Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1412: 3 Well Information Network

"Brother Yang, you~ really embarrass me~" Ito Koji was aggrieved just like the angry little wife.

Yang Cheng looked at her with a chill, "Stop, stop, don't look at me with this expression."

Koji Ito smirked, "Brother Yang, you have reached a deal with Yuji Sato? How else would he easily let go?"

Yang Cheng nodded, "I promised to invest in an additional cloud data center in RB. Sato will decide the location. He gave him a brilliant achievement for nothing, and stopped me from buying Westinghouse without reason."

"It turned out to be the case. In fact, Uncle Mitsui also considered giving Sato some ZZ resources to make him shut up on the Westinghouse Electric matter.

It's just that Uncle Mitsui didn't expect that he would have a conversation with Brother Yang. "

Yang Cheng drank the coffee and wondered, "Why is Mr. Mitsui obsessed with a JDI?"

Ito hesitated for a moment and whispered, "JDI has his own private shares in it."

Yang Cheng suddenly realized, damn, there really is no love for no reason in this world.

"What is Mr. Mitsui going to do now? He can't count on me anymore."

"I don't know, I haven't had time to meet him."

Yang Cheng looked strange, playing with the taste, "Don't you dare to see him?"

Koji Ito didn't deny it, and frankly said, "There is indeed a guilty conscience."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Your Chinese is really good."

After a few idle chats, Yang Cheng put a smile away, "I'll give you a step, you go to see Mr. Mitsui, and help me ask him if he intends to sell Columbia Pictures. If so, our cooperation can continue. ."

Koji Ito was inexplicably surprised, "Columbia Pictures? That's Sony's core business, and they won't sell it."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "How do you know if you don't ask?"

"Why don't you come with me?"

Yang Cheng scorned, "You are too courageous, right?"

"You don't know Uncle Mitsui~"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and talked face-to-face, "Then wait for me, I will go up and wash and change clothes~"

"Well, you go, I have something to eat, I came here early in the morning without breakfast."

"Feel free, just keep my account."

. . . . . .

About 40 minutes later, Yang Cheng walked down slowly and got into the car with Ito Koji.

"Go to the tea room?"

"No, I just contacted. Uncle Mitsui has an important meeting to attend today. Let's go directly to the research institute and wait for him."


Ito nodded mysteriously, "I didn't expect Uncle Mitsui to let me take you to the research institute. There is the core place of the entire Mitsui Consortium, which is equivalent to the brain and nerve center of the consortium, which gathers the top RBs. Talent, from a certain perspective, is no less than a national-level think tank."

After a pause, Ito Koji said with admiration, “These talents from all walks of life not only help the consortium make strategic plans for the future development, but also have emergency response departments for various unexpected situations. Of course, the most mysterious of them It's the intelligence department. This is comparable to C~I~A."

Seeing Yang Cheng's unbelievable appearance, Koji Ito asked a question, "How long do you think it takes to obtain a trade secret?"

Yang Cheng stuttered and said an exaggerated number, "5 hours?"

Koji Ito shook his head babblingly, "For the intelligence department of the Mitsui Consortium, more than 10 minutes is a failure!"

"10 minutes?" Yang Cheng was already speechless in surprise.

"Yes, 10 minutes, to be precise: you can get financial market quotations from all over the world within 1 minute; you can inquire about the varieties and specifications of RB and the import and export trade commodities around the world within 1 to 3 minutes; 3 to 5 minutes Find out the annual production status of more than 10,000 key companies in RB at home and abroad; find out various laws, decrees and parliamentary records of ZF in 5-10 minutes;

The most exaggerated thing is that in just 5 minutes, you can use quantitative economic models and computer simulations to draw a graph of the impact of RB's domestic and foreign economic changes, and then use this information to develop various information services, such as information compilation. , Consulting, and dynamic analysis of competitors and their market share, product quality, variety, and price.

This is the meaning of the existence of the Mitsui Intelligence Department. I said that this department is comparable to C~I~A. It is just a modest statement. Using their internal standards to evaluate, such a powerful intelligence network has even surpassed C~I~A. "

As the car slowly drove out of bustling Tokyo, Yang Cheng was still in a state of being shocked.

Is Koji Ito exaggerating?

The Yang family also has its own intelligence network and channels to get the same information, but it can't do so quickly, let alone know the extent of world affairs without leaving home.

A shopping mall is like a battlefield, and time is money. If you get intelligence one minute earlier than your opponent, you have an extra chance of winning, and you can even decide the degree of life or death.

So Yang Cheng didn't feel exaggerated at all. He had a small RB with a crazy BT factor in his bones, and Yang Cheng was not surprised what he did.

Thinking of this, the shock in his heart slowly weakened.

Asked rhetorically, "You Ito also have the same intelligence department?"

Koji Ito nodded frankly, "But it can't be as pervasive as the Mitsui family. In fact, the RB family has its own think tank and intelligence team.

Because RB entrepreneurs most often say that: Intelligence is money.

So basically every large RB company must have strong intelligence capabilities, and the strongest intelligence capabilities are comprehensive trading companies like Mitsui’s that integrate trade, finance, and information functions. Their intelligence collection, processing and processing And delivery ability is called the world's first.

Our Ito's family is too late. "

The spirit of RB people's worship of the strong is flowing in their blood, and this can be understood from the adoration in Koji Ito's eyes.

In fact, the so-called intelligence of the business community is a kind of information flow generated in the business flow and logistics, and the real intelligence comes from the exchange of commodities, and business opportunities are found in the process of exchange. This is the same as C~I~A. Intelligence is completely different, with a fundamental difference.

In the concept of RB people, the essence of doing business is to use information asymmetry, including asymmetry in quantity, asymmetry in quality, and asymmetry in speed.

From this point of view, the general trading company controlled by the Mitsui Consortium is an intelligence bureau, which serves the circulation of information no matter in the control of upstream resources or the construction of downstream sales.

Koji Ito pointed to the fork in the road ahead and said, "It's almost here. Going down from here, Mitsui's research institute is built in the dense forest at the end of the road."

Yang Cheng looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't help asking, "Is this land also owned by Mitsui?"

"Of course, otherwise how can we achieve maximum confidentiality?"

"Can you tell me about Mitsui's intelligence network?"

Yang Cheng wanted to take this opportunity to observe the core departments of the Mitsui family. It would be best to learn something useful and learn from the skills to control the barbarians.

How to maintain the prosperity of a family is a very difficult subject. In this regard, the RB family can be regarded as representative.

Koji Ito blinked, "In fact, there is nothing mysterious, the Mitsui family's intelligence department, the external name is "Mitsui Global Communications Network."

As early as 40 or 50 years ago, Mitsui & Co. has sent countless human resources to India, Australia and other places to find suitable markets, establish strongholds, and build intelligence networks. So far, there are thousands of subsidiaries all over the world and more than 200 offices. Organizations and offices are located in more than 80 countries around the world. Even the RB official department wants to obtain economic information as fast as Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

No matter what happens in any place on the earth, the relevant department of ZF will immediately call Mitsui Research Institute and ask if you know.

In the era when the information network was first established, not in the current era of computers and networks, Mitsui & Co. used telex and central data processing systems to connect the world.

In the 1990s, Mitsui & Co. had spent huge sums of money to renew the equipment of offices around the world and build a modern communication network. The annual telegram and telex fees amounted to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

Any employee in a Mitsui company, as long as the level is high enough, can understand the global information needed in his business at any time, and the Tokyo headquarters can see all the latest information around the Today, when computers are popular, Mitsui’s intelligence network can connect 150 offices in nearly 90 countries and regions overseas through its five computer control centers in Tokyo, New York, London, Sydney, and Bahrain. At this point, this communication line is 440,000 kilometers long and can circle the earth 11 times. From Rio de Janeiro to Johannesburg, the farthest distance, an information journey of 40,000 kilometers only takes 5 minutes.

Not only that, Mitsui has also established information networks in 50 major cities in the country. Its intelligence information center covers an area of ​​125,000 square meters. The information and communication system operates 24 hours a day and night, continuously collecting economic and international, political, military, and Comprehensive and strategic research on various types of information such as science and technology, society, etc., has reached 65,000 pieces of information every day.

At the Tokyo headquarters, which is the research institute we are going to, is in charge of an executive vice president. He collects and analyzes the intelligence information gathered at home and abroad every day, and submits the selected intelligence to the trading company. The management and the Mitsui family are responsible for managing the members of the company.

There are as many as 100 pieces of information sent to the interviewers of the Mitsui family for review and processing every day. This is already a streamlined information collection.

It is precisely by relying on this non-stop communication network that the Mitsui family can watch the changes in every corner of the world, and grasp the economic trends and trade of all parts of the world, even the smallest information, in order to improve world trade. Competence in China. "

The exclamation in Yang Cheng's heart cannot be repeated. Such a powerful and rigorous intelligence network cannot be achieved by spending money in a short period of time, but a delicious fruit that can only be enjoyed by the joint efforts of decades or even generations.


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