Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1445: Huge pension

"I will pay for the pension, after all, it is because of me and they lost their lives~"

Yang Cheng didn't even think about it when she said this, and came almost open.

He took the initiative to do this for no other purpose, purely out of his own will, and this was not the first time he had paid a pension for his subordinates.

Old John asked Yang Sen in his eyes, and Yang Sen nodded slightly, "Then you go out. When you turn back, you write a check to Old John."

Yang Cheng snorted, and then said, "This time Beihai Petroleum is estimated to be able to make a fortune in Nigeria."

Yang Sen said immediately, "Because you and Ms. Burns were injured?"

"Yes, Ms. Burns thinks this is a reason for pressure."

"A few points?" Mom asked casually.

Yang Cheng looked scared, "15%, only 15% for Nigeria."

Mom and Dad were in an uproar at the same time, and Old John was also stunned, obviously surprised by this ratio.

"15%? Nigeria ZF can agree? This is a shame!" Liu Yun said in shock.

Yang Cheng put an omelette for his mother, "Who said no? I was frightened, but looking at Burns's relaxed look, I guess I have done similar things."

Yang Sen nodded and said, "It's not surprising that Essen Mobil has always been domineering."

Yang Orange smiled bitterly, "It is estimated that Nigeria regrets sending reinforcements, and we don't have to pay billions of dollars if we die."

Yang Sen sneered, "If you die, it won't be something that billions of dollars can solve, let alone one of the highest-ranking black women in the United States."

Yang Cheng stuck out his tongue and didn't speak. They were irritable people and couldn't offend them.

Liu Yun slapped her dad, "In the morning, it's awkward to say something undead."

Yang Sen's old face changed, and she smiled like a flower, "Just say it~ Say it casually, okay, I'm full, pack up and go to the company, you can finish eating and sleep later, best Let the doctor come to your house to do a comprehensive physical examination for you, so that you don’t get any hidden injuries. You won’t be able to find it at first, and it will cause serious problems after a long time.

Liu Yun followed with concern and said, "You have to check it carefully. I heard that the bomb exploded near your car? Will the shock wave hit the internal organs?"

Faced with the concern of his family, Yang Cheng didn't have much to say, so she could only say, "Don't worry, let Old John make an appointment for a doctor.

But I feel pretty good, and I don't feel a dull pain. "

"Check it, nothing is better, and we are at ease!" Liu Yun ordered.

After the meal, both my parents went out to work, and Yang Cheng was bored alone, so he followed Old John to pay the pension.

The family of a bodyguard happened to live in Brooklyn.

In the back row of Maybach, Old John held four brand-new checks in his hand and hesitated, "Will you give too much?"

According to regulations, if the bodyguard dies because of protecting the employer, it will be paid a one-time payment of 3-5 years of salary and an additional subsidy of 200,000 US dollars. The specific number depends on the situation, but generally will not exceed This category.

These elite bodyguards who follow Yang Cheng, without bonuses, basically have an annual income of $100,000, which is higher than many senior white-collar workers.

Of course, as the captain and deputy captain Hansen and Andrew, their annual income is not inferior to the general gold collar.

In any case, the standard of pension for a person of 500,000 US dollars is already very high. Many cold-blooded capitalists who do not pay attention to the deaths of people around them are even indifferent. Yang Cheng can take the initiative to care about this matter, and he is already a very conscientious boss. Up.

What's more, he gave each family a pension of 800,000 US dollars, enough for their families to live a worry-free life for a long time in the future.

The reason for paying so much money, Yang Cheng also considered that the four bodyguards did not even save the complete bones, so they could only use their remains to be buried. For the family, this may never be acceptable, and this is also his biggest. Guilt.

As for how their family members use the huge sum of money that fell from the sky, Yang Cheng can't manage, and won't care about it.

In an ordinary residential area in Brooklyn, when the Maybach of Yangcheng drove into the block, he happened to run into a few black children playing on the road. Looking at the ripped basketball uniforms they were wearing, you would know the income level of the residents nearby.

Yang Cheng couldn't help frowning, "Langome earns a lot, why does he still live here?"

Langham was one of the four bodyguards who died. He was also a black man. He once served in the seals and also went to sea with the aircraft carrier formation on missions. The resume shows that he had a very good record in dealing with pirates.

Old John took out the deerskin notebook he carried with him. It seemed that it should be a new one. With such a heavy notebook, he has already remembered more than 20 in his life. In his words, these are the wealth left to the next housekeeper. .

I took the opportunity to put on the reading glasses that hung around my neck, and opened a page saying, “Langome’s family is a big family, with one sister, three younger brothers, and two younger sisters. His father is a gambler and he has already passed away. For so many years, the life of the entire family has been borne by Langham."

Yang Cheng couldn't help being stunned. This is the true portrayal of a black family.

Hansen drove the car down slowly, and the zip code and number of the nearby buildings didn't know where he was going. Hansen could only rely on his experience to find it one by one.

Finally, relying on the guidance of a child, he found Langham's home, at the very end of the block, on the first floor of a three-story house.

When the car stopped on the street, Yang Cheng pressed down the window, looked at the closed window, and said to Old John, "I won't go down anymore, lest I say my identity and cause excessive reactions from the other party."

Old John smiled and nodded, "I will take care of it."

Yang Cheng was not relieved, "Hansen, follow along, don't let anyone hurt Old John."

The two got out of the car one after another. Yang Cheng raised the window again and through the privacy glass, seeing Old John knocking on the door of Langham's house.

The one who opened the door was a plump woman, who seemed to be Langham's eldest sister.

The other party's emotions were very sad. After hearing Old John's introduction, he immediately became agitated and even wanted to fight. Fortunately, Yang Cheng asked Hansen to help in the past and didn't let the woman's slap fall on Old John's face.

However, in the face of emergencies, Old John dealt with it calmly, always calmly, not happy or sad, as if he was a complete outsider.

Not knowing what else he said, the woman finally invited Old John in.

Hansen hesitated and followed in.

After ten minutes, Hansen and Old John got back into the car.

Yang Cheng asked immediately, "How is it?"

Old John smiled and replied, "Langome has a great mother. His sister wanted to have more, but her mother scolded him and thanked you for your kindness."

Yang Cheng sighed when she heard the words, "I'm afraid this family won't get along well. If her mother is gone, maybe something will happen."

Hansen followed, "Boss, I think it will be. Langham's sister is very greedy. She just asked for 2 million US dollars and threatened us to go to court if we don't give it."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "Forget it, don't care about her, I hope she knows how to constrain, and it is enough, otherwise I will not be merciful, and the love left by Langham is not enough for her to toss."

"Should I send someone to stare at this family?"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "There is no need to waste resources for such a person."

He paused, "Let's go, the other companies will trouble you two to go there in person, I can't keep following, Hansen takes care of Old John."


When I got home, the doctor who just made an appointment arrived. This kind of on-site physical examination is usually just a superficial examination. If you really want to do a detailed examination, you must go to the hospital.

However, according to the doctor's preliminary examination, Yang Cheng's body is completely fine, not to mention internal organ damage, not even bone cracks.

In order to reassure his parents, Yang Cheng also specifically asked the doctor to issue an examination report and sign it.

In the afternoon, Yang Cheng slept for a while and saw that the weather was good, so he called Old John to take a walk in Central Park.

The Central Park in the afternoon is like a woman who hasn't woken up, lazy and Before midsummer, the temperature is not high, but Yang Cheng has put on a short-sleeved T-shirt and is walking in the park. , I don't think it violates.

Old John changed his housekeeper's clothes and dressed casually, let alone, he looked a lot younger.

On the nearby lawn, a child was flying a kite. Yang Cheng stopped for a moment with his hands behind his back, with a smile on his face.

Old John stepped forward, "Does it bring back memories of childhood?"

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "Yes, when I was a kid, I also ran unscrupulously on the lawn like them. The sky at that time was much bluer than it was now."

Old John didn’t know, he thought that Yang Cheng was talking about the lawn in front of him, but in fact Yang Cheng’s thoughts drifted back to the other side of the ocean. When he was a child, he ran back and forth on the street outside the tube building. Occasionally, I would hold a kite to imitate the sound of a big airplane flying by, and now I don’t know where the fun is.

"In fact, the air in New York is maintained pretty well, at least much better than Chicago."

Old John didn't mean to complain about the weather in Chicago, he just said casually.

Yang Cheng smiled and continued to walk forward. Suddenly, he found a beautiful and tall figure in front of him, jumping and running, and then looked at the bodyguard who protected her from a distance, and guessed who it was with his butt.

Shouted loudly, "Ivan~"

Qianying turned her head subconsciously. When she saw Yang Cheng, her puzzled face stretched out, her brilliant smile was as unforgettable as this central park.

Ivan stopped and walked over to Yang Cheng, smiling and waving, "What a coincidence?"

After Yang Cheng waited for her to come over, he joked, "Should I be the one who happened to be? You only exercise in the morning? Why are you out now."


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