Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1358: Title was eaten

"No, how should I say, according to the relationship of relatives, the other party is considered my uncle, and his wife is also my aunt, and is my grandmother's sister, Princess Margaret's daughter Sarah."


Yang Cheng was stunned for a long time before she managed to smooth the relationship, "So, your aunt Sarah didn't inherit the title?"

"Yes, my uncle Anthony inherited the title and family property, but it is a pity that the family is declining in his hands, and the family castle is about to be lost.

Compared to him, his aunt's luck was much better. After marrying his uncle that year, she invested in waste recycling power generation technology. However, her aunt's family was also heavily in debt and was forced to sell shares to cash out to relieve the pressure. "

William's tone was a little embarrassing, this is the current situation of the British aristocracy.

Yang Cheng didn't know what to say, so she could only comfort her, "Well, I can't promise you anything until the investigation results are released."

William waved his hand, "Of course, this is a fair business, without other emotions."

Then the two talked about football and movies. Of course, beautiful women are indispensable. Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, the sky dimmed. Under the dark night, Windsor Castle was brightly lit, and luxury cars drove into Windsor from all directions. The small town, the banquet held by Her Majesty the Queen, is the most important moment of the year for the nobles. For this day, they will make full preparations to show the best and never let their family become the joke of others.

Of course, today is not a family gathering after all. There are also many political and business celebrities who have come, so some etiquette standards have to be lowered. You can't expect foreign wealthy people to learn your country's noble etiquette.

Yang Cheng was regarded as the first guest to arrive, and was able to stay in the room at this moment. When the time was almost up, he went downstairs to the Napoleon Hall.

William didn't have time to accompany him. As the heir in line, when his grandmother was old, he had to take on the responsibility of the host and welcome guests in the banquet hall.

It was Kate who was busy and was arranged by William to take care of Yang Cheng.

Not just after finishing the little prince and little princess, Kate hurried back to the room and exhaled heavily, "Oh my God, there is no time to rest this afternoon."

Indeed, as a duchess, afternoon tea is also part of her work.

Yang Cheng sat there and smiled, "Hurry up and take a break, the banquet will take a while to start."

In this way, he looks like a master.

But naturally there is no need to look outside when facing Kate.

"Yeah, next I will finish the work William gave me, take good care of you, and not let you get lost."

Yang Cheng was speechless, "I'm not a child."

Kate was joking, but he explained seriously, "His worry is right. You know that in Windsor Castle, there are even rules for breathing. To be honest, when I first came to the castle, there was a lot of trouble. A joke, even the servants laughed at me in private." Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

This is not an exaggeration. Don't think that the servants are machines that only know how to work. The gossip masters are their main pastime after work. Of course, the premise is not to be caught by the housekeeper, otherwise the deductions will be light.

"But now you are a good enough Duchess, aren't you?"

"Yes, I learned quickly"

After chatting for a while, a servant came up and sent a letter saying that His Highness had invited them. The two had to interrupt the chat, packed their clothes and went downstairs to the Napoleon Hall. Compared with the busy and orderly visits in the afternoon, it was messy now. A pot of porridge.

Although the people present were all conceited big people, hundreds of people gathered together, and even if everyone spoke in a low voice, the volume of the explosion was enough to form a huge sound and envelop people.

The maid led him to the entrance of the banquet hall, so he could no longer enter. Instead, the waiter inside the banquet hall helped to lead the way, and finally found William in the center. He was chatting with others and saw Yang Cheng's figure. , Motioned him to wait a moment with his eyes.

After a few minutes, the greeting was over, and he pulled out and came to Yang Cheng's side, and said helplessly, "This is my job."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Understandable, why did I come down in such a hurry? The banquet was early?"

"No, no, the banquet has not been advanced. I saw my uncle and aunt when I was welcoming guests just now, so I wanted to introduce you to each other."

Yang Cheng didn't want to contact each other so early, because he hadn't considered whether to buy it or not. After all, Westinghouse hadn't done it yet. Even if he was determined to get it, he was not sure of 100 before the matter was over.

But William had said so, and it was not good to refuse, so he had to reluctantly agree.

And William seemed to have notified the other party. After getting Yang Cheng’s permission, he immediately waved to a short distance, and saw a pair of middle-aged men and women dressed in traditional noble costumes walking hand in hand, even without the title of nobleman. But after all, he was born a noble, impeccable etiquette.

Before they approached William suddenly reminded him in a low voice, "The clothes are a knight medalist, so you can call him a jazz."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly and said that he understood that the British, especially the nobles, value their titles very much. If they are called wrong, even if they will not turn their faces on the spot, they will not leave a good impression.

The Napoleon Hall was about to be overturned by a wave of noises. Everyone unconsciously spoke in a louder voice, trying to overshadow the surrounding environmental sounds. There were one or two, one after another, until now almost everyone is talking. Speaking in my voice, I thought it was a lively vegetable market without knowing it.

With the other party standing in front of him, William acted as an intermediary and introduced, "Aunt, uncle, this is the investor I am talking about, Jason Yang, the owner of Beihai Manor. He is from the United States and is a very good investor.

Jason, these two are my aunt Sarah and uncle Corey, who are also major shareholders of Corey Energy. "

Yang Cheng bowed slightly to greet him, "Good evening, Sir and Madam, it's an honor to meet both of you this evening."

"It's also our honor, Mr. Yang." William's aunt Sarah answered on her behalf.

Seeing that both sides knew each other, William said, "I have something to do, and I can't accompany you temporarily, sorry."

This was mainly for Yang Cheng, so he took the initiative to comfort him, "It's okay, just go busy."

After he left, Corey said, "Mr. Yang, what do you think about my energy company?"

Yang Cheng organized appropriate words in his heart, "Actually, I only heard His Royal Highness mention this matter this afternoon, so I don’t know much about it, but the initial impression is very good. This is a company worth holding for a long time. Environmental protection New energy is something that the entire planet is paying attention to, and I am no exception."

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