Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1361: Move into Scotland Yard

"The position of the president of the second-tier subsidiary of New Era Media is up to you. According to your performance within 5 years, you will have the opportunity to be promoted to the group headquarters and enjoy equity incentives."

Today's New Age Media is a towering tree, such as aircraft leasing companies, fashion, sports and other secondary subsidiaries, which are gradually growing into thick branches that can bear fruit.

For such a large group, the president of the second-level subsidiary has more power than the director of the administrative department of the group headquarters. Of course, the meaning is different. After all, the second-level company is just one city and one pool, not like the group headquarters. Big structure and strategic significance.

So what he gave is not just a position, but a promotion channel worth challenging, which has a much clearer future than being a partner at McKinsey.

However, to Yang Cheng's surprise, Wang Yitong did not choose the already formed subsidiary, but chose Westinghouse Electric, which has not yet been acquired, as her new starting point.

"If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Yang is going to set up a brand new subsidiary to focus on investment in the new energy field, right?" Wang Yitong said confidently.

Yang Cheng nodded slowly, "There is this plan, but it is only at the stage of discussion, and the final decision has not yet been made. Is it to establish a brand-new subsidiary to manage Westinghouse Electric and other enterprises? Or is it directly controlled by Siwei Space? It needs to be fully considered before making a decision."

He spoke honestly about his thoughts and was not surprised by Wang Yitong's knowledge of the news. As a very important company in the United States, it is normal for Westinghouse Electric to be followed by McKinsey.

Wang Yitong pinned the hair hanging from his cheeks behind his ears and said, “Westinghouse Electric has a strong strategic significance. If it is placed under the New Era Group, it will offset this influence, and the two companies are not in the same field. enterprise."

Yang Cheng is thoughtful. It seems that Wang Yitong’s ambitions are not small. If Westinghouse Electric is directly managed by Four-dimensional Space, then in terms of level division, its president is at the same level as the CEO of New Times Media, and both are a first-level subsidiary The existence of Wang Yitong does not have to worry about being pressured by the management of the new era media, and he can be directly responsible to Yang Cheng and Ritz Khan.

But what she said is not unreasonable. The fact that Westinghouse is placed under the new era media does not conform to the conventional structure, and let Eddie lead the energy company as a media journalist, isn't it a layman leading an expert? What future is there for Westinghouse Electric?

But the same question can also be put on Wang Yitong. Does she have the ability to lead an energy company? She is not professional after all.

Her answer to this is, "The CEO of McKinsey is all synonymous with almighty."

Well, this sentence is not bragging. McKinsey has been called Maifu again, but it is not without reason.

Originally, he had discussed with Ritz and planned to hire a strong CEO to lead Westinghouse Electric. Now that Wang Yitong has the confidence to take the initiative to ask for it, based on her past brilliant resume, it seems that it is worth a try. Anyway, Westinghouse has fallen. When it reaches the bottom, where can it be so bad?

"Then, you can try it. I hope Westinghouse Electric can come back to life in your hands. By the way, the Corey Energy Company acquired this time will also be merged under Westinghouse Electric. You have to be prepared."

Wang Yitong still looks confident. It seems that he didn't regard Westinghouse Electric as a difficulty. Instead, he was eager to try this challenge. She was really a strong woman, Yang Cheng felt in his heart.

In any case, this brunch was very enjoyable, and it brought a powerful man to the company, which is more happier than eating many meals.

The two were separated at the entrance of the restaurant. In the afternoon, Wang Yitong had to lead the team to complete his last mission at McKinsey. It was also a performance for the new owner.

Yang Cheng stopped in front of the door holding an umbrella for a moment, and the khaki Rolls-Royce opened the rain curtain and slowly approached from a distance, gracefully and calmly.

After getting in the car, Yang Cheng asked Carson casually, "Did you register?"

"Yes, sir, Beihai Manor is very well managed under your rule. They don't need to set up obstacles at all, and we are not going to overthrow, just renovate the old building, and they have no reason to refuse."

They refer to the castle management committee.

Yang Cheng gave a hum, and said to the driver, "Go to Scotland Yard~"


After completing the relocation of the British branch, Yang Cheng hadn't been here once, and was just fine, so he didn't rush back to the manor, so he stopped by.

But now it should not be called Scotland Yard, it should be called the New Era Building~

Scotland Yard was not originally a place name, just another name for the JC Hall in London.

As the nest of London JC, not far from the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace, this 22-story triangular building has an office area of ​​56,000 square meters, but because of its unreasonable design, it was rejected by London JCs.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

It's just that it doesn't meet JC's needs, and ordinary office needs can still be met, otherwise Yang Cheng would not sell to William for the face.

The departments that moved into Scotland Yard are mainly the British branch of Toutiao App, the Sunday Times, and the branches of other subsidiaries of the group in the UK.

As the group developed and expanded, the British branch was also overcrowded, but this problem was resolved with the move to Scotland Yard.

Entering the lobby on the first floor, the scene of people coming and going makes Yang Cheng very satisfied, which means that the company is thriving and communicates with the outside world frequently.

The only thing that dissatisfied him was the aunt at the front desk, why not a young beauty, even a middle-aged beauty?

Forget it, he doesn't come here often anyway, so he doesn't have to think about seductive issues.

"Hello, sir, is there an appointment?" The aunt asked Carson politely.

"No, just tell Witherrow that Mr. Yang is here."

The editor-in-chief of the "Sunday Times" now also serves as the head of the British branch, which is a disguised promotion. This is also Yang Cheng's reward for his hard work for the newspaper and the company. The fastest updated novels https://

The aunt didn't dare to procrastinate, it was not easy to call the most powerful person in this building.

Sure enough, a phone call came to the office, only to learn that it was the boss who had arrived.

The aunt immediately gave Yang Cheng the most enthusiastic smile, "Sorry, I didn't recognize you the first time."

Yang Cheng nodded, "It doesn't matter, you are doing well."

After all, not long after the company moved here, this aunt is probably also a new employee who has just been recruited. People at this age have no enthusiasm for work when they were young, and just keep one acre of land.

It didn't take long to see Withello trotting out of the elevator, and bowed forward and said, "Boss~Good day!"

"Good day, I come over and take a look temporarily, I hope it doesn't interrupt your work."

When we first met, Withello’s impression of Yang Cheng was neither good nor bad. He just didn’t like the arrogance of the British Empire that remained in his bones, but his performance in the later period still satisfied Yang Cheng, at least He was able to complete the tasks he had set up meticulously, which was enough.

"Of course not. In fact, I have long wanted to invite the boss to visit the British branch, and the employees also want to know you."

Yang Cheng laughed. Whether it was true or false, it sounded comfortable but true.

"Take me around, how about it, are you satisfied with the new headquarters?"

He stepped forward, Weatherrow greeted Carson and followed him closely, and Carson fell 5 meters away.

"I am very satisfied. The employees also like to work in the new building. After taking over, we have performed the necessary modernization of the internal facilities of the building."

"Um~ it should~"

Yang Cheng realized this change when he got on the brand new elevator.

"Furthermore, the transportation here is convenient, which greatly facilitates the process of employees getting to and from get off work. In addition, the new headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department is not far from here, so public security is almost the best place in London. This is particularly important."

The elevator was moving fast. Yang Cheng looked up at the beating LCD screen and joked, “I didn’t come to the company to listen to your praise. Let’s talk about the What needs improvement. ?"

What he said is equivalent to granting a special sum of money to be used to improve the office environment. For such a good opportunity, all fools know to fight for it. Although Weatherrow is staid but not stupid.

I saw him hesitate slightly, and said, "If you have to say it, it is not very convenient for dining. Although there are many restaurants around, the prices are generally higher. Of course, this is not an insurmountable problem. I like bringing food from home."

It is true that the British do not pay much attention to lunch, but this cannot be used as a reason for inaction.

Yang Cheng frowned tightly. After getting off the elevator on the tenth floor, she didn't rush into the office area, but directly asked in the waiting area, "Is there a restaurant in Scotland Yard?"

Witherlow quickly said, "Yes~"

"So what are you waiting for?"

Witheroo touched his big nose awkwardly, "We will add a lot of expenses to setting up the restaurant by ourselves."

"Then foreign contract?"

"An announcement has been made, but no one has come to discuss it yet."

Yang Cheng was silent for a while. Withello was not stingy, but from the perspective of the manager. Setting up a restaurant alone would indeed increase a lot of expenditure.

But this is not a problem in Yang Cheng's view. The big deal is to charge. Of course, just charge the cost price. You can't expect to sell meals to employees to make money.

He is the boss, so naturally his words will not be taken as deaf ears. Withereau said that he would implement it later.

The tenth to fifteenth floors are mainly used by newspaper offices, and the newspaper office also has the largest number of employees in the entire building. Through the automatic sensing glass doors, the newspaper office has set up more than a dozen telephones, and they always answer the calls from the masses. Isn’t that the way people’s livelihood news comes from?

Otherwise, if you simply expect the reporter to go out and look for it, the newspaper will not have to do it.


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