Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1478: Refuse to bow

To do a simple statistics, Nevada's sports betting industry revenue in 2006 was 2.6 billion U.S. dollars, and in 2013 it rose to 3.6 billion U.S. dollars. By 2016, this figure had climbed to 5 billion U.S. dollars.

This is just the sports betting revenue of a state in Nevada.

What if it rises to the US? Sports betting funds reach 400 billion U.S. dollars, and of this 400 billion, at least 380 billion illegal funds flow every year.

Legalizing nearly 400 billion illegal funds and putting money into one's pocket reasonably and legally under the cloak of the law, what does this mean?

According to Xiao Hua's idea, once the NBA promotes the legalization of sports betting, as the first league to eat crabs, the NBA has at least hope to draw 1% of all betting.

If the scale of 400 billion is true, even if it is really only 1%, then there are 4 billion US dollars.

You know, this season that has not yet ended, the total income of the NBA is only 6 billion US dollars. If it can increase the income of 4 billion US dollars, it is equivalent to a surge of more than 60% in league revenue. By then, Xiao Hua will be eligible to compete for the world's first manager. The throne of man is now, and money and reputation are still in hand?

Xiao Hua has the courage to take risks. Assuming that the NBA suddenly increases revenue by 4 billion US dollars every year, what kind of situation is this? The most obvious manifestation is the change in the salary cap. If the dream comes true, the league's total annual income will exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars, the team salary cap will be close to 170 million U.S. dollars, and the annual salary of NBA top-paid players will exceed 60 million U.S. dollars.

At that time, if you refuse to be convinced on the sports rich list, it is estimated that there will be no other sports. NBA players will control at least half of the top 100 countries. This is the real half of the country, more reliable than Wang Banbi!

Prior to this, the players will be the first to taste the sweet jujube of salary guarantee. Next season, due to the new TV broadcast contract coming into effect, the NBA salary cap will break new highs. Everyone will see how much the free market this summer will be. Crazy, now that you have tasted the sweetness, those players who have benefited, don't you want to try it again?

Of course, this is only an ideal situation. Yang Cheng feels that with the dominance and greed of the gaming group, it is difficult for Xiao Hua to take advantage of the negotiation. The 1% rake is definitely not a small cake in front of the crazy scale of 400 billion yuan. With the delicious mousse with cream and strawberries, the gaming group will give it away lightly?

Yang Cheng feels that Xiao Hua will inevitably be strongly opposed by the gaming group, and even hit the head. In the face of crazy interests, Xiao Hua is a shit. Crossing the river and breaking the bridge is the most common drama in the capital world?

Integrity? Is it worth 4 billion?

Of course, everyone is still in order to make money. There is no need to get rid of the skin. Both parties do not want to work hard in the early stage. Therefore, after the fierce negotiation, the best result should be that both sides step back. The NBA gets a 0.5% rake. A huge gain is still calculated on the scale of US$400 billion, which will be a huge sum of US$2 billion, which will still have a significant impact on the NBA’s salary cap and salary structure.

With the loss of 2 billion, the remaining number is enough for the gaming group to eat and drink. You can't leave no soup to the NBA, otherwise how can you expect others to cooperate with you to make money?

The league and players benefit from it, but what about the team? Is it just watching?

Of course it's impossible. The bosses of each team are also members of the capital industry. How can they sit back and watch everyone vying for the cake?

Therefore, after the cooperation starts, the team's home court and shirt chest sponsorship contract is likely to become the object of the gaming company's efforts. It not only plays a role in publicity, but also gives the team sweetness. Everyone is covered in rain and dew.

It is precisely because of this that when the Nets were acquired, in order to obtain the support of Xiao Hua, Yang Cheng secretly reminded the other party that he was willing to cooperate in this regard.

But the premise is that your team must have a certain level of strength in terms of competing for the championship.

In other words, Yang Cheng just wants to make money. While making money, he can also guarantee that the team wins the championship and give the players and fans an explanation. Then Yang Orange welcomes the joining of the gaming group.

But before that, Xiao Hua blatantly interfered in the game, and even played a black hand to kill the Nets' chance of competing for the championship, which Yang Orange had never expected before.

It may also have something to do with his never thought that the team made it to the Eastern Conference finals so smoothly, but now that this step is reached, the championship trophy is within reach, and whoever gets hacked will be frustrated.

Yang Cheng can still maintain a calm attitude, sitting here and drinking tea face-to-face with the instigator, it is already considered very graceful!

Faced with Xiao Hua’s calmness, Yang Cheng turned on the TV, which happened to be the scene of Donaghy’s interview. Yang Cheng pointed to the void, deliberately made a slightly provocative smile and asked, “How do you think about how to deal with the difficulties in front of you? Yet?"

This video was prepared by Yang Cheng in advance for Susu. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that turning on the TV is just such a good show?

One of the reasons why the American Sports League is reluctant to legalize sports betting is that it is worried that matches will be affected by sports betting. Once a gambling scandal occurs, it will be a huge blow to the league’s public image. The public image is destroyed. What benefits are there to talk about? ?

The last time Donaghy stood up to expose the NBA shady, David Stern, who was still in the league, experienced the league's most difficult moment.

In order to preserve the reputation that he had accumulated through hard work, Stern used the thunder method to expel Donaghy and sent him to prison.

It may also be because of such drastic measures that the fans' confidence in the league was restored.

But this time?

Xiao Hua can still be so lucky?

After he quietly watched the interview video, he thought slightly, "Compared to other sports leagues in the world, the NBA has actually done a pretty good job in preventing match-fixing. We have a special monitoring to go. Supervise the abnormalities that occur inside and outside the stadium. Once discovered, it is undoubtedly a zero-tolerance policy. Donaghy’s previous end is the best example.

In fact, it is not only the NBA, but other American sports leagues have very strict penalties for gambling. For example, the United States MLB, they once permanently expelled the manager of the Cincinnati Redskins. "

Yang Cheng chuckled and shook his head, "Donaghy is just a scapegoat. You and I know this. I want to hear something real. What do you, or you, plan to do to calm the current dispute, and me? Anger!"

Xiao Hua still did not let go, biting the set of high-sounding rhetoric, "The current labor agreement contains the prohibition of the coaches and players of this league from betting on any game of the league and similar clauses, and with the legalization of sports betting and the NBA Cooperating with more betting companies, I believe the alliance will issue more and clearer laws, and emphasize more severe punishments for violators.

Facing the red line of gambling, the NBA will come up with a set of practical high-pressure policies and strict supervision in parallel, so that game participants can understand the painful cost of crossing the boundary.

For example, once a player or referee is suspected of gambling, not only will their careers end, but they will also be jailed.

I have repeatedly emphasized that no matter how things change, the game will always be the core product of the league, and we will do our best to protect the authenticity and integrity of the game. "

Yang Cheng's expression became colder, "You know what I want to hear. Your rhetoric is good. You can use it directly for the next emergency public relations, but if you say this in front of me now, it will only make this Things are getting more and more serious! To the point that you have to pay something to resolve it!"


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