Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1452: Win over brother

Regarding the championship celebration, the float parade is indispensable, as well as the star assists. This is not uncommon. The fans applauded the most is the city holiday on the second day of the championship. On this day, everyone does not need to work and students do not need to go to school. Get up, the world is not as big as Liverpool's victory.

For Liverpool, this day is Christmas!

There were too many people walking to the stadium, and the car really couldn’t squeeze through. Yang Cheng had no choice but to get out of the car and hike. During the period, a few sharp-eyed Liverpool fans recognized the team’s boss and rushed over to Yang Cheng. While expressing his gratitude, I also wanted Yang Cheng to sign.

Originally it was just a small matter, but it couldn’t hold back the crowds. Yang Cheng is not a big star. He rarely signed dozens or hundreds of names in a row. At first, to force the grid to keep the font beautiful, he later signed it all. Sweat profusely, in the end I can't wait to take it all over.

The people around me gathered more and more, thanks to the bodyguards desperately building a wall between Yang Cheng and the fans. Otherwise, Yang Cheng was really worried about his life. He was not killed in a terrorist attack in Nigeria. Died in Birmingham, where to go to reason!

But this is not the way to go. Yang Cheng's sign-in arm was numb and sore, but he looked at a red, like volcanic magma, and couldn't see the end at a glance. Even if he was killed, the signing could not be finished.

He doesn’t know how many times this is the last one, but he can’t hold back the enthusiasm of the fans, and pulls down the bottom line again and again. In the end, if Ian El hadn’t received the news to bring someone out to rescue him, he would be fast. Collapsed.

Entering the court, Yang Cheng sighed heavily and took off his suit. Luo Yue found that his back was soaked, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. Just now in the encirclement, Luo Yue was well protected, but he did not suffer any harm. .

Ian El said with a gleeful smile, "Boss, you are more famous than Gerald and the others."

Yang Cheng threw the suit on him in an angry manner, "I'm not a star, what's the use of being famous?"

"In the hearts of our Liverpool fans, you are no less famous than a superstar."

Yang Cheng didn't bother to pay attention to him, and asked instead, "Is William here?"

"Hurry up, the Duke should be able to get to the scene before the start of the game."

Yang Cheng nodded. Although they were not at their home court, they were called by themselves. Safety must be guaranteed. "Send more people over to ensure the safety of William and Kate."

"Understood~Boss, let's go to the box first, or go to the locker room to encourage the players?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Forget it, the arm that signed is weak, I have to eat something to recover my strength."

"I'll let someone buy it."

"Well~ Just burgers and hot dogs, and some French fries coke, I need to add calories."

As the'veritable' small club in the Premier League, the Hawthorn Stadium at home is naturally not a big one, and it is still a thousand miles away from the spectacular.

But as the highest course in the UK-168 meters above sea level, Hawthorn Stadium still has a lot to praise.

When just entering the gate, the staff of the Hawthorn Stadium who was in charge of the reception also specially introduced the statue of Tony Brown, the hero of the team to Yang Cheng, and because of the existence of this statue, it added a warm atmosphere to the stadium.

Every fan wearing a blue and white button striped shirt comes to the stadium and can find the feeling of going home.

The Hawthorn Stadium, located on a small hill, seems to be built on a pasture, overlooking the green pastures, occasionally dotted with fat white sheep, just like it was built on the own pasture.

Compared with these stadiums such as the Chiefs of Old Trafford, the Hawthorn Stadium, which can accommodate 30,000 people, is as small as a toy, but for the people in this small city, it is just right. Major games are basically guaranteed. The stadium is full and the stadium atmosphere is very good.

On the way to the chairman's box, a person in charge of Hawthorn Stadium came to take Ian Al and talked a few words.

After he came back, Yang Cheng asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Ask us for help regarding the maintenance of the turf of Hawthorn Stadium."

Yang Cheng wondered, "Ask us for help? Asking for money?"

Ian El shook his head, "No, no, Grass Seed has technical support."

Yang Cheng still didn't understand, "There is a problem with the lawn of Hawthorn Stadium? Why do you ask us for help?"

Seeing that he was surrounded by his own people, Ian Air lowered his voice and said, "Boss, every giant team in the Premier League has its own iron line~"

Yang Cheng nodded and expressed his understanding. Of course he knew this qian rule. Could it be that West Bromwich Albion is also a direct line of Liverpool? I haven't heard~

"Before, West Bromwich Albion was closer to the London team and closer to Arsenal, but recently they have poached a few small players from our youth training. Don’t worry, they are all mid-level players. It’s difficult for our first team to gain a foothold."

Yang Cheng didn't worry too much. If Ian El did the stupid thing of selling out his youth seedlings, he would have gone out by himself.

"We didn't make too much trouble on the transfer fee. Basically, the other party's first offer, after a little discussion, agreed to the transfer.

Anyway, it's not worth the money, so it's a charity.

It is precisely because of this opportunity that our two clubs began to get closer. "

Yang Cheng suddenly said, "If this is the case, it is indeed a good opportunity to win."

Ian Ayre smiled, "It doesn't happen that I followed the team to Birmingham ahead of schedule, and came to the door for convenience, took the initiative to raise difficulties and asked for our help.

After a brief inspection, I found that the problem is not big and it is just a matter of effort for us.

The Hawthorn Stadium was dug nearly 1 meter deep in the field when it was built, and a total of 4 layers of turf were covered. The top layer was made of 95% real grass + 5% fake grass mixed for the purpose of protection The grass roots will not be easily destroyed by the players during the Once the game is over, the staff of the stadium will immediately check the turf and add sun lights to ensure the recovery of the turf. "

Yang Cheng nodded and said nothing. These are all normal operations. The Premier League’s stadiums have very good heating and drainage functions. Therefore, even in the rainy time of winter, the playing field is as beautiful and comfortable as a green carpet. We are guaranteed to give both players one While a very good competition environment, it also creates a good viewing effect for the audience in front of the TV.

However, this level of maintenance requires a lot of investment. West Bromwich’s financial situation is difficult to maintain for a long time. After reducing the investment in field maintenance in the past two years, the grassroots will inevitably suffer trauma. At present, there are often tackles. The situation where the turf flies up in one piece is very harmful to the players, and it also causes permanent trauma to the turf.

No way, the stadium maintenance staff can only choose to patch to keep the stadium intact, but this is not a long-term solution after all!

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