Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1279: 10% acceptance rate

It is now mid-March, and the earth is warming up. After a cold winter, Big Apple City finally ushered in a warm current.

Yang Cheng just watched the second match of Liverpool’s Champions League quarter-finals. The home game was against Ukrainian giants Dynamo Kyiv. In the last game away, Liverpool defeated the opponent 2-0 and returned to the home court in order to retain the third line. In terms of physical fitness, Loew made a substantial rotation of the team's lineup. In the end, with a wonderful world wave from Kubird, a small victory of 1:0 and a total score of 3:0 entered the quarter-finals of the Champions League this season. One step closer.

While the excitement was still in the air, I called Ian El, and as soon as he was connected, he heard Anfield's deafening cheers.

"Boss~ wait a minute, it's too noisy here~" Ian El yelled at the phone.

Yang Cheng is in a good mood and doesn't care about these details, "No hurry~"

A few minutes later, the noisy background sound stopped abruptly, and Ian Air panted, "Boss, the scene is too lively, have you watched the game? We won~"

Yang Orange smiled and said, "Of course, the team played very well. Even if most of the main players are absent, they can still play a controlled game. Mr. Love has done a very good job. Please convey my regards for me."

"Yes, boss, I will definitely transfer to~"

"I know you still have work to be busy with. To make a long story short, where is the negotiation between the club and Cardiff City about the acquisition of Los Angeles FC?"

Ian Al said without hesitation, "The framework has been basically determined. The only problem is that the Cardiff City boss wants to retain 10% of Los Angeles FC shares."

Yang Cheng pondered a little, "Up to 5%, we can form an alliance with Cardiff City, and we will advance and retreat in the Premier League in the future."

Ian Ayer immediately understood Yang Cheng's meaning, "In the Premier League, if a small club wants to survive, it must be attached to a giant club. I don't think Cardiff City will refuse our goodwill."

"Very well, that's it, you go and celebrate with the players, I hope they will continue their efforts.

"Goodbye boss~"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng still had a smile on her face. At this time, Susu walked in with high heels, "Boss, this is an intern recruited in the summer plan this year and needs to sign~"

Yang Cheng was standing in front of the window at the moment, overlooking the green Bryant Park. In this steel jungle, occasionally looking at the greenery would greatly relieve the spirit.

Turned around, took the file but didn't open it, but stared at Susu's face for a long time.

"What~what's wrong?" Susu asked weakly.

Yang Cheng grinned, "I just found out, you changed your hair style?"

To be precise, the hair was cut short, and replaced with a short shoulder-length hair that has been very popular recently, with a little microwave curl, and the temperament has not changed much, but the person appears much more energetic.

Susu rubbed his head, "Before my hair was too long and it took a lot of effort to wash, so I cut it a bit~"

Yang Cheng opened the file and boasted casually, "They are all beautiful~"

A woman is a person who pleases herself. Susu changed her hairstyle and naturally hoped to be praised. Fortunately, Yang Cheng made up for it. She didn't pay attention when she came in the morning.

This year, the company will recruit new senior students for internships in the company in the summer, and finally will leave 10% of them as new employees.

"There are so many applicants?" Yang Cheng saw that the total number of applicants was several thousand. If the acceptance rate of 10% is still applied, the company will suddenly add hundreds of new employees. Obviously, the current position of the company is not like this. Many gaps.

Susu hooked up her hair, "There have been many more applications from Chinese students this year~"

Yang Cheng suddenly felt that not long after the company was established last year, his reputation was not big enough. For those conservative Chinese students, his company was naturally not the first choice.

But this year is different. New Era Media shines in the U.S. market. Young people will use MS short videos even if they don’t need headlines, or they can watch TV series or sports programs produced by CW TV and New Era Pictures, even middle-aged and elderly people. Don't like to play with mobile phones, always read the newspaper, right?

"Los Angeles Times" and "New York Times" each dominate the market on the east and west coasts, and there are still local tabloids to choose from.

In short, to say an exaggeration, the current new era media has almost dominated the entertainment life of the people in North America, and its strength has also been recognized by the outside world with the skyrocketing valuation.

The most intuitive performance is that the number of recent graduates who sent resumes has risen by more than 200% over the same period last year. This is good news, and it also places new requirements on the company's personnel department.

Close the folder, "Call Mr. Martinez up~"

Martinez is the CHO of New Times Media. He was recognized by Coca-Cola before. He accepted the call of headhunting because he was never promoted. In the end, after Eddie talked with him, he agreed to join New Times Media and reorganized. Following the company's personnel structure, he became one of the major media giants in the new era.

About 10 minutes later, Martinez stepped in all directions and knocked on the door.

Yang Cheng stood in the salon and shouted, "Here, Mr. Martinez~"

This is a white man born in Alaska. It is said that he still has a little Viking blood in his body. He is tall and magnificent. He has explosive muscles comparable to a champion of bodybuilding, and his suit is about to burst.


Yang Cheng graciously pressed her hands, "Sit down and drink something? Would you like a glass of wine?"

Martinez smiled and sat down, "Although it is a very moving proposal, I must refuse it cruelly, otherwise my job will not be kept~"

With classic American humor, Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Let’s try my coffee~"

"It's an honor to have heard that the coffee in the boss office is comparable to any top coffee shop in the world~"

"Ha, the people below are all talking nonsense, but I do receive a lot of top coffee beans."

"Susu, grind two cups of Arabica~"

Turning his head and blinking at Martinez, "I just got it from Ethiopia. Try it?"

Martinez's behavior is very calm, his own qualifications are his biggest confidence in the face of Yang Cheng.

Soon Susu brought coffee and put a cup on the coffee table.

Martinez took a sip, closed his eyes for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Perfect coffee, I heard that the people living there still maintain the tradition of harvesting wild coffee beans?"

Yang Cheng nodded affirmatively, "Yes, after thousands of years of expansion and adaptation, a unique coffee terroir has been formed so far.

Arabica, the Ethiopian coffee developed in the wild, is also called the coffee of the wilderness, which preserves the most original and natural flavor of coffee beans.

In fact, many people don't know that most of the coffees in Central and South America are imported varieties, but Ethiopia is the real origin of coffee. "

"Thank you, I learned another knowledge~"

Yang Cheng smiled and put down the coffee cup and talked about official business, "I called you up to ask this year’s intern recruitment plan, if the 10% ratio is still applied, will it be too much? And the proportion of new employees Too much will lead to a decline in the efficiency of the company’s operations."

Martinez also put down the coffee cup and said sternly, "I also have this worry, so I will write the report for your signature, otherwise I can make the decision myself."

This is within the scope of his work.

Yang Cheng listened quietly, but did not comment.

“In fact, if it’s just administrative staff, it’s a more reasonable way to match the old with the new. Moreover, with the establishment of two brand-new subsidiaries in New Era Sports and Fashion, there is a great demand for administrative staff, even if they are recruited all at once. Hundreds of new employees are not a problem.

But professional talents are the key, especially the lack of middle-level managers. Relying solely on headhunting and digging will never fill this big hole. In the end, we have to train ourselves. "

Yang Cheng looked calm and couldn't see what he was thinking.

After a moment of silence, Yang Cheng sighed, "Now the whole world is laying off employees. Only we are expanding. I am worried that the redundancy of personnel will become a burden to slow down the development of the company."

Martinez smiled bitterly, "I can only say that this is inevitable, and what we can do is to slow down as much as possible the time when the negative impact comes."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don’t get me wrong, I’m not accusing you of your work. In fact, since you came, the company has never had a problem with staffing. Even if we face the outside world, we can calmly face it. Yes, this is all your credit."

Martinez will not be humble, "This is my duty~"

"Going back to the topic we discussed, should we admit these hundreds of fresh graduates? Or simply reduce the final admission rate? For example, to 5%?"

Martinez pondered for a while, then slowly shook his head, "It's not advisable. The 10% admission rate has been The students hope to submit their resumes. If we go wrong, we will leave this group soon. Young people entering society leave a bad impression. Even if the people they can affect are only a small number of people, we cannot take it lightly. Reputation is the most important thing we need to maintain in the early development of our company."

Yang Cheng is very satisfied that Martinez’s opening and closing is the attitude of our company. This is a manifestation of his sense of identity and belonging to the company. He doesn’t want his staff to be professional managers who only recognize money.

"The ratio cannot be fixed. If the quality of this batch of interns is not good, should we still enroll based on this ratio?"

"Don't worry about the boss. I have archived and classified the resumes I sent this year. Nearly 70% of the resumes come from students from famous universities in the Ivy League and G5."

Yang Orange was surprised, "There are still G5 alliances?"

Martinez was quite proud, "Yes, with the establishment of the British branch, New Times Media has a very strong reputation in the British Isles, and we have long been known for the preferential treatment of young people. Agree and make sense."

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