Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1423: Nigeria's new oil field

"I have seen!"

Yang Cheng dumbfounded, what should I do if he doesn't play the cards according to the routine?

Concubine Liu Yi smiled and helped to explain, "Oliver just broke up in love, her boyfriend, it's not right, the ex-boyfriend is carrying her on her back with her girlfriend."

Yang Cheng was speechless, but after another thought, it seemed not strange that what happened to this girl.

This topic cannot be continued, otherwise who knows if this girl will collapse, Yang Cheng wittily changed the subject and asked them what they would like to eat at night.

. . . . . .

On May 10, a square day with no special significance, the Yang Cheng Jason took off from Los Angeles. After landing in Miami for resupply, it crossed the Atlantic Ocean and tossed for almost 24 hours before arriving in the old capital of Nigeria in southeastern West Africa. ——Lagos.

The private jets of Abu and Konrad Koch also arrived almost at the same time.

It is certainly not a trivial matter to allow these three to visit the African continent where birds do not **** at the same time, and it is undoubtedly related to the North Sea Oil Company.

Yang Cheng also took off from Los Angeles urgently after receiving a call from Abramovich. As for why, he estimated that it was mostly related to oil fields. Could it be that Nigeria discovered new oil fields?

Otherwise, why is Abu so excited as a child on the phone?

Before Yang Cheng smiled for the Pomeranian, the initial site of the chicken-raising project was in Nigeria. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to inspect it in person so soon. That's how fate came about.

In fact, speaking of this one of the few countries in Africa that is still well-developed, Yang Cheng understands more or less, from the "big dream" Olajuwon leading the Rockets to two NBA championships, to the upset reversal of the powerful Spain in the 1998 World Cup. Yang Cheng had already heard about the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games all the way to the men's football finals, but for this country on the west coast of the Gulf of Guinea, it seems that more knowledge comes from the sports world.

But with the discovery of oil and gas fields, Nigeria is no longer impoverished, dirty, messy, and tea in people's inherent impression. Although the hardware facilities are still rudimentary, let alone clean and tidy, the quiet and peaceful beaches of Lagos , But it is very commendable.

When the plane landed just now, Yang Cheng sat by the window and looked down. You can see the grand view of the Atlantic Ocean. White waves washed up on the beach and formed a beautiful coastline. Seagulls moved by the wind in the sky, palms and coconut trees in the sky. The sea breeze swayed and swayed, and people who didn't know thought it was Hawaii.

Andrew was in love with the scene. His grandmother was a Nigerian. In his words, he has a quarter of Nigerian descent in his bones, so he is particularly kind to this country that he has never visited.

Andrew, who saw the beauty of the beach like Yang Cheng, sighed, "Boss, maybe this beach we have now, since the beginning of the 17th century, it has been a slave market and a slave village for nearly 200 years.

When I was a child, my grandmother told me that in the past few centuries, millions of blacks were sold like commodities from here, and she was one of them. Only after being sold to the United States did I have a chance to meet my grandfather. Form a family. "

Hansen answered, "After getting off the plane, I will give you a half-day vacation. Go around on the street. Maybe you can meet your relatives."

In this regard, Andrew's answer is-a raised middle finger!

After the plane landed, Yang Cheng was not in a hurry to get off the plane. They just contacted Abu and the others by satellite phone. They will take a while to land. The planes of these two guys are too big to occupy the main runway and need to be honestly in line.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Yang Cheng saw through the porthole that the two big men’s planes had landed one after another and slowly taxied to the side of the Jason. In such a comparison, the Jason was like a toy.

Abramovich’s Sky is modified from Boeing 767 and has the same safety protection system as US Air Force One. The interior decoration alone cost more than 10 million pounds. It is a veritable palace in the sky!

Konrad Koch’s Boeing 757 is not much better. As the fastest flying model in the world, it is naturally a big fuel swallower. It flies more than US$10,000 per hour. The cost of a round trip to Africa is enough to buy one. A limited edition Ferrari F12.

Yang Cheng is upset, are these two guys here to discuss business or to show off their wealth?

I knew he would go back to New York to transfer to the 787. Now he finally understands why Abramovich is always keen on bigger and more luxurious planes and yachts. It is definitely stimulated too much!

Think about it, a 50-meter-long yacht looks like a grandson in front of a 100-meter-long superyacht while standing on the bow of the ship to say hello. The momentum is different!

Yang Cheng walked down the gangway stiffly, and found that their gangway was a bit longer than his own, and his vanity exploded in place!

Abu has arranged the convoy to pick up the plane. Yang Cheng nodded at them. Without a word, Abu and Conrad followed closely, and their bodyguards were all covered in black. SUV, a convoy of more than 10 vehicles drove out of the airport slowly.

As the largest city in Africa and the commercial center of Nigeria, Lagos has a large number of cars and people. In addition to the rapid rise of Nigeria in recent years, the ultra-high density of more than 20,000 people per square kilometer has changed the urban infrastructure that has not been developed at the same time. To be stretched.

Especially urban traffic is a headache.

Rao is a Benz known for luxury and comfort, and it is difficult for it to perform in such conditions.

I won’t mention the bumpy road. Even if it’s a single-lane road during off-peak hours, it is often forcibly "widened" into at least three trains. The drivers use their superb skills to shuttle through the gaps, which makes the narrow and bumpy roads. The upper dust is full of car horns, pedestrian curses, and occasionally mixed with children's crying. In Nigeria's sultry weather, it is very easy to make people anxious and anxious.

Yang Cheng was in a bad mood at first, and was turned upside down for almost half an hour. She wanted to open the window for ventilation, but inhaled the dust and car exhaust. He was so angry that he cursed the country for 10 minutes. No repeat!

Of course, if you take off the colored glasses and calm down to observe the city, you can still feel the modernization that is completely different from other African countries.

There are many tall buildings, the streets are intertwined, the shops are prosperous, and the pedestrians on the road are dressed in glamorous clothes. It looks like a coastal city in Brazil. Even the motorcade drove through a section of coastal villas, making Yang Cheng feel like being in the Z country.

In the end, the convoy arrived at a hotel and resort located on the seashore. The name of Yang Cheng was not clear. The beautiful-looking Yazi, the green palm trees, the neat lawn, and the blue sea level in the distance, finally let Yang Orange's inner irritability got a little relief.

After opening the door and getting off the bus, the three of Yang Cheng finally got together in front of the hotel gate. After a few words of greeting, Abu said, "Go back to the room for a short rest, and gather in my room in 1 hour."

Yang Cheng doesn’t matter, in fact, she doesn’t need to rest, "OK~ see you later~"

Conrad looked a little tired, and then looked at the coquettish little secretary in his car, and found the cause.

He needs rest most, "Great arrangement, I will go up first, see you later~"

Abu Ze said to Yang Cheng, "Jason, if you are hungry, you can try Nigerian specialties. Of course, I don’t know what to recommend. If it weren’t for the liquid gold under the ground, I wouldn’t be killed. Come here again."

Listening to Abu's complaint, Yang Cheng felt more comfortable, and it seemed that this one was similar to his own experience.

"I see, go and rest."

Abu nodded, not forgetting to remind him before he left, "You must bring your bodyguards when you go out. I heard that the law and order in Nigeria is very poor, and there are frequent robberies!"

"Don't worry~"

After all, Yang Cheng didn't try Nigerian food, but under the protection of Hansen and the others, he went to the hotel's private beach. When he was upset, looking at the sea more was helpful to relieve his emotions.

At the appointed time, after arriving at Abu's room, Yang Cheng had adjusted her mood, "Did you sleep well?"

Abu was okay. After changing into comfortable casual clothes, he was full of energy, but Conrad was still sluggish, yawning, waved his hand, "I didn't fall asleep at all, I need time to adapt to the chuang here!"

"Okay, let's talk about business. Suddenly I called you to this broken You should have guessed that Nigeria has discovered a new offshore oil field in a sea area called Owowo. According to the information I have obtained , The recoverable resources of this oil field are estimated to be 500 to 1 billion barrels.

Our goal is to take it and let it be ours. "

Yang Cheng glanced at Conrad, who was forcibly energetic, and then asked, "What are you going to do? This oil field should be one of the largest oil fields discovered in the world this year? An oil field worth tens of billions of dollars. Those prehistoric monsters cannot be ignorant. Are we going to compete head-on with them?"

Abu tilted Erlang's legs with a cigar in his hand, and took a sip, "That's why I called the two over. It's hard for me to compete with these international giants."

Yang Cheng opened her mouth without speaking, and silently grilled a cigar.

Conrad looked at Yang Cheng, then looked at Abu, sighed, "Actually, when you called me, I knew it was this oil field. I can tell you very clearly that this oil field is Exson Mobil. What's in the bag, enjoys a return rate of more than 20%, and Nigeria’s National Petroleum still takes part, plus the bidding costs and development investment, what should we compete with ExsonMobil?"

Yang Cheng didn't know the details yet. Hearing what Conrad said, he couldn't help but look at Abu with a slight accusation in his eyes. Why did this situation call people over? To play?

Abu bit his cigar and said, "We can't stay in the North Sea without coming out. We will expand out sooner or later. In that case, why don't we take this step earlier?"

"The question is what do we compete with?" Conrad asked, frowning.

"Bank!" Abu said categorically.


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