like years, because lawyer Kang represented the murdered teenager and formally sued Paul Kedland for deliberate murder in the Magistrates Court.

"Damn, damn, damn~" Paul Cadeland smashed several drinking glasses in his mansion.

Sherlock's brows became slightly solemn as she threw and cursed.

"Didn't you say that if you kill you and don't admit it, the other party can't help it?"

When Paul Cadeland pointed to the nose and questioned, Sherlock was also very upset. How could there be today if it weren't for your foolishness and recklessness?

"Pay attention to your words, Paul, I am not your subordinate, we are a cooperative relationship~"

Paul Cadeland knew that he had to rely on Sherlock, so he didn't dare to tear his face straight, so he had to make a perfunctory apology, "Sorry, what do you say we should do now? If the court opens a trial, do we have a chance to win?"

Sherlock also pressed his irritable mood and calmed down, "First of all, we don't know what evidence the other party has. Second, even if the case is opened for trial, it does not mean that we will lose in the end. Of course, there is a chance to win. Finally, I want you. Tell me what happened that day without reservation, and there can be no concealment."

Yes, Sherlock believed that Paul Cadeland had deceived himself. He must have concealed the details and did not say, and these details will be a crucial part of affecting the course of the case.

But this sounds to Paul Cadeland, it’s Sherlock’s distrust of himself, “Fuck, I’ve said it hundreds of times, it was the kid who deliberately ruined me and provoke me, so I couldn’t help it~ "

Sherlock was also a little confused. Did he make a mistake in his judgment? Paul Cadeland really didn't hide it?

He exhaled and changed the subject first, "OK, let’s not mention the case. Let’s talk about the company. Disney headquarters sent an e-mail. Zheng, the president of Greater China, will act as the president of Asia first, so you can handle the case with peace of mind. ."

Paul Cadeland looked dark, obviously he also received the notice, "I know, tomorrow I will go to the company to handle the work handover~"

Sherlock comforted softly, "Don't worry, as long as the case is successfully resolved, the position of president will still be yours~"

Paul Cadeland smiled reluctantly. In the past few years, he has made a lot of money, but he can spend more. The deposit in his hand can only guarantee that he will have no worries about underwear and food for a few years, but once he resigns from Disney, he still has a case on his back. It’s not easy to find another job. What about life in a few years’ time? Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

. . .

Paul Cadeland was frowning, and Yang Cheng naturally didn't know it. Even if he knew it, he had to applaud and congratulate. It is impossible to comfort him. Everything deserves it.

At this moment, Yang Cheng was playing chess with his grandfather over tea in the garden.

Grandpa just lost a game and refused to accept it, and now he was wondering how to return.

Zhishi, vaulting, and Yang Cheng arranged their defenses according to their usual routines, and they were ready to go out to kill the river. Grandpa suddenly said, "By the way, isn't your CY Entertainment going to be listed in Xiangjiang? Recently, several financial institutions have been operating. Fighting for IPO underwriting qualification~"

Yang Cheng smiled. Although CY Entertainment does not show up, but backed by New Times Media, it also has the golden signature of the Yang family, which is still very promising in the industry.

The main reason is that CY Entertainment is now a dominant player in the Korean entertainment industry. It has made considerable profits in recent quarters. It also has Z mainland theaters under its name. The industry chain is sound. Post-listing financing will all be used for Asian media. Expansion, increase the market share of traditional media, and investment in the Internet, investment prospects are very good.

The point is that there are no decent companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange recently, and investment institutions can no longer make money. Naturally, CY Entertainment is treated as a phoenix.

"Fight, the more fierce the fight, the better. In just a few days, the valuation has risen by several hundred million." Yang Cheng happily slammed his grandfather's horse directly into his own half.

"Well~ no wonder the managers of Huifeng have been running to me every day like they have been beaten up with chicken blood these days."

Yang Cheng didn't raise his head, "In fact, everyone is the same for IPO. The financial institutions of Xiangjiang are all about the same strength. Grandpa, if you speak, just leave it to Huifeng. The fertilizer will not flow to outsiders."

Unexpectedly, Liu Muqian refused directly, "No, Huifeng is British, not ours. Let them fight for themselves. UU Reading"

Yang Orange nodded, "That's OK, but I think that CY Entertainment is favored by all parties. I didn't expect them to compete so hard. You know that according to our original plan, CY Entertainment is valued at 39 billion Hong Kong dollars, with a total equity of 3.2 It plans to issue 120 million shares, accounting for about 37.5% of the total share capital, with a price of 121 Hong Kong dollars per share, and plans to raise 14.5 billion Hong Kong dollars."

Liu Muqian also forgot to settle in surprise, "So high? Has anyone bought it?"

As soon as I asked this question, I knew it was in vain. Aren’t they just saying that the parties are fighting fiercely? It seems that the price of 121 Hong Kong dollars per share is not high, but rather low.

Yang Cheng smiled and urged Grandpa to play chess, "The height is a little bit higher, so we reserve a part of the floating space."

"The price is too high. For retail investors, such a high price may not be acceptable to them."

Yang Chengman didn’t care, “Of these 120 million shares, only 5% are reserved for the secondary market. The rest are basically divided up by investment banks and financial institutions in Hong Kong and South Korea. It’s not enough. Citi Xiangjiang I even want to give these 120 million shares to Baoyuan."

Liu Muqian had no intention of playing chess. He picked up a teacup and sipped the tea infusion. "You can leave more for Korea. After all, the main business is in Korea."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Yes, the ratio between the two places is about 5.5:4.5. South Korea has a slightly larger share. However, I will cash out part of it after listing, which is expected to account for about 6% of the total equity, which is enough for Xiangjiang to compete. "

"Hey~ who would have thought that an entertainment stock would have a market value of $5 billion without going public."

"Grandpa, don’t you know, CY Entertainment not only owns the largest film production company in Korea, but also controls a Korean TV station, and is one of the only three wireless stations in Korea, and there are also mainland theaters. many."

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