Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1339: Mom is a winner in life

"Go away~"

Lin Ximan cursed with an angry smile.

She could hear Yang Cheng joking, and she was also taking revenge on herself for pretending to be asleep.

"You can't be a gentleman?" Lin Ximan didn't get angry when he saw Yang Cheng smiling and not speaking.

Yang Cheng hugged her shoulders and shook her head calmly, "I'm not your boyfriend, why ask me a gentleman."

Lin Ximan was so speechless.

Yang Cheng said again, "Besides, I kindly hugged you back to the room to sleep, and you pretended to sleep. This is not a lady's behavior. You are not a lady. Why should I be a gentleman?"

After two consecutive crit attacks, Lin Ximan's blood tank was almost empty, and he had never seen such a brazen person.

Gritting his teeth, said viciously, "I want to tell Yueyue~"

Yang Cheng appeared fearless, "Go ahead, don't care how you argue, it's all you pretending to sleep first, I have reason, who am I afraid of?"

Lin Ximan angrily pulled the horn over his face, and then shouted, "Fuck~Fuck~Fuck, you gotta **** me, don't want to see you."

Yang Cheng let out a laugh, stunned her a few words, and felt much more relaxed, "Okay, then you have a good rest, someone will wake you up for breakfast tomorrow morning, good night, have a good dream~"

After speaking, he got up and left the room without any nostalgia.

. . .

Early the next morning, Luo Yue was so dizzy because of a hangover that he didn't want to get up. Yang Cheng had to ask White to take care of her. There was also Lin Ximan downstairs, and he went back to New York. Flight.

Landing in New York was already noon local time, and just sitting in his Maybach, Yang Cheng received a call from Ritz Khan.

"Boss, the acquisition team we sent to RB has successfully contacted Dongzhi Group. The two parties have launched the first round of communication on the Westinghouse Electric issue."

Yang Cheng said, "Report progress at any time. After initial contact, what is the attitude of the other party?"

"The other party wants to sell Westinghouse Electric with a very positive attitude and is willing to accept all interested parties."

"That's good, just because the other party doesn't want to sell."

"Don’t worry about this. There is also McKinsey’s advisory team with our team. We have hired McKinsey as an acquisition consultant to join the entire acquisition process. According to the information obtained by the other party’s investigation, the only competitors we are facing should be from The national team of country Z hopes to obtain the latest technology by acquiring Westinghouse Electric."

Yang Cheng frowned. This is not good news. No one knows the strength of the national team better than him. "Fast, we must speed up. Once we get into a long tug of war, our advantages will become less and less."

Ryze Khan obviously thinks the same way, "I have ordered the person in charge of the acquisition team, and one more thing, although Dongzhi Group is eager to get rid of the burden, there is a force in RB that opposes it."

"You mean ZF?"

"I'm not sure, but according to the information from the front, it is very likely that ZZ forces will be involved, and they are very firmly opposed to the sale of Westinghouse Electric."

Yang Cheng pondered for a moment, "wait and see, if the other party really intervenes, I will also apply for off-site assistance."

His so-called off-site assistance is naturally the Ito family. As one of the few big chaebols in RB, they have enough strength to deal with any problems in their country.

What's more, as the current owner of Westinghouse Electric, the Mitsui family probably doesn't want any twists and turns in this matter. The sooner they get rid of the burden, the less they will lose.

"I understand. I keep in contact with RB 24 hours a day to ensure that everything is known the first time."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Thanks for your hard work. I just returned to New York, so I won't go to the company for the time being. Call me if I have something to do."


Less than 10 seconds after the phone was hung up, Susu's call came in immediately, "Boss~The designer of Damen Shipbuilding makes an appointment to meet."

Yang Orange secretly said that the opponent's speed was quite fast.

"Arrange for the other person to come home, I won't go to the company."


Back home smoothly all the way, and asked Old John to receive guests for a while, Yang Cheng first took a shower and changed into dry clothes.

The temperature in New York today is a bit low, and the humidity is very high, the clothes are wet and uncomfortable.

After taking a shower, the body was still hot, but there was still a chill in the body, so Old John sent the hot cocoa. After sitting down for less than two minutes, the security guard downstairs sent a visitor application.

After a short while, Old John invited the designer and assistant from Damen Shipyard in. The two parties had a courteous meeting and re-settled. Yang Cheng said, "Thank you for coming here."

The designer and the assistant glanced at each other and was quick and polite, "This is our job. Mr. Yang can talk about your needs. Damen Shipbuilding is capable of fulfilling all your requirements."

Yang Cheng nodded, "In fact, I want a yacht that can reach any corner of the world. Since it is a yacht, it naturally needs to work hard in the living area, such as salon party area, sun lounge area, viewing area, etc. distinct."

The designer’s assistant turned on the voice recorder to record and kept operating on the pad. The designer was more primitive. He took out a cowhide notebook and took notes with a pen. This made Yang Cheng feel good. This craftsmanship is always What a consumer most wants to pursue.

"Mr. Yang, your requirements are very simple and complex. I am afraid we need a lot of time to determine one by one. First of all, we need to be clear that this yacht will not be too big. About 60 meters is a relatively moderate length. To ensure the stability of cruising in the ocean, and to ensure that the yacht sails into any small space on the earth, no matter how long it is, it will be a headache just to anchor."

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, "It's okay. I have one afternoon. The length of the yacht. I agree with you. However, I hope to add a small submarine to the yacht to play the dual role of underwater exploration and emergency escape."

Designers are relieved and have plenty of time to record more useful information and make it easier to design works that satisfy customers.

"This is not a problem. Our company has its own small submarine patent. If Mr. Yang has special needs, we can place an order with any diving equipment manufacturer in the world."

"I believe in your professionalism. By the way, maybe I will bring my family and friends on my future adventure, so the bedroom cannot be less."

The designer responded quickly. After making notes in the notebook, he asked, "2 master bedrooms, 2 second bedrooms, plus 4 double rooms. This is the standard configuration. If you have special needs, you can add 2 rooms."

Yang Cheng calculated how many people there are in the family, and then said, "Then add two more. By the way, I need a study room."

The designer frowned and drew a sketch of a yacht on the blank page of the notebook. Each additional room means that the area of ​​other functional spaces is compressed on the basis of the same length. This is a big deal for his design The test, of course, directly increases the length and width of the yacht, and this problem is solved.

The needs of customers are greater than the sky. The designer's existence is to meet any tricky requirements of the customers. What's more, Yang Cheng's requirements are more ordinary than those who want to move the zoo to the yacht. It's a perfect example.

. . .

"Human adventure genes run through the entire history. When the spirit and material are satisfied, people hope to discover more unknown beauty. This is the birth of expedition yachts. I always believe that this will become a popular trend. "

At the end of the meeting, the designer expressed his opinion with a red face.

Yang Cheng agrees with this. In fact, it is precisely because of inner curiosity that he has the idea of ​​building an expedition yacht.

"Looking forward to your work, I can't wait to drive my yacht around the world."

The designer smiled confidently, "That will be the glory of our company."

Saying goodbye to the designer of Damen Shipyard, Yang Cheng got up and moved her shoulders a few times. She was tired after talking all afternoon. He ordered Old John to prepare dinner and went back to the room to lie down for a while.

When Old John came to ask him to eat, his parents had already gone home from get off work.

At the dinner table, Yang Sen asked, "Did you invite people from the yacht company home?"

Yang Cheng didn't have much appetite, so he put down his chopsticks after eating a few greens, "Well, it happened that someone from Damen Shipyard came to seek financing and placed an order by the way."

Janssen himself has a high pursuit of enjoying life, and he has long planned to build an expedition yacht. After he retires completely, he will take his wife around the world. Therefore, he is very happy that his son has fulfilled his wish. A large sum of money.

Of course, the pit son must have a degree, so Yang Sen took the initiative to say, "I will help you share 20%~"

Liu Yunbai glanced at her husband, meaning: Can you deduct more points?

Yang Cheng also expressed the same expression, "20%? You dare to say that the initial budget given by the designer in the afternoon is 160 million US dollars, and the final price may go up. You should share the odds anyway?"

Yang Sen said irritably, "Who asked you to make such an expensive one?"

"This is an expedition yacht, which can go directly to the South Pole, not a sailing boat of 20 meters."

Liu Yun also followed the help of That is, it's too bad for you. "

Yang Sen is not a human being inside and out, looking at his wife dumbfounded, "Which one are you?"

Liu Yun looked beautifully, "I just enjoy it anyway~"

Look, this is the winner of life. You don't need to spend a penny, but you don't delay the enjoyment, or reincarnation is also a skill.

Seeing that her son ate too little, Liu Yun said with concern, "Today's food doesn't suit the taste? Why do you eat so little?"

The old John serving by the side looked at Yang Cheng nervously. The master was not satisfied with the dinner, which was tantamount to denying his work.

Yang Cheng shook his head, "No, it's delicious. Maybe it was a bit cold just after getting off the plane and I didn't have any appetite."

"Yes, the weather is not so good recently." Yang Sen echoed.

"By the way, is there any progress on Westinghouse?"

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