Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1336: The man behind Julie

"Otherwise, why is she so actively cooperating with the United Nations? For money? For fame? Neither! It is true to cultivate her own ZZ resources~"

"My God, Julie is going to participate in Zheng, this~this~this." Luo Yue couldn't think of any words to describe the shock in his heart.

She always feels that Zhengke is a very special group, which is different from ordinary people, businessmen, and big stars. They are all special existences. For 99.9% of people, being a general manager can only be achieved in a dream. , Even if she was born in the United States, this country that claims that everyone can run for the president.

Yang Cheng laughed and burst into surprises, "Don't you know? Julie stunned Zipper at the banquet several times, and Mrs. Zipper was very dissatisfied, and she cursed her as a junior professional."

Luo Yue covered her mouth and almost smiled, "That's true."

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s marriage also stepped in.

At this time, Yang Cheng saw that Angelina Jolie was free, so he pulled Luo Yue over, and had to say hello to the host of the reception.

"Hey, Julie, thank you for your invitation, the wine tonight is great~" Yang Cheng held a glass of red wine and nodded slightly. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

"Jason, I didn't expect you to come, welcome." Angelina Jolie hugged Yang Cheng briefly, then turned to Luo Yue, "Is this your girlfriend?"

Yang Cheng further corrected, "Fiancee~"

"Hello, Ms. Voight." Luo Yue said hello generously.

"What a beautiful girl, call me Julie." Angelina Jolie's sense of **** is not just her looks, but the amorous feelings she shows in her gestures, and even women are inevitably immersed in it.

After a simple greeting, Angelina Jolie asked, "You have rarely seen activities in Los Angeles these days. How is the situation on the company side?"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and swayed his palm up and down. "It's no different from before. Recently, it's always flying around the world. It doesn't seem to make much sense. Unlike you, at least it helps people in need."

"I also want to use my reputation to do something meaningful. There is nothing to be proud of."

After a short meal, he gestured to Yang Cheng to move sideways, and reached a relatively quiet position, and said in a low voice, "I want to ask you for help~"

Yang Cheng nodded, "You said~"

"My marriage with Brad is coming to an end. I would like to ask you to help control the direction of the Internet by then."

Yang Cheng thought it was something, because she was afraid of being retaliated by her ex.

Julie said gratefully, "I understand, I don't want to be too violent with Brad, just take precautions, I'm worried that the operation team behind him is doing things, so I'll be prepared in advance."

Yang Cheng expressed understanding, “I’m inconvenient to say more about the matter between you and Brad. It’s best to break up peacefully.”

Julie sighed, "You know there are things we can't help but."

"OK, if you have something else, we won't bother you much. We will leave after donating for a while and say sorry to you."

"Don't stay longer?"

"No, we are going back to New York tomorrow. Luo Yue and I need some personal time."

Julie smiled as an adult, "This is an impeccable reason, then I won't keep you."

After separating from Julie, Yang Cheng left a check for $50,000 and specified a request to purchase drinking water to donate.

On the way back to the manor, Luo Yue leaned on Yang Cheng's shoulder and said softly, "Perhaps doing some charity work would be a good choice."

Yang Cheng knows that Luo Yue is kind and influenced by those pictures and videos, she can't help but feel a little sentimental, "No problem, I will fully support what you want to do, and we have several charitable funds in our family. You can manage whichever one you want. Or simply take over them all, and save us by hiring additional fund managers."

Luo Yue patted him, and gave him a blatant look, "Are you laughing at me? Knowing that I don't have the ability to manage."

Yang Cheng's grievance expression was very exaggerated, and she was crying and she seemed to lose hundreds of millions of dollars. "How is it possible that you can even design a building and manage several charity funds." Qiqi novels were published on the whole network.

"It's different after all~" Luo Yue suffocated his mouth, as if angering himself.

"In fact, there is no need to rush to do anything. I can let people show you the information and understand a little bit. Once you are familiar with the foundation's operating model, it is easy to get started. Take 10,000 steps back and say that doing charity is a cost , As long as you can spend the money in the hearts of the people in need, it will be successful, there is nothing difficult."

Of course Luo Yue knows these truths, but he always has an instinctive fear of strange things, "I know, then don't arrange tasks for me first, and wait for me to contact for a while."

"Don't worry, you are the boss's wife, you don't agree, who dares to assign you tasks?"

While they were talking and laughing, there was a conversation between Angelina Jolie and her strategist Su Rui in a corner of the banquet hall of the Montage

"That Chinese is Jason Yang?" Xiangyou Xinsheng, Su Rui's eyes were shrewd, and she knew that this person was not simple, and the facts are also true. Angelina Jolie has been in the United Nations and charity circles in recent years. All of her big moves are made by this woman, and Angelina Jolie is just her mascot in front of the stage.

Julie sipped her wine, squinted and nodded, "The founder of New Era Media."

Su Rui chuckled, "A sly little fox."

Julie was surprised, and she rarely heard Su Rui judge others in this tone, "How do you say?"

Su Rui rushed to the media interview area. "The Los Angeles Times, which was supposed to be actively involved, suddenly quieted down. It must have been an order from the little fox."

Julie frowned. "Why did he do this?"

Su Rui shook his head, a strand of hair slipped with inertia, "I don't know, maybe he found our true intentions."

"How is it possible?" Julie didn't believe it at all. Their movements were always hidden, and they were all hidden in the upright charity behavior, how could they be detected.

Seeing that she didn’t believe it, Su Rui didn’t explain much, just reminded, “Don’t underestimate the descendants of these big families. Their ZZ thinking far exceeds their talents in business. That kind of keen sense of smell is innate, even if his No one from our ancestors participated in ZZ, but regardless of the political and business divisions, businessmen inherently knew how to deal with ZZ, especially in the capitalist world."

"I don't mean to underestimate it, but you said he discovered our intentions. I really don't believe it unless he is a son of God."

Julie used the prestige of God, so Su Rui naturally didn't say much, "There is no need to argue about this. Whether he finds it or not, it won't interfere with us. That's enough."

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