Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1348: Morey tweeted

Yang Cheng took the initiative to bring up the car and immediately let Pei Zhuyan relax. In fact, she herself did not understand why she was suddenly nervous facing Yang Cheng.

Feeling Yang Cheng's warm and powerful hand covering her head, she then placed it very naturally on her shoulders, and suddenly felt relieved with such intimate movements.

My head was dizzy, I didn't know what I was thinking and what I should do.

Hearing Yang Cheng's words, there was no expression other than a blank nod, but the brother-in-law's embrace was really warm, and such thoughts suddenly appeared in Pei Zhuyan's heart.

And Irene, who looked at Yang Cheng and his sister opposite, also had a taste of snacks in his heart. Even if he knew that Yang Cheng's embrace did not contain other magazines, his heart would inevitably be awkward.

Of course, she wouldn't say anything in front of her sister. Isn't that a problem for others?

As she thought, Yang Cheng did not have any crooked thoughts. Seeing that Pei Zhuyan still couldn't make sense, she had to change the subject and said to Irene, "When I called you for leave, I talked to President Jin. Talk to you redvelvet.

He told me the truth. Originally, the positioning of your group was an excessive girl group between Girls’ Generation and the next major female group, so the route designed for you at the beginning was also for experimentation. The style is very bold and radical. There is too much water spray.

But I didn’t expect that because of my relationship, after giving you some good resources, there was a big response, and the reputation gradually expanded. The company’s top executives had no choice but to use more resources to invest in you, after all, for the company. The benefit is above all else.

This has formed a virtuous circle. The better you perform, the more benefits you can bring to the company, and the company will value you more and more and will not let you go.

Therefore, your future is promising. Work hard and strive to reach the heights of your predecessors, Girls’ Generation, and then you will have the ability to protect your family. "

What he said was to relieve Irene. Her sense of responsibility is very heavy. She didn't say anything in the accident that happened to her sister. She must be under great pressure in her heart. She felt that she did not protect her sister.

Yang Cheng understands that since he left South Korea, this girl has been involved in work, frantically receiving announcements and schedules, but never miss the opportunity to show her face.

He even promised some variety show groups to play ambiguous tricks with the greasy seniors. After hearing the news, Yang Cheng almost smoked out of breath, and her own woman ran to play ambiguously with others, even if she knew it was fake, even Reluctant, so what? In short, it just doesn't work. The fastest updated novels https://

For this matter, Yang Cheng also deliberately asked Liu Jianjun to talk in the circle, especially those seniors with dirty hands and feet, had their eyes brightened, and no one would dare to start.

Of course, Irene certainly didn’t know about this, but she could feel that there were many game sessions that required physical contact in the recent show, but the opportunity to take advantage of it was less, almost none. She was still wondering, is it the recent seniors? Corrected the evil?

The reason she didn’t tell Yang Cheng about these things was because it was unnecessary. All female idols, especially the beautiful girls’ team, almost came here like this. Backed by S~m, things that are too disgusting are usually not. It will happen. After all, the company has to face it. Once it spreads out that pimps for big people, the folks can drown them with a single spit, so this kind of thing shouldn’t take the initiative to do it, but privately the artist can’t interfere with what the company does. .

Of course, due to social reality, it is inevitable to bring some beautiful female idols to accompany meals. These are all included in the social category. In order to become famous, most female idols can only choose to endure, including being taken by seniors on the show or What can I do if I can’t bear to take advantage of other male artists? Turn your face over for this little thing? The fastest updated novels https://

People can fool it with one sentence unintentionally, but then? Will you still mix in the circle in the future? Just malicious rumors can drive people crazy!

So Irene didn't call Yang Cheng to complain about her grievances, even if she knew that as long as she made this call, she wouldn't talk about walking sideways in the circle in the future, at least there would not be anyone who didn't open her eyes and disgusted herself.

It's just that she didn't expect that even if she didn't say these things, Yang Cheng knew it well, and even took the initiative to build a firewall for her. In the future, as long as Yang Cheng still maintains her influence on the Korean entertainment industry, she will have no worries for her life.

. . .

At noon, Yang Cheng and Pei's family had a simple meal in the hotel. In the afternoon, they had to go back to the room for a nap and it was jet lag, and he took advantage of this time to return to the company.

Just before dinner, Sean Marx sent a message to Yang Cheng, saying that the NBA is now in trouble, because the Rockets general manager Morey said that the social platforms of China and the United States have been ~Because of having to accompany the guests, Yang Cheng didn't have time to pay attention to this matter. It was not until he got in the car that he learned of the progress of the matter through the Toutiao app.

This morning, NBA Houston Rockets general manager Morey suddenly tweeted, "Ted’s withdrawal is a loss for the United States! Fk Donald!"

The Ted he said was Ted Cruz, the candidate of the Elephant Party who had just quit the Daxuan.

Anyone who knows more about Morey knows that this is a "highly IQ dead fat house who likes to research data". The boredom of a dead fat house naturally has to roam on social networks. His habit of tweeting is already known to passers-by. Since he started on Twitter, he has posted nearly 10,000.

As a high-powered general manager, he tweeted whenever he had some spare time. Of course, most of the time, he was talking about basketball, rockets, and statistics, doing his own job.

But there are always people who can't stop their mouths and hands, and express concern about current affairs, especially the ZZ field.

This is not the first time he has caused controversy. Just last year, after the Rockets beat the Dallas Mavericks in the second round of the playoffs, Morey used the Guan Fang Twitter to shoot the pony (Lone Ranger literally means pony) The emoji combination of, with the text saying "Shhh! Close your eyes, it will be over soon."

This act directly hit the minefield of the US gun problem, and finally led to the rocket's dismissal of the official push operator and an apology, which is regarded as a scapegoat for Morey.

Unexpectedly, less than a year after this incident, he once again posted an amazing tweet, and this time he pointed the finger at the most important thing in the United States. I really don’t know what he intended.

In fact, before that, many Americans had a bad impression of him because he always liked to wander on the edge of the NBA labor agreement.

There are also many people who look down on him because he only has data analysis in his eyes, and doesn't pay much attention to the human factor in basketball.

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