Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1483: Cleveland no man's land

The 2015-16 NBA playoffs Eastern Conference finals tiebreaker is about to start at Cleveland's Quicken Loans Center. Yang Cheng hesitated and went with the team, not to mention the sourness in his heart.

It's like knowing the tragic ending of the TV series, and having to see the end from the beginning, tortured with enjoyment.

In any case, this is the last game of the Nets this season. As a team owner, it is reasonable to accompany the team to spend this sad moment on the scene.

Conrad, who also knew the ending in advance, didn't have so much patience. He didn't even show his face, letting Yang Cheng represent it all.

As Ohio's largest industrial city and Lake Harbor.

Cleveland is located on the south bank of Lake Erie, at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. It flourished with industry and shipping, but it is now the poorest city in the United States.

Why did James, the spiritual leader who was given high hopes by Cleveland, choose to leave the Cavaliers? In addition to the yearning for the championship and Miami Beach, the city's own conditions are also a major reason.

Cleveland has been rated as the poorest city in the United States for many consecutive years. There is a large proportion of blacks in this city, accounting for almost 50%. Geographical location and environmental factors determine that Cleveland can hardly find the same specialties of its own, because blacks Too many, and are not favored by large companies, so the unemployment rate and crime rate have been high.

Although this is also an invisible racial discrimination, in the final analysis it is a pot made by the Clevelands themselves, so the bitter fruit will naturally have to be swallowed.

The season is okay now, the temperature is less than 20 degrees, and the breeze is blowing in the trees. It looks like other American cities, at least on the surface.

But if you live in Cleveland in winter, you will feel the greatest malice in the world-cold, cold makes your heart palpitating!

Because it is latitude further north than Indiana, Cleveland can be described as cold in winter.

As one of the northernmost cities in the United States, the temperature in winter is completely comparable to that of Detroit. However, the once glorious automobile city is no different from the ghost city. Anyone who has the ability to move out of the big day will not see it. A crowded city.

Not only is the temperature the same, the urban structure of Cleveland is similar to that of Detroit-the city center is a famous "black neighborhood", no matter how cheap the rent is, no one can live in it. Houses are sold in double and triple digits.

If it happens to catch the snow, then it is really **** on earth. You can see cars with a layer of "ice shell" everywhere in the morning. If you don't have an ice shovel in your hand, your car will definitely not drive on the road!

All in all, Yang Cheng’s biggest impression of Cleveland originated from the Cleveland consortium. Although none of them lived in this ghost place, their reputation was still very strong.

The Cleveland Cavaliers’ home fast-lending center is located in the city center. Like all major cities in the United States, the city center is often a gathering area for blacks and homeless people.

Occasionally walked by a few black people in tattered clothes and a homeless man. When they saw someone, they stretched out their hands and shouted: "Can you help meout?" (Can you help me?), this is almost their regular line , Forming a muscle memory, I said when I saw someone, I didn't care after being rejected, and continued to walk forward with my head down.

Yang Cheng sat on a temporarily rented Mercedes-Benz, looked at the black people begging on the side of the road, and compared them with the homeless people in Los Angeles, and found that the homeless people in Los Angeles looked much wealthier than those in Cleveland.

I don’t know if this is a disparity between the rich and the poor. At least the white homeless people in Los Angeles are more diligent. Yes, Yang Cheng refers to the behavior of begging on the streets. The homeless people in Los Angeles at least know how to use guitars and puppies as tools. , And the black man in Cleveland, who didn't even bother to put on a hat, directly asked for it.

Passing by a convenience store, I glanced at it and found that it was almost all black people, buying things, collecting money, and selling goods. Note that this is not a supermarket specifically for black people. This is the case in Cleveland.

There is a big river in the center of Cleveland, which is different from the rivers used to beautify the cityscape of other cities. The river in front of you is a canal. It is a big river that carries transportation functions. It is quite spectacular for all kinds of freighters.

Walking along the river, I saw a huge James poster with the words "You and I are all witnesses." This is a slogan tailored by Nike for him, which means that if you don't watch James play, you will lose the opportunity to witness a miracle.

However, Yang Cheng estimated that this advertisement should have been post-posted. The Cleveland fans who felt that they had been fooled after James finished the "Decision One" that year, angrily burned all things related to James, including this advertisement.

But time passed and James came back again. It also comforted the injured hearts of Clevelands a little. Nike's billboards were also re-hanged in the streets of Cleveland.

Seeing the billboard means that the Quick Loan Center Arena is about to appear in front of you.

The predecessor of this stadium was called Gander Stadium. With the little emperor's arrival in Cleveland, the Quicken Loans Company bought it and changed its name to Quicken Loans Center.

Because it's still early, look around, Cleveland, which is not much more lively than Detroit, has nothing to go around, so just enter the stadium with the team to warm up.

Of course, Yang Cheng did not end, but sat on the sidelines, watching the players conscientiously doing warm-up training like a supervisor, but because of his arrival, today’s training ground is rare and quiet, except for the friction between the soles and the floor. The creak, and then the bang of the basketball, will be numb after listening to it for a long time.

Yang Cheng stayed on the sidelines for a while, and saw Sean Marx leading a group of people from the player’s passage. One of them was a man with a beard, Yang Cheng recognized at a glance, he was the Cavaliers owner, too. Daniel Gilbert, chairman of Quicken Loans.

"Hey, Daniel, long time no see~"

"I should say this jason, this is my place~" Gilbert smiled and shook hands with Yang Cheng, which sounded provocative and offensive at first glance.

But Yang Cheng didn't seem to hear it, and shrugged slightly, "You are still so energetic."

"Thank you, I'm still young~"

The two big bosses sat on the sidelines, and the subordinates, including Sean Marx, could only get a little distance apart and get together for a small chat.

Daniel did not shy away from looking at the Nets players' warm-up situation, and said, "It seems that you are fully prepared for tonight's game."

Yang Cheng glanced at him squintingly, and said softly, "What's the use of that? Everything is already doomed."

Daniel smiled and didn't say anything. He would be jealous if he got a good deal. He would take advantage of him. Wouldn't Yang Cheng have a mouthful?

After sitting on the sidelines for a while, I found that the Nets had begun tactical training. This was not suitable for continuing to watch, so as not to be misunderstood and peeping at the enemy, but also in front of the boss, not too much.

So he took the initiative to get up and said, "Let's go, go to my office and sit down. I received a good bottle of wine a while ago and tasted it together?"

Yang Cheng got up and said, "Of course, my honor."

Gilbert's office is much smaller than Yang Cheng's office in the Barclays Center, but it is more luxurious.

I simply visited the modern decor and said casually, "The office is great~"

Gilbert stood in front of the wine cabinet and turned his back to Yang Cheng. "After I bought the arena that year, I invested $30 million in refurbishment. The money is always right."

I quickly selected the wine, came over with two empty glasses, and seemed to be ready to open the wine in person. This is a bottle of whiskey. The silver mesh hollow shape outer packaging is covered with the wine bottle, and the charming peach wood color is all at once Aroused the wine bug in Yang Orange's stomach.

Although Yang Cheng is not addicted to alcohol, it is difficult to control the desire to drink when faced with good alcohol.

The unique shape of the bottle and the unique color and color of the wine, if Yang Cheng can’t recognize it, he will have no face to sit and taste the wine. "Highland Knight, this should be the first 50-year-old product? Distilled in 1960, bottled in 2010 , The alcohol content is close to 45 degrees and the capacity is 700 ml. The distillery used 5 barrels of whiskey to bottle 275 bottles. Remember the price at that time seemed to be 10,000 pounds?"

If a bottle of wine wants to be sold as a luxury product, in addition to the brand value ~ ~ product quality and time cost and other rigid indicators must be high, it is difficult to support such a high unit price without additional value entry, such as the first edition of Highland Knight 50 years is such a highly value-added, high collection value Scottish single malt whisky.

Gilbert was not surprised that Yang Cheng could tell the origin of this wine in one word. For people like them, learning wine culture is just a basic operation.

"It's all right, but I bought this bottle at a high price from a collector. Now there are not many left in the world. One bottle is less than one bottle."

Yang Cheng nodded and watched Gilbert quietly drinking. After waking up for a while, he poured it into a crystal wine glass and handed it to Yang Cheng, "Try it~"

"Thank you~" After thanking him, he took the glass, Yang Cheng gently turned, and the clear and bright wine flowed in the crystal glass. This is the heavy feeling that old wine has, just like the centuries-old canal flowing through the center of Cleveland.

Put it on the tip of the nose and take a breath, the rich and changeable aroma and the alcohol that has not dissipated just after opening the bottle rushes directly to the top of the head. I can’t wait to take a sip. It has a spicy and rich taste with excellent tannins. And the flavor of brown sugar, the lasting rhyme is long, just like being in the African savannah, wild animals galloping by in groups, the shocking scene can not be forgotten for a long time, this is the wild charm from nature.

After swallowing, he closed his eyes and said with emotion, "It's really good wine~"

Gilbert is also very satisfied with his consumption this time, "It seems that I have to send someone to charge a few more bottles. How can one bottle of this kind of wine be possible?"

Yang Cheng played with the wine glass and joked, "We better reach an agreement to avoid competition and make sellers cheaper."

Gilbert understood what Yang Cheng meant, "How many bottles are you going to collect too?"


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