Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1326: Impulse to give birth

At night, after Yang Cheng drove Liu Xiaoli home, he directly drove Liu Yifei back to the manor.

Just ate Japanese food with their mother and daughter on Rodeo Drive. The atmosphere was good. During the period, Yang Cheng and Liu Xiaoli talked a lot about Liu Yifei's future arrangements, very detailed, and Liu Xiaoli also expressed satisfaction with Yang Cheng's care.

On the way back to the manor, Liu Yifei tilted her head to look at Yang Cheng, and asked softly, "What did you just say is true?"

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand and pressed a button on Liu Yifei's head, "I just said too much, which sentence do you mean?"

Concubine Liu Yi slapped his big hand away, and said slightly, "Which sentence can it be? You said you don't mind having children with me..."

I thought that Yang Cheng was just playing with her, and she would get tired soon, but she didn't expect to accidentally talk about the child's topic. Yang Cheng said in a joking tone, "If possible, I want to talk to Cici One of our descendants."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Liu Yifei began to be absent-minded, and her mind was full of this sentence, but because her mother was there, she was too embarrassed to ask, she has been holding back until now.

"Of course it's true~" Yang Cheng's expression was extremely sincere, and her tone was no longer casual, she could hear her being serious and solemn.

"Why?" Concubine Liu Yi was absentminded.

Yang Cheng shrugged slightly and was silent for a while before repliing, "I like your character very much. To use the more popular term recently, it is Buddhism. The heart is calm as water, people are as indifferent as a chrysanthemum, and he knows how to live. He is a good wife If I don’t have a fiancee, maybe I will try to marry you."

This is true, because he has no resistance to this elegant style of girl, warm and lively in front of him, dignified and elegant in the eyes of outsiders, and he is willing to enjoy life, and has a lighter view of money.

If you look closely, you can find that no matter from Xu Lingyue, to Luo Yue, who came together because of their marriage, and now Liu Yifei, their personalities have very close in common. Of course, they are very similar. Needless to say that it is beautiful.

These three girls, no matter which one is the best person to be a wife.

However, in modern society, the Ming media is marrying only one wife. For Yang Cheng, the future Mrs. Yang and the mother of the Yang family must be Luo Yue, or Luo Yue. For this reason, he has to give up Xu Lingyue. The girl who came here for the first time.

Unfortunately, in the face of family interests, the love of his children became worthless, and he did not want to let the other party suffer too much. He decisively chose to let go, acting very indifferently and cold-blooded.

But when facing Concubine Liu Yi, the impulse in my heart can't be suppressed. Maybe there is a knot in the past life. No, no, the knot is too much. For him in the previous life, Concubine Liu Yi is beyond expectation. Goddess of dreams.

Maybe that impulse stems more from possessiveness, especially after he got her, he realized that if one day Liu Yifei left him and even went with other men, he would go crazy.

This also has the idea of ​​wanting to tie Liu Yifei to her side. If they have a child of their own, it is equivalent to having an inseparable bond, and their nasty thoughts can be satisfied.

Concubine Liu Yi couldn't guess his thoughts, but Yang Cheng's confession at this time had a deep impact on her heart.

If there is no fiancee, I will try to marry her~

Unfortunately, no if.

While my heart throbbed, there was a deep sorrow.

There is no doubt that Yang Cheng is an excellent man with an extraordinary family background, but does not depend on having his own career at home. He looks handsome, but he is very sunny and even looks a little cute from a certain angle. He treats women. Gentle, domineering when protecting women.

Such a man, no woman can refuse, even if she is the goddess praised and cared by countless people since childhood.

However, this man cannot be his own after all.

Looking at Yang Cheng again, her complex expression, biting her lip lightly, tears faintly glowing in her eyes, she was charming under the neon lights.

Yang Cheng turned his head at the red light, just to see a drop of crystal clear tears slowly sliding down her white cheeks. Suddenly, she felt distressed, but she was moved by the cry of this fairy, so beautiful.

I didn't hold back taking out the phone, almost adjusted it, but left this wonderful moment with the focus function.

With a ‘click’, Concubine Liu Yi was awakened, and she looked over blankly, "What are you doing?"

Yang Cheng turned the phone screen over, "So beautiful~"

Concubine Liu Yi laughed for a second, patted him fiercely, and yelled, "Asshole~"

Can't help it anymore, gently lifted the pure oval face with both hands, lowered his head affectionately. . .

Until the red light turned green and an anxious horn sounded behind, the two of them woke up from this charming atmosphere.

Concubine Liu Yi turned her head away and Yang Cheng started the car in a hurry. Fortunately, the car in front had already gone far, otherwise she had to rear-end.

On the road again, Yang Cheng licked her lips, there was still a hint of apple scent on it, which was the smell of Liu Yifei's lipstick.

"It's settled?" He said suddenly.

Concubine Liu Yi did not turned her head and said blankly, "What?"

"Giving birth~" Yang Cheng said lightly, but she couldn't ignore her seriousness.

"Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy~"

Between question and answer, the two changed their emotions several times.

"You don't want to?" Yang Cheng asked again. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

Concubine Liu Yi hesitated, and then nodded, her small face showed a trace of stubbornness, "I don't want to, why do you want to do what you want?"

Yang Cheng played a rogue, "Oh, I can't help you anyway."

Concubine Liu Yi knew what he meant, didn't she just want to cook uncooked rice for mature rice?

"I ~ no ~ the same ~ meaning!" Liu Yifei said to Yang Orange word by word.

"No objection is invalid~" Yang Cheng replied lightly and happily. It seemed that it was fun to tease Liu Yifei. Of course, he didn't make a joke either. He was serious, regardless of impulse or loss of reason. He had already decided on the matter, and no one could refute it.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

"You~" Liu Yifei gritted her teeth with hatred and stared at Yang Cheng angrily. If her eyes could kill, Yang Cheng would have been divided by five horses.

When I kissed, I was still affectionate, and in a blink of an eye I played the drama of the domineering president. Why? Unwilling to let you wish, he turned his head in anger, "I can't control what you want, but you don't want to interfere with me."

Cut, this little trick to scare anyone, Yang Cheng pretended to be disdainful, "Don't think about avoiding it by taking medicine. Some things can't be avoided at all."

After being dismantled, she didn't panic. Liu Yifei hadn't been so angry for a long time, "Then I will abort."

Such angry words can't even fool a ghost, a kind girl, can he bear the heart to knock out the child in her stomach?

If you really did that, then Liu Yifei would not be worthy of Yang Cheng's treatment!

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