Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1330: Residual fragrance 2

"Top Rising Clouds 2" was not released when Yang Cheng crossed over. To be precise, there was no release plan. Naturally, it is not clear how the final box office will be.

But judging from the past laws of Hollywood, there is no need to worry about the results of the sequel of this kind of hot film at the time of drawing. If there is no flaw in the plot, the box office will exceed the previous step.

And Tom Cruise has been out of the shadow of the all-American black for many years. With the feeling of Mission Impossible, he has once again become the hottest star in Hollywood's super first line. It also has a high degree of attention and attraction on a global scale. With this Due to several factors, Yang Cheng has every reason to expect good results in "Top Rising Clouds 2".

So when Tom Cruise offered to help recommend, Yang Cheng agreed without hesitation. Paramount's recent projects are all financing routes, and New Era Pictures has a chance to intervene.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

In the open-air roof court, the ball game between David Ellison and an unknown friend is in full swing. Of course, the level is the same. As a sport that consumes the most calories, not everyone can play tennis.

The two played only one game, sweat soaked through their bodies, plus the hot sun after morning, before long everyone lost the desire to continue playing, and they clamored to drink cold drinks. The fastest updated novels https://

Yang Cheng was fine, and went with him. During the period, Tom Cruise left early because of something.

At the Starbucks in West Hollywood, Yang Orange ordered a cup of light cream cold brew. The aroma of vanilla with coffee beans immediately relieved the heat in the body.

David Ellison greeted a few words with his friend, then sat next to Yang Cheng and smiled, "Did Tom mention the project of "High Aspiration 2"?"

Yang Orange did not deny, "He wants to find you financing?"

Ellison shook his head, "I was looking for him. I am also very optimistic about this project, but the last time I transferred the "Mission Impossible 6" project to you made Tom a little unhappy."

Yang Cheng was startled, "Huh? Why didn't he tell me?"

"He doesn't object to the transfer of the project to you. He has an opinion because I didn't tell him. You know that Tom has some personality..."

It seems that the comments behind it are not very good, and he did not say the derogatory words in the end.

But Yang Cheng looked like a mirror in his heart and nodded slightly to express understanding.

Changed the subject, "Has your funding problem been resolved?"

"I can't say a solution, but the situation is much better."

The voice changed, "By the way, I heard that you and Spielberg are going to cooperate on a project?"

He obviously intended to participate in this question.

Yang Orange stretched out her hands helplessly, "Hollywood really has no secrets~"

After taking a sip of coffee, "I do have intentions, but the project is going to take the prize-winning route. It is a biographical film with little investment and no profit."

That said, David Ellison didn't care, and was even a little disappointed, thinking it was a top-notch production.

"Well, I wish you success~" This blessing is too unwilling.

. . .

After drinking the coffee, Yang Cheng said goodbye and left. David Ellison and his small group should have activities in the future. Yang Cheng was too lazy to participate, so he went to pick up Luo Yue from get off work in advance.

After Luo Yue got in the car, he didn't notice it at first, but after driving for a certain distance, Yang Cheng found that Luo Yue's smile was reluctant. To be precise, it was more like a formulaic smile, instead of the heartfelt smile when facing herself. , Which makes him a little strange, did he encounter difficulties at work this afternoon?

"What's wrong with you? There is a problem at work?"

Luo Yue's question caused by Yang Cheng flustered for a while, and he wanted to cover up the past. Who knew that Yang Cheng was so careful that he discovered something strange.

"No, why do you ask like that?" Luo Yue tucked his hair and his eyes were erratic, which made Yang Cheng even more certain-Luo Yue had something on his mind!

But Luo Yue's answer proved that she didn't want to say it, and Yang Cheng didn't have to ask the bottom line. He just didn't want Luo Yue to hold the troubles in his heart, affect the mood, and destroy the atmosphere of the two people getting along.

As a result, Yang Cheng tried to divert her attention through some happy things, but Luo Yue's smile became stiffer after he talked about a few interesting things.

Luo Yue didn’t know what was wrong. She had already made up her mind at noon to turn a blind eye to what she found, but after a whole afternoon of fermentation, she wanted more and more aggrieved, so that Yang Cheng called ahead to pick her up from work. There was an urge to not want to see Yang Cheng unexpectedly.

But she is not a child, knowing that there are some things that cannot be solved on impulse, but this matter can’t be explained to Yang Cheng, which makes her inner irritability more and more serious, which naturally reflects on her face. It was discovered by Yang Cheng.

For fear of not holding back an outbreak with Yang Cheng in the next second, Luo Yue showed a soft smile and actively said, "Um, sorry, I may not be able to accompany you tonight, do you remember Manman? She broke up with her boyfriend, feeling Very I want to accompany her."

Yang Cheng felt relieved and wondered why it was because of his girlfriends.

Thinking about this, the depression was wiped out, "Oh, I thought what was going on, go and stay with her, is it Lin Ximan, right?"

Luo Yue suppressed the urge to get out of the car and nodded, "Yes~"

"Then I will send it to you? By the way, why did she break up? Didn't you hear that she has a boyfriend?"

Luo Yue felt that the magma had reached the crater and was about to erupt.

But I didn't want to be noticed by Yang Cheng, so I could only endure it with all my strength, and said meaningfully, "It didn't take long for me to date, because my boyfriend cheated."

She bit the word cheating hard, almost squeezing it out between her teeth.

Yang Cheng's little heart beat violently, but on the surface he was unmoved, and made a regretful expression, "It's a pity~"

After sending people over according to the address provided by Luo Yue, Yang Cheng drove away.

It's just that no one saw his solemn expression, and the gloomy expression was about to drip.

Yang Cheng is not a fool, and his emotional intelligence is online. He knows that maybe Luo Yue is not in a bad mood because of Lin Ximan's affairs. The real reason may be related to him.

However, he did not say clearly that there is no room for recovery if some things are broken.

Think back and forth again. Luo Yue was still very natural and happy when we met at noon, but after just one afternoon, her mood changed drastically. Then the key to the problem should occur before and after the noon meeting.

What caused Luo Yue to change so much?

Someone whispered? Impossible, your enemy will not provoke yourself with this kind of thing, because it can't give substantial harm, woman! If you don't have it, you can find it again, and it won't harm his core interests!

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