Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1396: Still have to rely on yourself

How could Yang Cheng not know that Disney and Apple used to have eyebrows?

Robert Iger once said in person: "I believe that if Steve is still alive, we will merge our companies, at least discuss this possibility very seriously."

It is difficult for outsiders to appreciate the close friendship between Iger and Jobs. That year, Disney bought Pixar for a sky-high price of 7.4 billion U.S. dollars, and Jobs also entered the Disney board of directors. Iger entered the Apple board of directors a few years ago.

Although there are rumors that Iger is going to quit, hasn't he not quit yet?

As for the reason for the rumors, it is not difficult to understand. Apple is preparing to withdraw from its own streaming media service, and Disney has long planned. This means that the two companies will become direct opponents in the online video market. It is not appropriate for Iger to serve as a director of Apple. Up.

Of course, Yang Cheng pretended not to know in front of Jamie Dimon, and did not have too deep meaning. It was just a simple concealment. He was a young man and occasionally sold some flaws to the outside world, which was a good thing.

Both of them were very busy and had no time to chat. After a few simple words, they hung up the phone.

However, Yang Cheng still heard Jamie Dimon's hint that perhaps Comcast was about to fail in the Fox project with Disney.

Sure enough, within a few days, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts personally called and announced the bad news to Yang Cheng.

"Jason, I'm sorry. Robert and Rupert have reached a private agreement. No one can stop this century merger. I originally wanted to get Apple as an ally, but the other party didn't give us a chance at all, Ruber He is very determined to be a major shareholder of Disney, and it is difficult for outsiders to influence his ideas."

Yang Cheng sighed, "Do you know the specific agreement?"

Brian pondered, "With this acquisition, Disney will own the 21st Century Fox film production business, 20th Century Fox, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Fox 2000, Fox Family and Fox Animation, as well as "X-Men" and "Avatar". Popular movie series IP.

There is also Fox TV creative business, including 20th Century Fox TV, Fox Productions and Fox21, which owns the IP of popular TV programs such as "The Simpsons" and "Modern Family".

Then there is the Fox International TV business, including FX Cable TV, National Geographic Channel, Fox International Network Group, Indian Star TV; and Fox’s shares in Hulu and other Internet video companies. After the acquisition process is completed, Disney and 21st Century Fox will have The ownership of online streaming service provider Hulu will also be merged. "

Yang Cheng's eyebrows gradually gathered, "Wait, I don't seem to hear any news about Fox Sports?"

Brian is also half-knowledgeable, and said vaguely, "I don't know the specific agreement, but if I guess right, Disney will definitely spin off Fox's regional sports network, which is the business you need."

Yang Cheng's heart sank, "So, after Comcast withdraws, I have to negotiate with Fox myself?"

Brian apologized, "Yes, since I can't have a complete Fox, Comcast is not very interested in Disney's leftover business. After I talk to you, I will notify Fox to terminate the negotiation.

Sorry, I can't help you. "

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng fell into deep thought. After the completion of the acquisition, the new Fox Group also includes Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox Sports, Fox Television Group, and cable sports channels including FS1, FS2, FoxDeportes And Fox Ten Alliance Network, of course, there are other assets and liabilities.

In this way, the local regional sports network is a heavy burden for Disney and the new Fox, which can be sold for more valuable cash or shares.

Unexpectedly, there will be a bright future. The bad news of Brian Roberts did not hit Yang Cheng and gave him new hope.

Just going around and around, finally returned to the track of negotiations with Lao Mo.

Talking about the landline on the table, the inside line called Ritz, and he informed the negotiating team not to come back for the time being, and stay there to negotiate with Fox. New Times Media will acquire Fox’s regional sports network separately.

Later, Yang Cheng asked Susu to contact Murdoch's assistant to arrange a meeting between the two parties.

After all this, Yang Cheng finally had time to deal with daily work, check the mail, sign and sign, the time flickered to noon, Luo Yue took a taxi to the company to have dinner with Yang Cheng.

"Wait a minute, I'll finish reading this report~" Yang Cheng looked up and smiled and motioned Luo Yue to stroll around.

"Um~no hurry~" Luo Yue carried her hands behind her back. She always dressed up in a simple way. She looks very capable today, wearing a strapless plaid suit, and her aura is not weaker than the female star on the red carpet.

This dressed-up Yang Cheng hurriedly scanned the report. After signing the word, he immediately saved his fiancee, and took a deep sniff in the was pushed away by Luo Yue, " Chaos again~"

Yang Cheng thief smiled and said, "Aren't you dressed up too beautifully? Why are you so interested today?"

Luo Yue hugged her shoulders and raised her chin slightly. She is a woman who is pleased with herself. She is still very satisfied with Yang Cheng's performance. "If you have nothing to do in the morning, just dress up."

Yang Cheng said with a smile, that there can be more casual dressing like this in the future.

After a few laughs, the two left the company and went to eat at the pre-booked restaurant.

During the meal, Yang Cheng temporarily decided not to go to the company in the afternoon, and accompanied Luo Yue around the municipal library.

Today the library is still closed to the outside world, because the charity summit is in full swing, and a large number of journalists still gather at the door.

Yang Cheng used the public tool privately, and took the invitation letter sent by the organizer to stop doing business. He didn't participate in a discussion meeting, but just took Luo Yue around in the library.

It is worthy of being one of the largest libraries in the world. There are many unique books in it. Unfortunately, they cannot be borrowed. They are all sealed in glass cabinets as antiques.

Walking in the long corridor of countless rare and ancient books, there is a sense of seeing back to the Renaissance era and wandering in the literary world.

Luo Yue walked and watched, taking a yellowed book from the shelf from time to time, and standing there quietly reading, Yang Cheng turned off the flash, and took this beautiful scene from the side. enjoy.

At this moment, a string of footsteps came, and Yang Cheng subconsciously turned his head, and saw Bill and the couple walking through the corridor surrounded by the crowd. Bill did not squint, but Melinda was looking at the left and right, and she inadvertently looked at Yang Cheng. , Immediately stopped, took her husband by the arm and walked over, jokingly, "Jason, are you lazy again?"


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