Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1297: New employees

The two grand banquet halls of today’s hotel have been rented out. Among them is the private space of New Times Media. More than 300 people crowded into one banquet hall, and the air was filled with a hot atmosphere.

When Yang Cheng and Susu entered the arena arm in arm, many old employees immediately sent greetings. Of course, those who dared to speak up were the management, and many of them were department managers from subsidiaries to join in the fun.

It is rare for the company to hold group events. How can some more thoughtful middle-level leaders miss this opportunity to show their faces in front of Yang Cheng?

I wandered around the venue with champagne and met a lot of new colleagues. Naturally, it was impossible to write down the names one by one.

Martínez, who was in charge of the normal party, came to the small temporary stage all the time. He brought his colleagues in the administration department and his assistants over. "Boss, I have to ask you to go up and give a speech later and welcome the new employees."

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "No problem~"

"Do you need to prepare a speech?"

"No, just say a few words, I am not going to make a long talk~"

"OK, after the speech is a dance party, the boss can dance if he is interested."

Yang Cheng refused with a smile, "I'll leave it alone. Today is the stage for new employees to show themselves, so I won't go up to grab the limelight."

Martinez didn't force it either. "Alright, I'm going to be busy first. By the way, Eddie is here too, but I met an acquaintance and I heard that the opposite banquet hall was contracted by another company."

"Well~ I'll talk to him when he comes, you don't need to worry about me, go ahead~"

Martinez hurried away with someone. Yang Cheng happened to see that Susu’s little eyes were about to fall on a nearby dinner plate, and couldn’t help but joked, “You snack food, don’t you know if you have something to eat before you come here? ?"

Susu rubbed her abdomen aggrievedly, "The stylist won't let me eat, or I'm afraid that the dress won't fit in."

The orange-red halter fishtail dress that Su Su wore today is really a test of body and skin tone, but Su Su controls it perfectly, and the makeup is a bit thicker than before, more like a star's stage makeup. It looks a little awkward, but under the light and in the lens, it can seem immortal.

"Go, it's okay to eat less, don't be hungry~"

Susu was moved, but at the thought that it would affect the look of tonight, he immediately held back and shook his head firmly, "If you don't eat, you won't be hungry if you don't eat a meal~"

Yang Cheng almost couldn't hold it back, Susu's childish face appeared to be angry with herself, and she looked cute and cute n(*≧▽≦*)n.

Just about to persuade a few more words, someone came over with a wine glass and said hello to Yang Cheng, "Good evening boss, my name is Rondo, the party tonight is great~"

When someone came to see him as a college student who had just graduated, the childishness on his face had not faded. When he met Yang Cheng, his nervous complexion turned red.

Yang Cheng showed a gentle smile that met the expectations of his subordinates, patted the other person's shoulder warmly, and comforted, "Good night Rondo, don't be so nervous, and I don't eat people."

That's what I said, but Rondo couldn't hide his excitement at all, and he didn't know how he mustered up the courage to run over to say hello to Yang Cheng.

Put on a crying and ugly smile, "Thank you boss, I am not nervous~"

Susu pursed her mouth and smiled, but Yang Cheng kindly didn't pierce him. There was a time when she was nervous when facing the big boss of the company. For young people, this is a process that must be experienced. How to be calm and unhurried when facing big people, you still need to accumulate experience slowly. Simply put, if you see a lot, you will naturally not be nervous. Of course, those children from noble births are exceptions, they have been taken by their families since childhood After seeing the world and seeing a lot, naturally I will not be nervous.

In order to help Rondo ease the nervousness, Yang Cheng took the initiative to stir up the topic, "I haven't met you, are you an intern this year?"

Rondo shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, I just ended the internship period, and now I am also a regular employee of the company."

After a pause, there was a fuss and a sudden call, "Oh, yes, I was assigned to the Network Security Department."

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, she became a little interested, and she began to lose her mind when she spoke, "Are you a hacker?"

He knows that this year the Personnel Department recruited a group of hackers from outside to maintain the security of the company’s network. Since the Toutiao app became famous, it has been tested by countless hackers every day. A slight negligence may reveal the company’s secrets. Therefore, in Yang Cheng's view, these employees of the Cyber ​​Security Department are, to some extent, more important than Eddie and Ryze.

It seems that when talking about his major, Rondo finally calmed down, and looked particularly confident, with a stubborn neck, and said loudly, "Yes, boss, but I am also a graduate of UCLA Computer Science."

Yang Cheng had a better impression of this shy young man, "Oh? I didn't expect us to be alumni? But if you study computer, why don't you go to Stanford or MIT? Carnegie Mellon University is fine. Of course, I am not. Said that UCLA's computer is not strong enough."

In terms of computer science alone, Stanford and MIT rank among the top two in the world all year round, Carnegie Mellon is also the top three strength in the United States, and UCLA's computer science can also be ranked among the top 15 in the world and the top ten in the United States. Position, but after all, there is a gap with the first few.

Well, you can't rank the strengths and weaknesses completely, but Yang Cheng is just wondering, because for geniuses, going to the best school for further study can show their ability, right?

Undoubtedly, Rondo is one of the genius children who can be selected by the Ministry of Personnel to join the Department of Cyber ​​Security.

Rondo scratched the back of his head shyly, and the brown freckles on his face seemed to be beating because of shyness, "I have no money in my family, and UCLA is willing to provide me with more scholarships."

Yang Cheng nodded suddenly This makes sense, "Then you can now help your family solve financial problems. I believe the company's salary should be able to meet your needs."

Rondo nodded very vigorously, "This is also the reason why I muster the courage to come over. I want to thank you personally to the boss. Although I am a rookie, the salary I get is the top level in the industry. I will wait until the end of the year. I can take my mother to live in New York."

Yang Cheng patted his shoulder vigorously, "Yes, I like to be filial to the employees of Gu's family. Our company never looks at seniority, only recognizes ability, talented people deserve high wages, and the company won't be right because of your family. You are treated very preferentially. I hope you will be mentally prepared for this."

Rondo has completely relaxed at this time, "I understand the boss, there is no free lunch in the world. If you want to make money, you have to use your strength. I believe I can do it."

"Come on, I am optimistic about you~"

Rondo thought he was valued by Yang Cheng, and was excited when he retired. He knew that Yang Cheng had said this to countless people, just like Duncan and many stars including James said: The future is yours. !

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