Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1496: Luxurious Beef Wellington 2

The price of flaky sea salt from the Malden Sea on the south coast of the UK is indeed much more expensive than ordinary salt, but it is not so impressive. Flaky sea salt contains independent pyramidal hollow crystals, which can reach 1 cm in width. .

   Generally speaking, sprinkling flaky salt before enjoying the food can bring a crispy texture and a strong flavor.

  This kind of flat flaky crystals will not be as dense as cubic salt crystals. Therefore, the weight of flaky table salt with the same volume will be lighter than granular table salt.

   After preheating and melting slightly, the flavor is amazing.

   This is the first time Yang Cheng has heard of the use of flaky sea salt on Beef Wellington. It should have an unpredictable taste stimulus.

Not only that, the foie gras used to make sauces today is not ordinary goods. According to Mansour, this is fresh Strasbourg foie gras shipped by air from France, part of which is used to make sauce, and the other Part of it will be made into a dish and served later.

As the three top foie gras varieties in France, Strasbourg foie gras is different from others including Landes goose and Toulouse goose. It is not the more common light yellow or bluish yellow and ivory, but pink and has a better taste. It is hard, and because of its unique taste and low yield, it has become one of the three top foie gras varieties.

  Using this kind of foie gras, which is worth as gold, as a sauce is extremely luxurious!

As a guest of today’s restaurant, Gordon Ramsay also specially arranged for a photographer to record the cooking process. After the dishes were served, a waiter pushed the LCD screen over to show the guests the entire cooking process. .

Seen on the screen, Gordon Ramsey personally removed the fascia from the grain-fed beef tenderloin selected in advance, and then sprinkled with black pepper and sea salt and carefully spread it evenly to let the beef taste and fix it with a clean rope. You can see When tying the beef, a lot of effort was used, because only in this way can the beef be prevented from slack and better shaped.

After tying up, Gordon Ramsey took a short break and asked the assistant to prepare the ingredients. After the time was almost up, he took the pan from the top of his head and put it on the fire, immediately put down the prepared butter and olive oil, and kept the fire high. When the butter has melted slightly, add garlic cloves and thyme and sauté until fragrant. At this time, put the pre-marinated and bundled beef tenderloin into the pot, and then reduce the heat. In the meantime, lightly shake the pan to make the beef tenderloin evenly covered with oil. Produce a process of uniform heating.

   Take out the fried beef tenderloin, untie the rope on it, and then divide it into three evenly.

  The foie gras prepared in advance is also cut into small pieces, mushrooms are sliced, the good chanterelles and porcini are cut into pellets, which can fully release the flavor, and finely cut into small dried onions at the end.

When everything is ready, turn on the fire again, put butter and olive oil in the pan at the same time, put the prepared ingredients into the pan and fry them in turn, adjust the heat, stir fry until the mushrooms are slightly browned and discolored, add a little salt, and grind some Black pepper, then continue to fry until fully caramel-colored.

When frying the ingredients, the assistant puts the cut beef tenderloin on the puff pastry, and then spreads a layer of mushrooms that have been fried to the point, and puts small pieces of foie gras on top, and finally sprinkles a little black pepper.

Immediately afterwards, the assistant took a clean brush, brushed fresh egg liquid on the edge of the meringue, and then took out a large meringue to cover it, wrapped all the ingredients with the meringue, and carefully pressed the seal until it formed, and finally took a knife It trims the edges and then takes out a small clip to engrave patterns on the edges.

   At this time, Gordon Ramsey personally applied fresh egg mixture on the puff pastry. The oven has been preheated in advance. Put the steak in the oven, and it will be out of the oven for a certain amount of time.

Seeing this, Yang Cheng fully felt the difficulty of this dish. This was the first time he witnessed Gordon Ramsay’s signature dish, how the scattered ingredients were combined into this dish. Exquisite dishes.

   I have to say, the restaurant’s preparation is really amazing to him!

   With the video as a foreshadowing, and then taste this dish, Yang Cheng really realized what is worthy of the name, and as Mansour said, today’s edition will definitely be memorable for life.

Savor the aroma of foie gras in the sauce, which is incompatible with the steak but cleverly cooperates, awakens the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, and the flaky sea salt is also the finishing touch. The sea salt that contains the taste of the sea erupts in the mouth. Suddenly evoke human happiness.

   Another bite of mashed potatoes, soft and rosy, perfectly concealing the memory of the steak, allowing you to taste another steak involuntarily.

  Perfect, today's main course is perfect. Although based on luxurious ingredients, perfection is priceless!

   Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi are also well-informed people, and they can show surprise expressions at the same time, which is enough to show how high the standard of today's dinner is.

   After the meal, Gordon Ramsay finally appeared on the stage. After receiving the condolences from His Royal Highness, he chatted with Yang Orange cordially. They knew each other before, but they weren’t considered friends.

The chef comes out routinely to accept gratitude. This is etiquette, but he did not take up too much time for the VIPs to chat. Hello, me, good, and good business. , Yang Cheng and the others were enjoying their desserts while listening to light music. They talked about the main purpose of the trip. There were only three of them left in the empty restaurant, and the waiter was long gone.

  Today’s dessert is Shu Fulei, a girl’s favorite, with fresh blueberries, sweet and sour, and a few more bites of Yang Orange. Sure enough, no one can resist the temptation of Shu Fulei!

   "Why did you suddenly start the arms business?" Mansour asked curiously.

   I wanted to ask when I called before, but for some reasons I didn’t dare to ask more. Now I don’t have this concern, and there is no possibility of being overheard.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "I lost a sum of cash a while ago. I have insufficient cash flow and urgently need to replenish it. In a short period of time, I really can't think of anything more profitable than selling arms, even if robbing a bank can't compare to it. !"

  Mansour frowned, "The media in the new era is developing very well, and the flow of funds has always been abundant. How can it be possible to have no money?"

   "No, no, New Era Media is no longer my own. It is a company of all shareholders. I can no longer withdraw cash at will as before. That will make me face a very embarrassing situation on the board of directors!"

  Mansour nodded, "I understand, but I can't make a decision on the purchase of Apache helicopters alone."

   Yang Cheng expressed understanding, "Of course, I just consider that you may need it. By the way, I won't force it. In fact, if you want to purchase chi slaves, I might be able to help."

  :. :

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