Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1443: Andrew is injured

15%? At any rate, it is an oil field with the level of 1 billion barrels, which gives the sovereign a 15% share, which is just enough to plug the teeth!

Yang Chengnao made up for it. When Burns told Nigeria about the 15% ratio, would the other party explode on the spot, or would a group of black people be angry with eggplants?

I dare not think~ I dare not think~

Seeing Yang Cheng's expression a little strange, Burns wondered, "Do you have better suggestions?"

Yang Cheng's eyes stared. What this meant was that there is still room for movement in proportion?

Isn't it so frantic? Is it true that ExonMobil has been doing this kind of sao operation overseas over the years?

He swallowed unconsciously, "Ms. Burns, is 15% too low? Will Nigeria agree?"

Ursula, a woman with a darker face and a darker heart, glanced at Yang Cheng with a weird look, as if she was saying: She has never seen the world~

"Jason, you don't know much about the oil industry. In this industry, you don't have sovereignty to own everything. Technology is king. Without mining technology, how can you turn black gold into money? How can you develop a country without money? How to guarantee sovereign security?

If the ratio is too low, we don’t care about the gains and losses of an oil field, but your country’s ZF has lost an important development fund, and your people have lost the opportunity to stand up. This is the most important thing!

And we have the mining technology. For these countries that urgently need to realize energy, it is the nectar from heaven. We are here to give them money. They should learn to be grateful, not greedy! "

In the end, Burns was completely disdainful of disguise, showing the capitalist's face to the fullest.

Yang Cheng's face, MMP, why do you feel that this black lady makes sense.

"So Nigeria won't reject this ratio?"

Burns said confidently, "Believe me, Jason, EssenMobil is based on this planet. No one knows this industry better than us. Nigeria has no right to say no!"

Yang Cheng is inexplicably sad. If a country is not strong, it is difficult to move an inch in the world. This sentence is not wrong at all!

But this thought is fleeting, and the life and death of the Nigerian is beyond his reach. Is it his turn to be sad in this spring and autumn?

Shaking his head, shook his head and said, "Well, I don't have any comments, you are right, professional matters should be handled by professional people."

Burns renewed a gentle smile, "Thank you for your trust and understanding. I have ExonMobil and I never let my friends down."

Yang Cheng slandered, "Does Exson Mobil have any friends? Haven't you all been offended by you?"

But in any case, a gram of cream will not be less for a Yangcheng cake, that's enough.

After returning to the resort in the evening, Yang Cheng told Abu and Conrad what he had talked with Burns. No surprise, these two bigwigs were shocked by the women’s fierceness, but they are both in the energy industry. The veteran was shocked for only a moment, and soon recovered calmly.

. . . . . .

The next day, as soon as Yang Cheng got up, he saw Hansen and Andrew sitting in the living room. Hansen had a black green on his left cheek. Andrew was miserable, with a bandage on his arm, and a shallow cut on his face. , But looking at his big grinning mouth, you know that there is nothing serious and he is in a surprisingly good mood.

Yang Cheng was slightly surprised, then sat down with a smile, and pressed his hands on the two heroes who wanted to stand up and say hello, "Sit down, don't care about this in private."

Void pointed to the faces of the two of them, "Let's talk about it, how did this injury come from?"

Andrew has always jumped off. As soon as Yang Cheng's voice fell, he dazzled his skills. Yes, he came to a'rap'. There was obviously no music, but he said a paragraph with a sense of rhythm, "yoboss, last night was so cool, you didn't It was a pity to be at the scene. I thought that the other party was just waste, and couldn't handle a back and forth sneak assassination. I didn't expect Boko Haram to hire a group of masters.

They were all Eastern European veterans who had been on the battlefield and suffered from severe traumatic sequelae. Hearing the gunshots was like pressing a switch. They were crazy, but after all, they were not Uncle Andrew’s opponents. I played three of them. Two of them should be Ukrainian gold. Diao, I squeezed my head in the end! "

Hansen listened to a black line on his forehead  ̄□ ̄||, couldn’t help but slapped Andrew on the back of his head, and said with a black face, "Speak well, pick the key points~"

Andrew rubbed his forehead aggrievedly, and saw that Yang Cheng opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

Yang Cheng was amused by this life treasure, and the remaining pajamas vanished in an instant, and she looked at Hansen, "It's up to you. Listen to this guy's bragging, it's almost "The Expendables 4"."

Hansen smiled bitterly, "In fact, it’s pretty much the same. We may have underestimated the enemy. I didn’t expect that a group of terrorists still have a back hand. This is really different from the terrorists we faced in the past. The quality is obviously higher. Still wondering, could it be that the terrorists have evolved over the years since we left the battlefield?

When we went deep into the center of the old nest, we discovered the existence of the group of veterans, and the doubts were resolved. With the training of this group of people, even fools can be trained to kill people, let alone a group of normal people? Although there is no culture, but the strength is not small! "

He darkened, "It's just those veterans, alas, they are all poor people, suffering from serious sequelae for the country, and they can't return to the city to live a normal life, but their motherland is just like a stray dog. It's **** good to lose them!"

Hansen is affectionate and righteous, and Yang Cheng is not surprised with this performance.

Quietly watched him vent some emotions, and then said, "But last night it was really dangerous. The 8 of us were divided into two teams, covering each other and sneaking in. At the beginning, it went smoothly. We easily killed more than 20. The soldiers on the periphery were not found by anyone.

It may also be related to the fact that most of the people were sent out to fight the three-nation coalition forces.

But when we went deep into the core area of ​​the base, we found that the internal guards had completely changed a group of people. Each of them was equipped with the latest U.S. military equipment. There were whites and blacks. The combination of light and heavy weapons was very reasonable and the level of alertness. Many times higher than the periphery.

I was suspicious at that time. I wanted to signal Andrew to observe for a while before deciding whether to change the action plan.

But who would have thought that this guy saw those veterans, just like the women who had been naked, didn't even look at the signal I sent out, and rushed up with the team. I couldn't help but follow.

After wiping the necks of a few people, he was finally spotted by a sniper. If it weren't for a brother's quick-eyed hand, he pulled Andrew a hand, and his head stuffed with **** exploded in place! "

Speaking of this, Hansen couldn't hold back again, and slapped it up again. This time Andrew had learned a lot, and his head shrank, just enough to pass Hansen's palm and smile triumphantly after hiding.

An angry Hansen immediately wanted to fight him.

Yang Cheng was speechless. After the two men quarreled for a while, he asked, "What then? How?"

Hansen sighed, "Then we can only go head-to-head. The opponent is a team of 16 people. At first we assassinated 4 people. For the remaining 12 people, Andrew and I can only play more than one."

Yang Cheng frowned, "No gun?"

"As soon as we discovered that there was a sniper, we knocked out all the searchlights on the base. The clothes on both sides were of similar camouflage, and they were a little farther apart. They couldn't tell the enemy from us at all. It was even brighter from the night vision goggles. This action was too hasty. We didn't have an identification friend or foe device. In the end, we had to fight in close quarters.

I was entangled by two fighting masters. Andrew was the most dangerous. He rushed forward and was surrounded by four people when he went up. But this kid was very clever. He was slashed in his face and stabbed one directly, otherwise he It's dangerous. "

Andrew curled his lips nonchalantly, "They are also relying on the number of people, otherwise they won't even be able to touch one of their father's hair."

Yang Cheng puffed at his raised arm, "What's the matter with this arm?"

Andrew Teng stood up and said, "The two golden eagles are nothing but brute force, but the little man who was ignored by me at the beginning almost beat his way.

That **** has definitely been patrolled in the tropical rain forests of is good at hiding and sneak attack, the angle of shot is very strange, I was attacked by him several times, the arm was broken by that bastard. "

Yang Cheng was shocked, "broken?"

Hansen’s face turned black to the bottom of the pot, "Boss, don’t listen to him. He fisted the kid, but he didn’t fight, and he was taken by the other party and hurt his muscles. When he came back, he told me. Along the way, let me keep it secret for him."

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, pointed at Andrew and laughed. This kid is a real treasure.

Andrew became angry from embarrassment. If Yang Cheng were not present, he still had some scruples. He had to give Hansen a knife!

Inhuman, what about the feelings of buddies? Say it should be kept secret!

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Okay, don't hold a face, this matter will be counted as a black hole until I am, and no one will mention it again."

Andrew was so coaxing and grinned, "It's better to be a boss!"

Yang Orange didn't make a difference, and asked Hansen, "Tell me about the record. You won't patronize the fight and enjoy yourself?"

Hansen shook his head, "Of course not. The veterans were resolved, and the remaining people did not threaten us at all. After a wave of sweeping, we basically sent the bosses who stayed at home to hell. We simply distinguished them. There is a man who should be the number two in Boko Haram, and there are many high-level backbones."

Yang Cheng sighed, "That's enough. This is the end of the matter. Don't mention it to anyone when you go back. Let the outside world misunderstand that the US military did it."

Hansen and Andrew knew what Yang Cheng's warning meant, and nodded solemnly.

"Does your injury matter? If you can, get on the plane and rest later. We have to return home as soon as possible. We can't stay here any longer."


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