Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1441: Two million goods

Conrad had invited Yang Cheng to sit at home a long time ago, but at that time, it was more because of politeness. After all, the two sides had just cooperated, and they had to use some excuses to get closer.

But this time, Yang Cheng can feel that Conrad is really sincere in inviting him. Then, this matter will naturally be arranged on the agenda. The Koch family and Koch Industries are a maverick in the United States. They are amazing, but no one has ever dared to deny their power.

Being able to communicate a lot with such a big cow is definitely beneficial to Yang Cheng's improvement, so Yang Cheng did not refuse, on the contrary, he still had some expectations.

The three people chatted with each other in the restaurant all morning. After drinking several cups of coffee, at noon, they didn't move their chairs. They had lunch on the spot, and then they went back to their rooms.

Yang Cheng has just experienced a life-and-death crisis and needs some time to rest and recuperate, while Abu and Conrad have to take on more tasks, such as putting pressure on Nigeria’s ZF-our company’s people almost died on your site Alice, don't you give me an explanation?

Yang Cheng is still a little unhappy about being a bargaining chip in negotiations, but this unhappiness has become less important in terms of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Back in the room, Yang Cheng called in the bodyguard, the brawny man with the scar on his face, and said concerned, "Hansen, where are they now?"

Scarface immediately said, "According to the plan, if nothing else, they should have arrived at the northeastern border of Nigeria, close to Niger, where the base of the Boko Haram armed forces is located."

Yang Cheng pondered for a moment, "Where did they get their weapons?"

"The captain knows the arms dealer in Africa, and he can get whatever equipment he wants with a phone call."

Yang Cheng suddenly forgot this, "That's good, as long as the equipment is complete, their safety will be guaranteed."

Scarface straightened his chest, and said loudly, "Boss, with the strength of the captain and the others, they don't need the cover of the army at all, they are enough to upset the Boko Haram armed forces~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't take it lightly. How many years have the French and American garrisons stayed here? Has it been 4 years? Boko Haram is still active on the land of West Africa, and I was attacked because of it.

Of course, there are also factors deliberately caused by the two countries. With the Boko Haram, the two countries have sufficient reasons to ask for military expenses from the Congress, and they can also guarantee the immediate combat power of the army. Unfortunately, only a persecuted country like Nigeria , But who really cares. "

Scarface obviously doesn't understand these twists and turns, but through Yang Cheng's analysis, he seems to have re-acquainted the army he once served.

"By the way, I heard that you are also from a green beret?" Yang Cheng asked, staring at Scarface suddenly.

Scarface seemed indifferent to this title, "Yes, boss, this doesn't deserve special attention."

Yang Cheng smiled curiously, "Why? You are as famous as Delta and Seals."

Scarface may rarely talk to people for a long time and is very uncomfortable. "In fact, the outside world has misunderstandings about berets, which may be related to the promotion of Hollywood movies.

The green beret is very ordinary in the military and belongs to the basic combat sequence. In the earliest days, the Delta was an absolute secret existence. Its members even signed a legally binding agreement. If they talked about the Delta Special Forces publicly, they would be Imprisoned.

But the beret does not have so many scruples. Although we often perform secret tasks, our existence is not a secret.

And the beret was established mainly to perform the mission called "unconventional warfare". "

Yang Cheng heard this word for the first time, "Unconventional warfare?"

Scarface scratched his head, "Probably it is secretly assisting foreign resistance forces and subverting the local ZF."

Yang Cheng suddenly realized that the green beret was born out of conspiracy.

Scarface nodded, "The main mission of Delta is to perform short-term, small-scale, high-intensity combat missions, such as raids and capture missions on the frontal battlefield, which are also the most common special combat missions people remember.

But many times, when the US military is fighting overseas, it needs to cooperate with local armed forces. At this time, green berets are needed. This is why we need to master one more foreign language.

In order to complete the task, we usually pretend to be local armed forces and lurch down to provide intelligence support for the delta or seals. When necessary, we will actively expose ourselves and implement beheading operations on specific targets.

In a way, it is more like an enlarged version of the scout unit. "

Yang Cheng finally figured out the real difference between the two famous special forces.

"So what about you? What is your specialty? How did you get selected as a beret?"

Speaking of his own advantages, Scarface immediately became confident, "My specialty is jungle combat. In fact, the main attack direction of the green beret is also jungle combat. Boss, you also know the Cuban crisis and the South American situation at that time. In that continent full of tropical rainforests, even people from deltas find it difficult to adapt.

Of course, in the later stage, the people in the Delta also received special training, at least now jungle operations are no longer the shortcomings of the Delta. "

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "What else?"

"In addition to English, I can speak Portuguese and Chinese."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "You can speak Chinese?"

He deliberately changed this sentence into Mandarin, and Scarface was almost seamlessly connected, “Yes, when I was learning the second language, I preferred Portuguese, but I learned it very quickly and it didn’t take much time to complete it. The assessment can almost reach the level of smooth communication.

Then my chief told me that if I had extra energy, I would learn another language that was unfamiliar but might be useful.

At that time, I hesitated repeatedly between Arabic and Chinese, and after tangling for several days, I chose Chinese because I thought it would be useful sooner or later. "

Yang Cheng spread out her hand, "In fact, it proves this, doesn't it?"

Scarface's Chinese is fairly fluent, but his accent is very heavy. He is a foreigner at first, but it does not hinder communication. This is already very powerful. After all, the other party has never been to Z country.

Perhaps because Scar can speak Chinese, Yang Cheng developed a natural sense of intimacy with him, and said with concern, "What position are you in the bodyguard team now? Are you satisfied with your salary?"

Scarface immediately said, "Satisfied, very satisfied. I never thought that one day I could get more than a white-collar worker's salary, and now I feel very comfortable in my life. I can follow the boss around the world and see different cultures and cultures. The scene is much better than being a farmer in the forest.

My current position is the leader of the peripheral group. "

The peripheral group means that every time Yang Orange goes to an opponent, the peripheral will arrive first to investigate potential threats in advance. Although the investigation is not as powerful as the national leader, the meaning is the same.

Originally, Yang Cheng wanted to take the opportunity to give the other party a little more salary, but Scarface was already very satisfied, so it was no longer suitable to raise the salary rashly, and he could only wait until he did his merits.

At this time, Scarface's phone rang, and when he picked it up, it was Hansen's, and he asked Yang Cheng for instructions, "The captain is calling~"

Yang Cheng tried his chin, "take it~"

"Scar, is the boss awake?"

His code name is Dao Scar. He still respects Hansen. When speaking through his mobile phone, he will unconsciously use a respectful gesture, "I'm awake, Captain."

"Change the boss to answer the phone~"


Yang Cheng answered the call, stood up and came to the window, with a panoramic view of the blue Gulf of Guinea. At the end of the sea level, an invisible oil tanker was slowly moving.

"It's me, what happened to Hansen."

"Boss, we have joined the Nigerian army. Through the arms dealer, we have donated a batch of light and heavy weapons worth US$2 million to the Nigerian army. The other party has agreed to our request.

In addition, this morning, the Nigerian side received a request for joint operations from the US garrison. After careful consideration and pressure from our various parties, the other side reluctantly agreed to the exercise to turn into actual combat operations, and is currently actively formulating an attack plan. "

Yang Cheng said in deep thought, "You keep an eye on me, if the Nigerian army doesn't work hard ~ they won't even want to catch a bullet in the end."

"It's the boss. We only paid 500,000 for the goods in advance, and most of the goods are on the way. If they still want it, they will not dare to slack off."

"I see, is there anything else?"

"Andrew has led the team into the security zone of Boko Haram and temporarily lost contact with us, but I believe him, there should be no accidents."

"Well, I'm not at the scene, so you are solely responsible for it. I only need to see the results."

"Don't worry, boss, this kid Andrew can't wait to kill him, I can only say that Boko Haram has offended the wrong person!"

"I like this sentence, come on, come back and give you bonuses!"

Hung up the phone and threw the phone back to Scarface. After thinking about it, he said, "You go find Ms. Burns, the director of EssenMobil, and ask about her situation. If you are in good spirits, ask Will she be able to meet."

After Scar went out, Yang Cheng's own cell phone rang. Seeing the caller ID showing his mother's notes, Yang Cheng gave a wry smile and swiped to answer.

Before I could speak, my mother’s scolding spurted over, "You stinky boy, you scared me to death, you know? You! Now, immediately! Now! Get on the plane back to New York, I don’t want to hear any excuses from you. Are you crazy? Good day, but, go to Africa for charity?"

Yang Cheng took the phone away for a distance, and shouted, "Mom, I'm fine now, nothing is wrong."

I faintly heard my dad persuade on the other end, "Look at what I said? If he had something to do, he would have come back long ago, he must have not been injured~"

The mother yelled angrily, "Go away, you know what a shit!"

Yang Cheng: "..."


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