Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1328: Business with film school

Following the road signs, I almost passed through the entire campus, and finally saw the iconic yellow building of the Film Academy. Looking at it from a distance, I thought I had crossed to the Shanghai beach during the Republic of China period, diagonally across from the USc’s religious center and the church. There are still many believers in the United States.

But in it, there is a sense of being caught in a spy movie.

There was a row of bicycles parked on the side of the road outside the gate of the college. Yang Cheng couldn't help but asked, "Should I buy you a bicycle too? It's convenient for you to ride in the school."

Concubine Liu Yi was a little moved, but then shook her head, "Forget it, stop walking, but you have to find a parking space close to the college."

"Go to the consultation center and ask."

After speaking, the two walked into the gate of the film academy, and asked the passing students about the location of the dean's office, and hurriedly looked for it.

Knock on the door lightly, and when I heard the voice of inviting in, I pushed the door in.

In this small, but medieval-style office, there was only an old man with gray hair and a round frame of reading glasses on his nose. He was taken aback when he saw Yang Cheng, "You are?"

"Mr. Bledel, this is Jason Yang. Some time ago, I asked Steven to apply for a study place."

David Bradl stood up suddenly, "Hello Mr. Yang, and this should be Miss Liu?"

Concubine Liu Yi came to say hello~

"Please sit down and have a drink?"

"No need to trouble, Mr. Bledel, we will report after sitting for a while." Yang Cheng declined, sat down, and said instead.

"I want to thank you again for this matter. In addition, I don't know if Steven introduced me. I have a film company and the results are not bad. If Mr. Bledel needs help and wants to cooperate in the future. Place, please feel free to contact me, New Era Pictures is very happy to form a friendly partnership with the USC Film Academy." "Chuckling 繓赽奇奇故事蛧|w~w~

Bledel pushed his glasses, "You are welcome, Steven and I are old friends too, New Age Pictures? So you are the Jason Yang who has gained fame in recent years."

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand, "I am honored that you have heard my name."

Bledel hesitated for a moment, seeming to have some unspeakable words.

"Mr. Bledel can ask for anything."

"I have a student who is currently working on a topic of commercial film and art film."

Some words are over, Yang Cheng immediately took over, "It happens that our company is filming "Jurassic World", which is a mainstream Hollywood A-level project. I now invite your students on behalf of the crew..."

After a short pause, Bradel added, "Daly~"

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "Invite Mr. Daly to join the crew. The specific position can be discussed with the producer."

Bradl smiled, "I like Mr. Yang's style of doing things~"

Yang Cheng opened her hands, "This is also part of Hollywood~"

The two looked at each other and smiled. This kind of tacit understanding is very common in Hollywood. The USC Film Academy is a temple of art, but it is also inseparable from the support of capital. The film academy is good and harmless, not to mention that what the academy pays is just a place for advanced studies.

However, Yang Cheng doesn't want to stop the cooperation. A good cooperative relationship should owe favor to each other. It doesn't matter if you owe someone or someone owes you. Only if the relationship is fettered, the connection will not be broken!

Therefore, after seeing the wind, Yang Cheng gave a big gift again, “When I just came in, I saw the LCD screen on the first floor showing the graduation works of many outstanding students. It is not an easy task. It is a pity that many talented people cannot come to receive the top education because of money problems.

I have a proposal to set up a scholarship in the Film Academy in the name of New Era Pictures to help students who need help. The first batch of 2 million US dollars can be credited to the account at any time. Every year, New Era Pictures will give no less than 2 million. The funds are injected into a dedicated account. "

David Bledel smiled even more. It seems that the place for advanced studies that Steven wants is not only not a trouble, but a great gift.

"This is a wonderful proposal, and I thank you for those students who need help.

In order to ensure the fairness of the scholarship, I suggest that the annual scholarship quota be submitted by the college to your company, and then approved by your company, and the scholarship will be issued. "

David Bledell is also a talented person. In doing so, he retains the power of the academy without making scholarship sponsors feel at a loss. After all, the right to issue is still in the hands of New Era Pictures.

This proposal can be said to be very happy. Yang Cheng initialed the sponsorship agreement with the other party without saying a word. The formal agreement requires both parties to send a legal team to decide on the details before signing.

With these two masterpieces, Liu Yifei's journey of further education in USC will naturally go There will be no blind people asking for trouble, otherwise Bledel will be the first to teach him Be a man.

Of course, Yang Cheng himself is not at a loss. He binds the film academy with an annual price of two million US dollars. This means that New Era Pictures also has a place in the academy. In the future, there will be various awards that the academy will participate in the review. Looking forward to it.

Leaving from Bledel's office, it was lunchtime, and the two decided to go to the Ronald Tuttle campus center of USc to eat something casually, to help Liu Yifei adjust to campus life. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

There are many coffee shops and restaurants here, including the famous Panda fast food and habit burgers. The prices are lower than those outside, and the student card can be tax-free.

The two ordered a pizza, ate a little bit of snacks with chicken wings, French fries and other snacks. Then they packed two burger sets and sent them back to the parking lot to the little black girl who helped watch the car. The other party was grateful and stood there. I kept watching the taillight disappear before leaving, and I was looking forward to when the Z couple would come again.

On the way back to the manor, Yang Cheng asked, "Do you have any other cars besides 911?"

Liu Yifei shook her head, "What's the matter?"

"That car is too ostentatious. There are too many foreign students from China here. It was photographed to tell you how to spread rumors. I suggest you change to a regular car."

Yang Cheng's consideration is not unreasonable, after all, she is here to study, not to go shopping.

Without waiting for her to think clearly, Yang Cheng made the decision directly. On the way back, she would pass the car dealership and went in for a round. Within 15 minutes before and after, she mentioned a BMW 5 Series. This car is more common. Who will pay special attention.

Concubine Liu Yi drove home directly, while Yang Cheng diverted to Luo Yue's company. Since she is in Los Angeles, it would be inappropriate not to meet her fiancee.

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