Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1320: Ma 5 Ye

At night, Yang Cheng didn't bother to drive, so he left Andrew to help drive, and the rest rushed home to rest.

In the spacious and quiet Maybach, Yang Cheng turned his head and asked, "Who is it going to meet? There was a car accident? I was hit by someone?"

Yang Sen smiled, "To be precise, he ran into someone and didn't hide himself. The injury was quite serious."

He paused, "Actually, you know this person too. Do you remember that when you were young, an uncle with a beard often hugged you?"

Yang Cheng frowned and thought for a long time, she had a vague impression, but she couldn't remember clearly, "I have an impression, but it was too young at that time to remember."

"Yes, his name is Ma Wu, and he is called Ma Wuye outside. I have been with your grandfather in the past. Although he didn't last long, he helped our family a lot. Later, he retired because of his family. The wind is over."

"Fucked with Grandpa? A thug?"

Yang Sen hesitated for a while and shook his head, "It doesn't count, it seems that there is no clear position, and he can do everything. He is really good at it. It is said that he was under a certain martial arts school in China.

It's a serious effort, not a fancy way to bluff people. "

Yang Cheng nodded. Now the domestic evaluation of martial arts is mixed, and it is because of some scum that damages the reputation.

However, from the Republic of China to the War of Resistance Against Japan, many real masters emerged among the people, all of them invisible disciples of the big faction, who eventually dedicated themselves to the battlefield, and the few who survived finally disappeared.

If Ma Wuye is really a master, then he must be a descendant of some surviving master, and I don't know why he fled to the United States.

The young Yang Cheng couldn't figure out the problems left over from history, and of course he would not doubt those who really have the ability.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

What's more, Ma Wuye is kind to his family and deserves his respect.

When they arrived at the Xiacheng Hospital, just in time for a wave of emergency, several ambulances roared in. The doctors and nurses pushed the wounded out of the car. One of them had a knife in his stomach. It was just a fight. .

The father and son avoided the busy crowd, went directly in through the side door, took the elevator upstairs, and met Ma Wuye outside a double ward.

Yang Sen walked a few steps forward, his expression anxious, "Fifth Lord, why are you out?"

Ma Wuye leaned on crutches, his face was haggard, and his hospital gown was wrapped in a thick bandage. He was hit by Yang Sen as soon as he left the house.

"Oh, Ah Sen is you, please run around at night, I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Ma Wuye smiled reluctantly, but still straightened his body hard, as if to prove that what he said was true. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

Yang Sen supported Ma Wuye and smiled, "You are polite with me? How is the injury? Is it serious? Or should I arrange for you to go to the Presbyterian Hospital? The conditions there are better."

Ma Wuye waved his hand, "Don't bother, stop here, it's not a big deal, it's just that a few ribs broke, and the **** vagrant suddenly rushed out and I couldn't react."

After a pause, he looked at Yang Cheng for a moment, and then asked, "This kid is you?"

"It's my son, Yang Cheng, who I brought here to show you."

Ma Wuye fell into a moment of recollection, "Yang Cheng, I remember, what a boy, now he is so old, I remember holding him when I was a child."

Yang Cheng hurried over to say hello, but she was a little bit embarrassed about her name. She didn't know how to call it. He should be called Grandpa by seniority, but Dad called him by his nickname again.

Seeing Yang Cheng's entanglement, Ma Wuye smiled and said, "My child, my name is Ma Wu, and people outside are screaming for face. You don't need to think too much, we are a family."

So Yang Cheng knows how to call it, "Grandpa Ma"

Ma Wu was very happy, smiling full of folds, "Okay, I'm getting old, and there is someone called Grandpa, okay"

Yang Sen smiled comfortedly, "From now on, Yang Cheng will be your grandson, just like your relatives. If you have anything to do, please call, you are welcome."

Yang Cheng also said, "Yes, Grandpa Ma, I'll leave a call for you in a while. From now on, don't care about big or small matters, just call me, as long as I'm in New York, I will be there."

Ma Wu waved his hand, "I'm an old man, there is no such thing, your kind grandfather has appreciated it."

After saying this, it seemed that I could not hold it for a long time. With the support of Yang Sen, I sat on a chair in the corridor, took a few breaths, and said to Yang Sen, "I was in the car accident. Did the kid inform you?"

Ma Wu should be talking about his son.

Yang Sen nodded awkwardly, "Thanks to Brother Sheng, or I don't know yet, you always do. Why don't you just notify me of such a big event? You can't believe others, can I still believe it?"

There was a layer of anger on Ma Wu's face. He didn't even listen to Yang Sen's words, and cursed to himself, "Asshole, is he embarrassed to call you?"

Yang Cheng doesn’t know what the conflict between Ma Wu and his son is. It seems to be quite serious. It is not something that can be resolved by a few Brother Sheng still misses you, otherwise he won’t ask for it right away. I came to look after. "

Ma Wu was even more angry, "Don't mention that **** to me, I have been a national Z for my whole life, and when he grows old, he even taught a traitor."

Yang Sen also sat down, embarrassed to death. His original intention was to persuade, but the more he persuaded, the more angry he became. Can this work?

After thinking for a while, he said, "Brother Sheng is very good, and he is stationed in rb, isn’t it a good idea for you? Didn’t you say that one day you would go to Xiao rb’s land to see where it can be raised? Such a group of beasts.

Now that Brother Sheng fulfilled his wish for you, he used his power, but he often bullied Xiao rb. "

Yang Cheng gradually had speculation in his heart. Could it be that Ma Wu's son joined the US military? Are you still stationed in rb with the troops? It sounds like the position is not low, otherwise how to bully Xiao rb?

Ma Wu sighed deeply, "I also know that Ma Sheng had no choice but to choose to join the army, but I just can't swallow this breath. I didn't let him lack food and clothing, right? Why bother to go to the Americans. Effectiveness of the army?

It's no more in peacetime now. Once something happens in the future, is he going to aim the gun at his own people? "

Yang Sen once again persuaded, "Fifth Lord, you should also think about it for Brother Sheng. He is now the SEAL squadron captain anyway. Even if he wants to retire, the Navy Command will not agree."

Ma Wu opened his mouth, unable to say anything after all, and shook his head feebly, "Forget it, Asen, you don't need to persuade, it's okay, my children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and I am old and can't control so much."

Yang Cheng secretly smacked his tongue, md, it turned out that the SEALs had entered, and they were still the squadron leader. You must know that the SEALs have only eight squadrons in total.

But thinking of Ma Wu's master status, the son who was trained is certainly not weak, and it is no surprise that he is valued by seals.

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