Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1309: Truth is in the hands of a few

   "I heard that this small shop was founded in 1958 and has a long history.

   It has gone through a lot of important things in history.

   After the assassination of Dr. King, the black civil rights leader, riots occurred in many large cities in the United States, and Washington was naturally one of the riots.

   At that time, the Washington area had a curfew, but Ben’s Hot Dog still got a license to open the door during the night of the curfew.

   At that time, whether it was the jc firefighters who maintained the order or the pro-democracy activists who participated in the street riots, after a busy day, they would eat here, and only in this restaurant can everyone live together peacefully for a while.

   However, when they are full and strong, they will continue to fight on the streets outside.

   It is precisely because of this legendary history that this restaurant has an absolute special position in the American restaurant industry, and now it has become one of the important landmarks of Washington.

   There was a legend on Capitol Hill that if there is a topic that cannot be agreed, then come here to have a meal, no matter what problem can be solved, does it sound amazing? "

After Cary finished speaking, Yang Cheng laughed, "There are some myths. If these external factors are aside, the taste will be the same. If you come with expectations, you will be easily disappointed and even feel ordinary, but if you are tired from work I accidentally entered this store, so surprises are waiting for you."

"That's right, I think so too, but everyone said yes. If I don't say it well, I will appear maverick and be considered out of gregariousness. So over time, I can't hear a word about this in my mouth. Bad thing about the store."

   Yang Cheng shrugged slightly, "The truth is always in the hands of a few people."

I clapped my hands, the evaluation was average, and the food on the tray was finished. When I left, Yang Cheng ordered a bodyguard to stay and pack a few portions to take away. When I came out, I had to let Zhao Anqi taste this Washington DC too. Features.

   Outside the shop, Kari suddenly mentioned the purpose of Yang Cheng’s trip, "About Collins~"

   made a long tone to lift Yang Cheng's appetite, and then said, "I can definitely say that he is out of help."

   Yang Cheng nodded, "I know that it is almost impossible to reverse the case after entering f~b~i, and I don't care whether he is alive or dead."

Seeing a passer-by approaching, Kari shut up temporarily. After they passed, he spit out and said, "I talked to him a few times alone. As you said, there should be a big secret in his mind, and more than One, but he was fearless and even dismissed the methods I used."

   Yang Cheng understands that the method Kari’s mouth is using torture.

   "The mouth is so hard?" He didn't believe it.

  Kari shook his head, "No, before the case is inconclusive, he was still a member of parliament. He used extreme measures against members of the parliament privately. Once discovered, I am afraid I will not end well."

   paused, "Of course, I have many methods that do not cause obvious harm, but there are many people with mixed eyes. In the bureau, I can't hide the secret criminal law against him.

   Therefore, after several relatively mild punishments, he became unscrupulous.

   There were even a few times when he bluntly asked me to let him go, and he would repay me. "

   chuckled, "This idiot is too pretentious and still in the mood to bargain, let him go? Unless the earth is destroyed."

   Yang Cheng listened quietly, her face was not sad or happy, she looked calm, and smiled faintly, "He is irritating you."

   Kari sighed, "Yes, I just wanted to understand later, so the purpose of his behavior is to cover up the big secret."

   "Well, people have a strong purpose, he can't beg to die for no reason, you guessed it, but what is the secret?"

   Yang Cheng couldn't help but drifted to the street when he came, and Fairfax Hotel was in the same direction.

   Kari scratched his hair, and straightened out his messed hair a little bit. "The reason why Collins was caught this time was driven by sec behind him."

   Yang Cheng learned the news from his father, and then heard it from Kari, but he pretended to hear it for the first time, slightly surprised, "sec?"

   "Yes, sec, they discovered Collins' exchange of inside information with listed companies in order to make a profit."

   "A company owned by the Zhao family?"

  Carrie hesitated, "The Zhao family is only one of them, and it also involves an energy company in Newfoundland."

   Yang Cheng was surprised again, this time it was not pretending, but my father did not have the same news, "Newfoundland energy company?"

  Kari thought Yang Cheng didn’t know Newfoundland, so he explained it specifically, “Yes, Newfoundland in Canada is the famous fishing ground.”

   Yang Cheng pressed his hands, "I know where, I mean, how can Collins deal with Newfoundland companies?"

   Kari spread his hands, "I don't know. The sec is responsible for the specific content of the interrogation. In fact, after we brought the people back, most of the task was completed."

   Yang Cheng frowned, "Do you know the name?"

Cary thought for a long time, “It seems to be called Novotel. I’m sorry, I didn’t remember it, but it should be a company that is mainly engaged in offshore crude oil exploration and extraction. Oh, yes, it has a deep relationship with Husky Energy in Canada. Cooperation."

  Husky? Canada does not have a second energy company called Husky, it should be the one controlled by Li Chaoren.

  Md, there won’t be the Li family’s participation here, right? Yang Cheng's whimsy almost frightened herself.

  I want to say whether the Zhao family and the Li family know each other, he does not doubt, but the two have deep cooperation? He has never heard of it.

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic he was. Seeing the working hours, Yang Cheng didn’t have a good time to stay, and solemnly said to Kari, “Remember the promise I made to you last time, not for me, for yourself, but also to continue to think of ways to take out Collins. The secret in the belly."

   Kari gritted his teeth, "Understand, I will try my best!"

   Seeing him running away from the back, Yang Cheng exhaled and got in the car back to the hotel.

   Before entering the house, he took the hot dog set packaged by the bodyguard, swiped his card and walked in.

   It's almost 8 o'clock. I don't know if Zhao Anqi has any arrangements today. After hesitating, he opened the lunch box and put it on the dining table, pushed the door into the bedroom, got tired for a while, and dragged Zhao Anqi down from her *.

  , wearing silk pajamas, sitting lazily at the table, enjoying the breakfast bought by his lover, while asking, "Is the meeting still successful?"

   When taking a walk last night, she guessed who Yang Cheng was going to see. At this moment, she deliberately asked, most of the ridicule.

   Yang Cheng was not embarrassed, she swallowed Zhao Anqi and fed the French fries, and nodded, "It's okay, I can tell you the bad news. Collins' case is basically overwhelming."

   Zhao Anqi frowned slightly, "Kari said?"

   Yang Cheng pursed his lips and nodded vigorously, "Kari is more cautious, he won't make judgments."

Anqi Zhao lost her appetite in an instant. She put down the half-eaten hot dog, wiped the sauce on her hand with a napkin, and said with her cheek, "f~b~i has no jurisdiction. This case will eventually be handed over to the prosecutor. In the office, I believe Jesse will not make fun of her future."

Yang Cheng was a little thirsty. He picked up the Coke cup that Zhao Anqi had drunk and drank it naturally with the same straw. "Jesse? I don’t understand. At least from last night’s performance, she is not worthy of you. Big bet."

   glanced at Yang Cheng bitterly, "Shall I not bet on her? I want to ask you for help, but your unconscionable blood is too cold to help me?"

   "Ahem~" Almost became the first person ever to be choked to death by Coke.

   chuckled and said, "Don't say that, if it is your own business, I am bound to define it, and you have to do it for you, but what qualifications do I have to participate in your family's affairs?"

   This answer is not bad, it can be scored 80 points, Zhao Anqi laughed out loud, "Okay, spare your life."

   "By the way, did Kari say anything else?"

   Yang Cheng was startled, "For example?"

   "I mean, did Collins talk nonsense."

   Yang Cheng said, "There shouldn't be. If there is, Kari will notify me as soon as possible."

   Zhao Anqi also did not say, she continued to pick up the hot dog and ate it, "If it really doesn't work..."

   An inexplicable sentence grabbed Yang Cheng's heart, "It's not that, it's not that far. Unless Collins endangers your family's core interests, if you fail, you will lose more than you gain."

   Zhao Anqi smiled helplessly, "Don't I just said casually, I haven't gotten to this point yet."

   Yang Cheng expressed doubts about this, but didn't bother to argue.

   "Are there any plans today? If not, go back to New York?"

   Zhao Anqi's amorous glance, "So anxious to go back?"

   Yang Cheng touched her nose, "It's not true, mainly because Washington is too depressed and not suitable for me."

   "It's all excuses." The little girl complained, and then said, "Although there is no specific plan, but shall we stay one more day? You will be back tomorrow?"

   Everyone said that. If Yang Cheng insisted on going back today, it would be too much, "Well, where shall we go around? We can't stay in the hotel, right? The weather is pretty good today."

   "Hmm~ Why not go to Baltimore?" Zhao Anqi rolled her eyes and craned her neck playfully.

   Yang Cheng puzzled, "Why suddenly want to go to Baltimore?"

  Baltimore is the largest city in Maryland and one of the most legendary cities in the United States. It is less than 60 kilometers from the capital, Washington DC.

   The key question is what to see in Baltimore? Go to see the black bang fire union? Or to give away the robbers? Or go to Baltimore, which is comparable to New York's Hell's Kitchen, to experience the customs of the worst security area in the United States?

  Baltimore, a place connected to DìDū and gave up. Yang Cheng couldn't think of the connection between the Zhao family and Baltimore. How could she go there on a whim?

   But obviously, Yang Cheng's understanding of Zhao Anqi was far from deep enough, and she saw her mysterious smile again and said, "I will know when I go~"

  Mmp, why do you hear these words so familiar?

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