Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1353: Easter, the fastest update to the latest chapters of American Indulge in Life!


  The advantage of living in a castle is that there is never a shortage of entertainment, and even if you don’t go out for a week, your free time will not feel boring.


   After this afternoon tea was over, Yang Cheng went out with Carson's company. The light rain stopped ten minutes ago, and the green lawn was washed by the rain, as if it had been painted with a new layer of paint, and it was full of vitality.


The breath of fresh grass in the air is refreshing. Looking from the **** to the distant pastures, cows and sheep are scattered on the canvas-like lawn, forming a beautiful picture with the blue ocean further away. The picture scroll is beautiful and fascinating.


   Yang Cheng walked alone in front, and Carson followed with two young waiters, carrying golf bags and fruit snacks on their shoulders.


   Everyone came to the golf course along the trail. The golf course that has been re-planned and rectified has become more difficult. There are a lot of lakes and long grass areas, which are fully suitable for professional championships.


Yang Cheng came to the tee, took the driver but didn’t hit it. Instead, she looked around for a while and said to Carson, "I remember you told me before, and the Shaw Desen City Hall applied to us. Host a city golf tournament? Want to rent our course?"


   Carson stepped forward and answered without hesitation, "Yes, sir, I thought that holding such a competition would destroy the tranquility of the manor, so I tactfully refused."


Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, "Well, it is definitely not good to be open to the public to participate in competitions. We did not expect to make money from ball games, but this idea is good. We might as well learn from it and hold a golf challenge for British celebrities and nobles. Match?"


When Carson heard the words, he thought slightly, "This is a good idea. Since Beihai Manor was taken over by the master, there have been good news coming out, but it has always been covered with a veil of mystery. Hardly anyone knows the true situation. A good opportunity to host a golf tournament will not only open up the reputation of North Sea Manor, but also enable the master to better integrate into the mainstream British society."


Yang Cheng motioned to the waiter to set the ball, make a good serving posture, and hit the ball with a'bang'. While Qiu was still flying in the air, he said directly, "Then do it, you are personally responsible for this. Together with the game and the dinner, I hope this grand event can make North Sea Manor more famous than Windsor Castle."


After a pause, he added, "Remember, the threshold of the invitational tournament must be raised. Don't let everyone in, especially those upstarts, must be turned away, unless there are more than three invitees to help recommend. "


   Carson understood Yang Cheng's meaning, and said proudly, "Understand, the Beihai Manor is naturally not accessible to everyone."




   is another shot. Compared with the first shot, the arc of this shot is relatively flat, but Carson still boasted, "A good ball, if you can compete, the first place will never fall behind."


   Yang Cheng carried the cue and laughed, "I'll leave it alone, how can the owner personally end up competing for the trophy."


   Speaking of trophies, he had an idea again, “By the way, it’s best to hire a professional designer to design a trophy. It must have the characteristics of the North Sea Manor. You can get valuable gems or diamonds.”


  Carson will naturally not object, "No problem~"


   played a few more shots, and was completely impatient by this sudden thought, and threw the cue into the waiter's arms, "Stop playing, go to the laboratory and see."


  Carson quickly said, "Master, yesterday I received a notice from the laboratory that they will conduct chemical tests, and I am worried that bad substances will be produced."


   Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Chemical experiment? Did they find something amazing on the golden mask?"


   Carson shook his head, "No, I can't say anything about it. After the experiment is over, the experts will report to you."


   Yang Cheng nodded with excitement, "Well, if you can't go to the laboratory~"


   groaned and touched his chin, "Just go fishing by the river~"


   Carson immediately arranged for the waiter to go back first and send someone to the riverside cottage to make preparations.


   After the rebuilding of the lakeside cottage, Yang Cheng hasn't been there yet.


   The rebuilt riverside villa adopts a modern design. Of course, the exterior building still adopts a combination of wood and stone structure, hidden in the trees, and perfectly integrated.


The whole is semi-circular and streamlined, with only one floor. The large and smooth floor-to-ceiling windows are opened, which is a quiet tributary of the Thames. The specially designed small dock can not only moor speed boats, but also serve as a fishing platform. It is worth mentioning that it is next to the cabin. It is also designed with an automatic dock. The speedboat can be put into the dock for maintenance and parked through the zipper. As long as the button is pressed when needed, the speedboat can be automatically put into the water, which is very convenient.


The internal area of ​​the riverside villa is about 300 square meters. It is designed with a master bedroom and two guest bedrooms. The remaining space is filled with a lot of entertainment facilities. One of the walls is dedicated to displaying various shotguns, and even a small The workbench can complete simple bullet filling work.


From a certain point of view, this is still a hunter’s hut. Everyone knows that the British love to hunt, especially during the hunting season. Any British who is given time will rush into the forest with foxhounds to enjoy the chase and The thrill of killing.


   After a brief visit, Yang Cheng spoke highly of Carson’s work, and then chose a 4.5-meter rock fishing rod, because the river channel here is not very wide, so there is no need for long shots.


In the past, the Thames River was very polluted, but after decades of treatment and restoration, the Thames River has become a paradise for wild aquatic life, and it is also a rich source of salmon in England and Wales. There are countless wild salmon hidden in the river, even many of them are Big guy over 20 kg.


   But it's not the salmon spawning season. If you want to catch the big guys, you need luck.


  Carson arranged in advance for someone to go to the kitchen to bring some small fish and shrimps to make bait. They are all salmon favorites. Of course, if it is during the spawning season, it is better to use fake bait.


   Yang Cheng took the pole in his hand and sat on the folding chair on the dock, shaking Erlang's legs and waiting for the fish to hook.


   It has just been a light rain. After a dull low pressure, fish like to come to the upper and middle waters. This is a good time for fishing.


   During the period, Carson gently placed snacks and champagne next to Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng simply smiled, "Don't be so careful, I'm just fishing for fun. Whether you can get the bait depends on your character.


   You can also take a pole, save me bored. "


The waiter was very winking and brought the folding chair and placed it on the other side of the small dining table. After the arrangements were made, Carson also selected the fishing rod, hung up the fish and the buoy, and gently tossed the hook quickly. Going into the water, he moves skillfully, and he looks like an old driver, no old angler!


  . . .


   Easter is a holiday set up to commemorate the resurrection of **** Christ. It is also one of the oldest and most meaningful Christian holidays, symbolizing rebirth and hope.


   Every year on this day, Christians all over the world celebrate.


   The specific time of Easter is the first Sunday after the full moon of the vernal equinox. According to legend, **** was crucified and resurrected on the third day after his death.


Therefore, Easter that is celebrated in the church every year refers to the first Sunday after the full moon on the vernal equinox. If the full moon happens to be a Sunday, Easter will be postponed by one week, so Easter may be from March 22 to April 25 Any day in between, and this year’s Easter is April 12. (The date has been changed due to the circumstances~)


There are three days of Easter, namely: GOODFRIDA, EANDA and EASTERMONDA, which are Good Friday, Jesus’ Salvation Day and Jesus’ Resurrection Day. These three days are the most important three days of Easter. There will be lively and grand events throughout the country. Celebrations.


   For this reason, British schools will have a holiday of about one month, and the company usually puts it from GoodFrida to EasterMonda. The four-day holiday is definitely not short for adults.


   On Easter day and throughout the holiday season, various traditional activities will be held across the UK, such as egg painting, parades, egg rolling competitions, pancake running competitions, etc., in addition to various foods about Easter.


   In the UK, traditional Easter eggs are made of real eggs, mostly eggs. After the eggs are cooked, they paint colorful patterns with watercolors. The bright colors represent spring and light.


   But now, this traditional Easter egg has been replaced by a hollow chocolate egg.


   Yang Cheng did not go to the streets to celebrate, but he sent Carson to take the servants of the castle to the streets ~ on behalf of the manor to distribute Easter eggs to the children.


   In the past, a castle lord was equivalent to a city lord, and the territory was all the people of the castle lord, but now the nobles have almost lost their fiefs, and the symbolic meaning is far greater than the actual meaning.


However, Yang Cheng’s proposal still made the surrounding residents feel the goodwill conveyed by Beihai Manor. Although he is not a nobleman, nor is he the owner of Shao Desen, as the largest landlord and rich man in this small town, he can use this way to communicate with the town. The residents got the unanimous approval of the town.


It was not in vain that he bought out the stocks of easter eggs in two supermarkets and gave them to the children who went to the street for free. For a while, his name Yang Cheng spread throughout the seashore of Shao Desen. Before, there were only officials from the City Hall and JC Bureau. We only met him, after all, he donated money to police cars.


   Carson, who went out early in the morning to distribute eggs, returned to the castle ahead of time, with a warm smile on his face that he had not seen for a long time. It seemed that he was captured by simple happy children, and he was also a few years younger.


   "How is it? No trouble, right?" Yang Cheng closed the "Sunday Times" and asked with concern.


  Carson shook his head, "I'm very happy, I haven't seen so many children in a long time, and seeing the innocent smiles on their faces, there are no worries."


   Yang Cheng laughed, "Well, it seems that our manor should inherit and maintain similar activities."


   "This is a smart decision~"


   "By the way, what is the royal family doing?"

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