Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1481: NBA inflation

Yang Cheng poured herself a cup of tea, and asked, "The salary cap for next season should be out, right?"

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and felt that if it was revealed now, it should not have much impact. In addition, he had no choice but to tell the truth. "If nothing else, the salary cap for the 16-17 season is 94.14 million US dollars. The maximum salary is 29.65 million US dollars."

As Yang Cheng understands the rules of the NBA game, he has his own understanding of how to control player salaries. Generally, the maximum salary of stars is calculated based on 10 years or more of NBA experience. In other words, there will be a lot of explosiveness this summer. By signing the contract, those who are in the middle and upper class can get an annual salary of 20 million yuan, and countless billion yuan contracts will be born.

Don’t forget, these people have generally not played in the NBA for 10 years, and the next free market, which is next summer, will be the attention of the world, because it includes Chris Paul, Westbrook, and Stephen C. Li, Rose, and other long-established stars will all meet the conditions of playing for the league for ten years or close to ten years. By then, it will inevitably be an exhibition show with a high price contract.

Yang Cheng couldn’t help but feel a little distressed. Playing a team is really a burn. For people like him who raise several clubs in different fields, these superstars are like swordsmen raised at home in ancient times. People do everything on weekdays. Without doing it, you can have the best resources and treatment, but at the critical moment, you may not be able to guarantee the integrity of your family. Once the enemy is stronger?

It’s not too much to drive away, leaving a burden. Now he has finally experienced that Kroenke’s wealth is similar to his own, but he still has the feeling of going his own way under the name of an iron cock. If you have more debts, you don’t have to worry about more lice and itching, anyway. There are so many scolding yourself, why invest more money? Anyway, no luan use! Those who should be scolded will still scold, and those who shouldn’t be scolded are also sitting on the sidelines with your current changes because of past actions. Why bother.

Yang Cheng’s feelings are very intuitive. The Nets have two superstars, Paul and Wade, both of whom are veterans who have proven their strength. It is absolutely impossible to retain them with feelings and pie. In addition to a top-level contract, the team has enough championship background.

In other words, if you really want to keep them, only one is not enough. You have to keep both. No, no, maybe there is a third one. Sean Marx and the others have fully mobilized resources to make the Nets completely incarnate. Champion seed, how much money should I spend?

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng took a deep breath.

He vaguely remembered that Curry, who had been holding a cheap contract before, had the opportunity to get a five-year maximum salary contract next year. The annual salary will exceed 30 million US dollars. It looks like a five-year total value of 175 million US dollars. It is the eighth year that Curry has joined the NBA. The starting salary for 8-11 years is 30%. With the bird right, which is the Bird right, and the parent team renews, then the contract can be the longest 5 Years, and the average annual salary increase was 10%.

The same is true for Durant. If he still signs a 1+1 contract with the Warriors this summer, he will be able to jump out of the contract tomorrow. By then, he has been in the league for ten years. Then in the summer of 2017, when he re-negotiates the contract, the maximum starting salary can account for 35% of the salary cap.

Also facing this situation is James, the first man in the league today. According to the news from the Cavaliers, James is expected to continue to sign a 1+1 contract with the team, because he will return to the Cavaliers in the summer of 14 to the summer of 16. , LeBron has not worked for the Cavaliers for 3 consecutive years. If not counting in the past, he will automatically lose the Byrd clause and cannot maximize his personal interests. He can only sign a renewal contract with an annual salary increase of 4.5%.

However, if he breaks out of his contract and becomes a free agent again in 2017, James will meet the requirements of the Byrd clause. He can sign a 5-year maximum salary contract with the Cavaliers with an annual salary increase of 7.5%. According to estimates, this is a total value of more than With a $200 million contract, he may become the first Mr. 200 million. Of course, Yang Cheng can't remember the specific content of the final contract. Anyway, he must have signed it.

All in all, exploding contracts one after another will become the norm in the league in the future. This is also the reason why Xiao Hua still sits on the Diaoyutai after doing so many maddening things. He grasped the lifeblood of the NBA basics. It is the money bag of the players. As long as the players make money, the game and the results seem to be irrelevant.

But the location and height of Yang Cheng's location is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary players. He sees farther and naturally smells a hint of danger. According to the usual logic in the financial market, after prosperity, everyone must collapse. Crisis, and it is a big crisis!

After all, with the frequent occurrence of large contracts of hundreds of millions of dollars, many players are worth far beyond their real combat power. From a certain perspective, this is inflation!

All fools know what will happen if inflation continues to spread.

As a league without relegation, the reason why the NBA has been able to maintain the balance of strengths and weaknesses of the teams and establish a relatively stable ecosystem for so many years has relied on the double insurance of salary cap and luxury tax.

However, with the implementation of the new broadcasting contract and the skyrocketing salary cap, this insurance has become no longer balanced. According to the laws of nature, once the ecological balance is broken, what will be ushered in is a certain species of species. Explosive growth, think about the human world, occupied by rats, what it will be like.

It is true that this round of salary cap increase is mainly due to the increase in the income of the entire league. As the cake gradually gets bigger, the boss and the players become the beneficiaries of the system.

The fact is indeed the case, in addition to the improvement of labor treatment, the market value and income of each team are steadily rising.

We must know that in 2014, Ballmer spent a full 2 ​​billion US dollars on the acquisition of the Clippers. Such a price is absolutely unimaginable in the past. It is generally recognized that the team in the league is more valuable than the Clippers. There are no fewer than 5, this is the most terrible, sometimes your worth is high, not necessarily a good thing!

The cake is getting bigger and bigger, the ambitions of all parties are also expanding, and the skyrocketing salary cap has created a good opportunity for many teams to realize their ambitions.

Two years ago, if someone predicted that the Warriors would make up a Big Four lineup without exceeding the salary cap, such arrogance would only be exchanged for ridicule and ridicule.

But at the moment, if there is no intervention by Yang Orange, the Warriors will actually dig Durant into the formation and make up the strongest Big Four lineup after the Lakers F4, and there is no less than it is. You must know The Warriors' bench lineup is far superior to the Lakers at the time, not to mention that they almost sold the team short in order to pool the Heat of the Big Three. They didn't even have a decent center and point guard, if not for the three superstars of their years. The strength is too tyrannical, maybe even the paint of the championship trophy will not be touched in the end.

Once the warrior, the super warship, is set to sail, a new round of arms race in the alliance will inevitably be set off, and there will be more and more incidents reported to the group and even become the mainstream.

The constant teamwork of the big names will inevitably make the survival of the small club more difficult, even in a short period of time, the league can maintain the operation of the small team by evenly sharing the revenue.

But in the long run, the frequent outflow of talents from the small market to the big market will only make the entire league more polarized, which will seriously affect the performance of the small team.

On the other hand, as the "wolves and less meat" situation in the market intensifies, NBA players will have more and more options.

The endless stream of agents, large and small, will also take advantage of this opportunity to do everything possible to "drive up prices" for the benefit of their wallets and players, but for the bosses of the employers, their tolerance is limited after all. of.

For example, Yang Cheng now anticipated the crisis in advance, and almost instinctively raised a wave of dissatisfaction. He felt that the average salary level of the league five years ago was the most appropriate.

Patience is extreme. Once the external asking price continues to exceed the boss’s expectations, the commonplace topics such as revenue sharing and hard salary cap will be brought up again. According to the deadline set by the last labor agreement, the alliance is likely There will be another major shutdown.

There have been 5 lockouts in NBA history in 1964, 1976, 1994, 1998, and most recently in 2011.

The reason for the five suspensions is the same, that is, the old version of the labor agreement has expired, and the labor and management have not negotiated the new labor agreement. This is plainly because the players want more money, and the team owner wants less. With some money, when the two sides have no consensus, a strike is a natural thing.

And every lockout will cost NBA teams and the city where the team is located.

The shutdown in 2011 directly caused economic damage to the cities where many small teams are located, totaling billions of dollars. This cost is extremely painful, and neither the players nor the bosses, nor the cities where the teams are located, are willing to bear it again.

With the lessons learned, everyone’s mentality is naturally much more peaceful, although for Yang Cheng, the loss to him from the shutdown is infinitely close to zero, because he not only eats with the Nets, but Conrad, a big local tyrant, helps to share the risk. , Once something goes wrong, they can both get away at any time.

loss? It's absolutely impossible, just make a little bit more!

Of course, if this is the case, the Nets players will be unlucky.

But no matter what, the crisis is imminent, and there is Xiao Hua, a fox who keeps stumbling behind him. Yang Cheng said: I'm too difficult, I can't get through this day.

Adam Xiaohua saw Yang Cheng's face uncertain, and he hesitated without speaking. He could only drink the Z national tea that he was not used to, and bowed his head in silence.

This time he ventured to meet in Yang Cheng's office. He must get an acceptable result and go back, otherwise he will encounter the biggest crisis since taking office.


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