Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1391: Shameful deeds

In the past few days when Yang Cheng returned to New York, he stayed in the company to handle official business. Eddie was sent to London as a lobbyist. Yang Cheng had to temporarily take over the daily work of New Times Media. It was also during this time that Yang Cheng was the boss of Yang Cheng. It's really easy.

  Think about Eddie’s tens of hundreds of documents that need to be signed every day, and there are countless meetings to be held. I can’t wait to break 24 hours into 48 hours.

   It was another busy day. It wasn't until 10 o'clock in the evening that Yang Cheng's office light went out.

When I went out, I happened to see Susu taking a nap with her chin in her hand. She has been working hard these days. Not only has she been with Yang Cheng early and returned late, but the workload has also doubled several times. It is rare to be lazy. She was also caught by Yang Cheng.

   Of course, Yang Cheng didn't scold her, but gently touched her face to wake her up and told her that she could go home from get off work.

   The company was downstairs and watched her drive away. Yang Cheng also got on his Maybach and told Andrew, "Go to Central Station."

   New York Grand Central Station is located in the center of Manhattan. The station and some ZF office buildings and hotels around it form a so-called "Central Station District", which is also one of the most crowded areas in Manhattan.

Founded in 1903 and officially opened in 1913, Grand Central Station was built by the Vanderbilt family, the king of American railways. As the most famous landmark in New York, it not only carries the burden of people’s travel, but also serves the tourism industry of New York. Adding luster and splendor, it has even become a public art gallery by the private sector.

The Central Station covers an area of ​​about 200,000 square meters, which is equivalent to 10 Beijing stations. It is the largest railway station in the world. It is also the busiest railway station in the world. The central railway station has trains arriving and departing every day. 500 shifts, up to 500,000 people enter and exit.

Even if it is late at night, you can still see business travelers wearing trench coats and jeans with briefcases in hand, walking out of the station in a hurry, some getting in a taxi, some rushing to the nearby bus station, they all have Common destination-home!

   Yang Cheng often comes to the Central Station area to do business, but rarely enters the waiting hall of the Central Station. It is said that the world's largest waiting hall is built in the style of the Paris Opera House in France.

   The vault of the hall is a starry sky map drawn by French artist Paul Herou based on a medieval manuscript. There are more than 2500 stars in total. After the power is turned on, the sky is very beautiful.

When entering the central hall under the protection of Hansen and others, you can see a spacious space with high ceilings. The ceiling of the hall is arched. The interior of the hall is mostly decorated with marble. The floor is also marbled, and the glass windows are covered with exquisite The sculpture looks beautiful and shocking.

The most eye-catching thing for Yang Cheng is the four-sided clock at the top of the information desk in the center of the lobby. Almost everyone who enters the station lobby will notice it at the first time. It is really eye-catching. It can be regarded as the treasure of the central railway station. .

The dial of the four-sided clock is made of opal, and the value is between 10 million and 20 million US dollars. If anyone can steal this four-sided clock, he can instantly become a billionaire. Of course, it is not visible. For billionaires, this thing is so annoying, even if it is stolen, it may not be possible to find a buyer to buy it.

These are all digressions. The reason why Yang Cheng went to Grand Central Station late at night was definitely not for wandering. At noon, Yang Cheng received a call from Cary saying that he would arrive in New York at night and asked Yang Cheng to meet at Grand Central Station. He will return to DC overnight.

   Yang Cheng knew that if it wasn't for a major event, or the thing to say is very important, Kari didn't need to choose such a setback way of meeting, so he agreed without a word of nonsense.

There were still more than 20 minutes before the train that Cary was taking in, Yang Cheng asked Andrew to buy some fast food to distribute to the brothers of the bodyguard team. He also took a hot dog and found a place to sit down at random. Chewing slowly, bit by bit, as if savoring high-end ingredients worth a lot of money.

   Eating and eating, forgetting the time, until Hansen reminded him softly, "Boss, the train is progressing."

   Yang Cheng regained his senses suddenly, threw away the paper towel for wiping his hands, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Kari saying that he was in front of a bookstore in the southwest corner of Sifangzhong.

   waited for more than 10 minutes, and saw Kari walking in casual clothes with a peaked cap and hands in his pockets.

   Hansen and the others immediately scattered around, forming a vacuum encirclement, leaving Yang Cheng and the others room for conversation.

   Kari sat down, before the atmosphere had time to take a breath, he said directly, "Collins has hired."

   Yang Cheng's pupils shrunk slightly, knowing that it was not a trivial matter, "What's the matter? Why did you suddenly let go?"

Cary sneered, "If you don't let go, there will be no chance. It is because they are not lucky. They were in New Jersey and F~B~I detained a ship. I thought it was just an ordinary smuggling cargo ship. Nearly 300 illegal immigrants were found in the container. They were of various ethnicities, including Yuenanese, Indonesians, Indians, Z nationals, Mexicans, and Africans. The total number of people who survived is 247, except for their health."

   Yang Cheng frowned, "What does this have to do with Collins? And I haven't heard of media reports."

Cary took off his peaked cap, touched the sweat on his forehead, put it on again, and sighed, "F~B~I is the intelligence obtained from the informant. I found the stowaway by accident and did not notify the media in advance. When someone was found, it was too late to tell the media, and dozens of people died this time. Once the news spreads, the impact will not be very good, so the New York branch decided to suppress the wind and deal with it internally."

   took the mineral water handed by Yang Cheng, thanked him, took a sip, and then said, "Later, the branch office followed the vine and opened a breakthrough from the captain of the cargo ship, and found that this incident has a great relationship with Collins."

   Yang Cheng held his breath and listened very carefully, for fear of missing a useful message.

"This is not the first time this ship has transported stowaways. In the past decade or so, it has transported thousands of stowaways into the United States. It basically maintained the frequency of two ships per year. The reason has never been discovered before. Because of the existence of Collins, many key links including Haijing, Haiguan, and trading companies have been opened up. After careful deployment, a very mature smuggling industry chain has been formed."

   Yang Cheng's mind turned sharply, and said slowly, "So, there is still the shadow of the Zhao family behind this industry chain?"

   Kari sneered, "It's hard to say, the only thing that is certain is that the ship used for smuggling was scrapped from the Zhao family's fleet."


"Yes, the other party took the initiative to apply for the scrapping of this ship that was originally named in their company like the relevant department, and then this ship became a ghost ship, a scrapped ship without nationality and no registered place, using this scrapped ship, non-stop Relying on legal cargo ships that disguised similarly, evaded inspections and engaged in illegal businesses such as smuggling and si."

He sighed, "This time it was exposed because Collins was arrested. His subordinates no longer have the backbone. Before being targeted by F~B~I, they did not receive effective intelligence support. They wanted to forcibly dock. The captain had no choice but to catch it, so he was all over.

Oh, by the way, according to him, there should be two or even more of the same ship, but each ship operates a different route. For safety, everyone keeps their routes secret, so I want to take advantage of the situation. It is more difficult to catch the chain in one go. "

   Yang Cheng had no words after hearing this. He wondered if the Zhao family was involved in this matter and how deeply involved.

  Kari looked around and lowered his voice again, "This matter is still in a confidential stage in the game, so I have to choose this way to convey the news to you."

   Yang Cheng regained his consciousness, and said with a knowing heart, "Thank you, don't worry, you won't be in vain. You will definitely be nominated for deputy director this time. As for whether you can be elected in the end, you have to work hard."

   Cary was overjoyed, "I understand, thank you very much, Mr. Yang, without you, there would be no Kari today!"

   Yang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Speaking of Collins, what did he explain."

   "Collins is very cunning. Although he recruited, he only recruited the ship that was found. As for the other ships, he denied it and pretended to be stupid, as if there were no other ships."

   Yang Cheng wondered, "He didn't talk about the relationship with the Zhao family?"

Cary shook his head regretfully, "I feel that the Zhao family must have sent a letter to Collins through other channels, otherwise he will not have a clear understanding of our investigation Cheng patted again. Kari’s shoulders, this time he used a few more efforts to show that he valued, “I see, you go back first, and if you have anything to do, contact me through the mobile phone I gave you. "

   Kari got up, shook hands with Yang Cheng, and left without saying a word. The night trains in the United States are fairly comfortable. There are not many people, so you can take a nap.

   Waiting for Kari's figure to disappear into the crowd, Yang Cheng called Zhao Anqi with a stern face, and after asking her where she was at this time, he directly killed her.

   At this time, Zhao Anqi was a guest at a friend's house. Yang Cheng did not avoid suspicion, and rushed into the house to take Zhao Anqi away. If Zhao Anqi hadn't calmed the friends before leaving, I'm afraid Yang Cheng would be taken away as a terrorist by NYPD.

   In the car, Yang Cheng said with a cold face, Andrew and Hansen didn't even dare to breathe in front of them.

Zhao Anqi turned her head frequently and stopped talking, but thought that there were outsiders in the car, so she closed her mouth and looked out of the car depressed. In fact, she knew the reason Yang Cheng rushed to take her away, but some words involved As far as family secrets are concerned, even if they have an extraordinary relationship with Yang Cheng, it is not easy to say clearly.

   The low-key and luxurious Maybach sneaked in the middle of the night and came to a secret apartment of Zhao Anqi in Midtown. The two finally broke the silence, "You know?"

   "Say it~"


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