Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1455: Nima cheating

The next morning, the four people who had slept all night got up one after another. After a brief breakfast in a nearby restaurant, Yang Cheng personally drove a rented Land Rover towards the resort.

When they were eating just now, several local residents seemed to recognize William and took pictures with their mobile phones secretly.

William, who was sitting in the co-pilot, wore a black bowler cap, just covering his big bald head, and said to his mobile phone proudly, "It seems that I am quite famous in New Zealand."

Yang Cheng held the steering wheel with one hand and put his arms on the door frame, looking very relaxed and relaxed. There were no cars on the road, and there was no danger of overturning on the straight avenue, so he could also turn his head and complain about William. The countries of the Commonwealth, if you don’t even recognize you, then you should cry."

Kate covered her mouth and laughed behind her, seeming to agree with Yang Cheng.

William disagreed, and said to himself, "Maybe because I have become handsome recently?"

Yang Orange was shocked, "What? Are you handsome? Damn, Kate, you pinch me, are we in a dream? Haven't woke up yet?"

The back row laughed, but William pinched his face seriously, and said sternly, "I tried it. This is the real situation, so I really become handsome!"

Yang Cheng pretended to collapse, pressing down the car window and yelling out of the window. The speechless appearance made people laugh.

Talking and laughing all the way, I soon arrived at the largest ski resort in the South Island-Triple Cone Mountain. Its practical ski area is more accurate because the area is too big.

Because of the terrain, the ski resort can provide true New Zealand mountain experience for snow lovers of different levels. For novice skiers, there are free beginners tows and open and gentle slopes;

For skiers who want to try more excitement, the open environment here has made New Zealand’s top free-skiing terrain. The rich natural shallow valleys, wide slopes and excellent soft snow quality are the world’s best Top.

Triple Cone Mountain also has the longest vertical slide in the Southern Lake District.

The meticulously built long snow slopes, legendary terrain and unparalleled beauty, only by being in it can you truly appreciate the charm of the Three Cone Mountains.

Because they brought two half-baked novices, Yang Cheng and William were gentlemen to accompany them to change into a full set of clothes. With the help of the coach, they chose a more stable double board for the two of them to open the primary road. play.

After playing with them for more than an hour, Yang Cheng and William finally couldn't bear it, and took their snowboards to ride the cable car to the vertical ski trail, which is also the longest trail in the Triple Cone Mountain, with a length of 4 kilometers. The vertical drop is as high as 700 meters, which is slightly less thrilling than the highest vertical **** of 85 degrees in the Alps in the Northern Hemisphere, but it is also enough for them to find excitement.

Snowboarding has always been a game for the brave. It is a test of talent. Sometimes facing the natural obstacles set by nature, many people who have no skills and no talent can not pass it smoothly even if they practice for a lifetime. A talented person can directly rush through with a brave heart. Don't believe that the hard work of the chicken soup is more important than talent!

In fact, before you decide to engage in a certain job, first try to see if you have talent. If you don't, don't waste your time, because even if you work for a lifetime, you won't be able to catch up with the inspiration of a talented person.

Therefore, in Yang Cheng’s view, instead of working hard to study a certain technology, ordinary people should go and take a look, and find that their talent in a certain area is better than wasting time, even if you eat more There are many others, that is also a kind of talent. There are many big appetites in Europe who rely on participating in competitions and eating to feed their families!

Closer to home, William is a typical person who has no skiing talent. He can have this skill today because he has the conditions to practice skiing since he was a child. He has been taught by top instructors, even if he is stupid. Have a proficient technique.

Yang Cheng is a talented player. His innate motor nerve allows him to easily learn any sport. However, due to his lack of patience and perseverance, he has not practiced every sport. top notch.

But this is not a big problem. He is not prepared to be a professional athlete, and his family does not need him to go out and fight to support his family. He is just playing and playing. Bullying and bullying are like William, who has not practiced too many famous rookies in his entire life. , Is more than enough.

The two were sitting on the cable car, and Yang Cheng asked while tidying up the protective gear, "What do you say?"

William likes to compete skiing skills with Yang Cheng. With this spirit of reluctance to admit defeat, Yang Cheng is willing to let him lose more times. The sense of accomplishment crushed by talent is better than spending money. People are still enjoyable!

The challenge is about to begin. The cells all over William's body are jumping, and he can't wait to counterattack and defeat Yang Cheng. There was not much wind at all, and he didn't need a loud voice at all, but he still shouted, "If you lose, you will Hollywood has a party, only a party for female stars!"

Yang Cheng was so scared that he hurriedly covered his mouth, "You are crazy, this is a snowy mountain! If there is an avalanche for a while, I will not save you."

It is common sense not to speak loudly in the snow-capped mountains. The majestic snow-capped mountains will often get angry because of an inconspicuous frequency vibration. In the face of an avalanche, the chance of anyone escaping is infinitely close to zero.

William realized that he was silly and put on the goggles embarrassingly.

Yang Cheng waited for a while, making sure that no abnormality had occurred, then let go, glared at this unreliable guy and then said, "You really are not afraid of death, are you afraid that Kate will know that you will click?"

William shrugged indifferently, "You know, as long as I don't raise people and play occasionally, Kate will ignore it even if I know it."

Damn, or your royal family can play, this is the real red flag at home that will not fall, the colorful flags fluttering outside, old iron six six six six!

"Okay, you said it's okay, then do it, but did you lose?"

William grinned strangely, "I lost? Then you organize the party and I'm responsible for paying for it. Is this okay?"

Yang Cheng chuckled, yes, it seems that hosting a party is the main purpose, it doesn't matter who pays the money.

It was just for fun anyway, Yang Cheng didn't say much, and directly nodded in agreement.

The cable car slowly rose and finally came to the mountain top platform. Yang Cheng jumped down and quickly stepped on the snowboard. He gave a thumbs up to William who was also making final preparations, indicating that he was ready.

William is very cautious and seems to be very careful about today's friendly match, but in the face of strong strength, all means are clouds!

Soon, William gave a thumbs up to indicate that he was okay. Yang Cheng grinned and stretched out the three fingers of his right hand. After a few seconds of silence, one finger was put away, followed by the last finger. When he fell, William used his legs and jumped from the starting point, bringing up a snowy mist.

Yang Cheng shrugged helplessly, unhurriedly pressed the timer on the watch, twisted his hips and stretched half of the snowboard out of the rock steps, slowly leaning forward, and the snowboard and body merged into one. As the earth's gravity slowly slid down, and the speed became faster and faster, Yang Cheng's posture was very stable, his upper body was motionless, and he rushed straight down.

Unlike William’s non-stop snake route, Yang Cheng has always maintained a state of bending and accelerating. It seems that he is not playing, but participating in a real chase. He neither shows off his skills nor ensures the safety of sliding, but just blindly pursues. speed.

Soon, William’s weak lead ahead of the start was easily wiped out by Yang Cheng. When the two were almost parallel, Yang Cheng suddenly stood up straight, raised his **** in a sorrowful manner, and then spotted the timing. The board aimed at a raised rock, treated it as a skip, rushed up, the whole person flew up in the air, I saw that his right hand accurately grasped the snowboard in the air, and it was spinning with inertia at a rapid speed. At 1080 degrees, it landed steadily.

William at the back almost stared at it, shit, Nima cheated. This is an action that can only be seen in professional U-pool competitions. Although this action is not difficult for professional male players, is Yang Cheng a professional athlete?

He is just a small boss, not so exciting!

Because of this ski jump in the air, Yang Cheng smashed William more than ten meters away in a short time, and turned on the dazzling skill mode, such as ollie, turning 180 inside and outside, sticky jumping, and even slowing down like falling leaves, which can stimulate William. It's not light.

People are slowing down, and you still can't catch up. Isn't this the gap?

In the end, Yang Cheng felt that his technical library was almost exhausted, and William had not caught up. He felt boring and didn't play anymore. He continued to accelerate and enjoy the fun of his own skiing!

. . .

For the junior ski trail, I followed the coach to practice the basic skiing moves. Luo Yue and Kate found the state, and eagerly skied a few back and forth. They were very tired. After discussing the two, they went directly to the restaurant on the ski resort and asked for a cup. Coffee sit down and chat.

After all, women have less fun in skiing than It is enough to play for a while and feel the comfort of sports.

The two sat in front of the glass, holding coffee cups to warm their hands, and Kate suddenly asked, "Do you usually check Jason's private life? I mean women."

Luo Yue was startled, started talking about girlfriends so soon? It seems that the relationship between the two is not there yet.

But she didn't think much, and subconsciously replied, "No, I never care about his private life, including mobile phone, email, and password I don't know."

Kate gave a wry smile, "Are you so relieved of your Jason?"

Luo Yue remembered his suspicion last time, and said embarrassingly, "I don’t feel relieved, how should I say, I think the most important thing for two people to trust together, if you have to guess at any little things, even suspect that he has a woman outside. , This kind of life will not last long!"

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