Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1502: Closed Saudi

After bidding farewell to the Qataris, Yang Cheng took Zhao Anqi directly to the airport. Of course, instead of returning home, he went to Jeddah, the second largest city in Saudi Arabia.

   Speaking of Jeddah, people’s impression of it is far less than that of the capital, Riyadh.

But in the Middle East, Jeddah is far more famous than Riyadh. This is not only because of its reputation as the second largest city in Saudi Arabia. It is also a port city with unique charm, located on the shore of the Red Sea. Known as the "Red Sea Bride".

  As the largest port in Saudi Arabia, it naturally occupies a very large innate advantage in terms of economic development. At the same time, as the financial center of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah has attracted many foreign companies to land here.

   The existence of this group of people also makes Jeddah's free atmosphere stronger than that of Leyard. Of course, this is only relatively speaking. Everyone knows that eating a meal with a female colleague in Saudi Arabia is a crime!

  According to Saudi law, men and women must be in separate spaces when eating at work or in public restaurants.

   Because of this strange rule, Zhao Anqi didn't want to come to Saudi Arabia very much. She didn't want to be in the high temperature of 40 degrees. Because she was wearing a short-sleeved skirt, she was treated with contempt.

   Yang Cheng was so good or bad that she was allowed to accompany her, otherwise wouldn’t it be too boring?

  Because it is a private trip, everything is arranged by himself, so he will definitely not enjoy the same treatment as in Dubai.

  , who arrived at the airport early, was taken to the apron by the staff, and successfully picked up with Yang Cheng.

Only after meeting I realized that this local companion turned out to be a friend of Batie. He is proficient in Chinese and Arabic. He is a very energetic young man with a very enthusiastic personality. Seeing that Yang Cheng’s local tyrant is not stage fright, he took the initiative to help. Zhao Anqi carried the bag, but she declined.

Saudi Arabia has a typical tropical desert climate. Let alone summer, it’s so hot in autumn, let alone the approaching summer. Just after getting off the plane, a heat wave almost steamed him, and the whole outdoor sauna rolled over. The heat wave in China is endless. In this bad weather, how did the Saudis lock themselves in their black robes?

   There are still many places he wonders, but after he got into the cold Mercedes-Benz, all his doubts disappeared. For the first time in his life, he felt that it is great to have air conditioning!

After leaving the airport by car, the Pakistani guy Mahani sitting in the co-pilot was talking about Saudi culture and customs. No way, this is a very conservative *country where the entertainment industry has been banned for a long time. Foreign tourists are not allowed to enter the country. In such a country, you must always pay attention, otherwise it is easy to be regarded as a cultural provocation by the locals because of a misunderstanding.

   Yang Cheng doesn't want to be beaten for nothing!

However, in recent years, global oil prices have been sluggish, and Saudi Arabia's income, which is heavily dependent on oil exports, has plummeted. In order to get rid of financial difficulties and achieve economic diversification, the reformists headed by Crown Prince Mohammed have introduced a series of measures aimed at comprehensive reforms. Saudi economy and society.

  Revitalizing the tourism industry is an important part of it. Saudi ZF has even invested about 50 billion US dollars to develop tourism-related industries, preparing to attract global tourists to Saudi Arabia to send money~

   In order to complete this plan, the Saudi ZF also lifted the restrictions on women. Of course, not all of them, but only a part of them. They are more demanding for foreign women, not as strict as before.

   We must know that since the founding of the country in the 1930s, Saudi Arabia has always followed strict Wahhabi sect regulations, prohibiting contact between strangers and men;

   Adult women must wear a robe and a veil when they go out of the house. They must not expose any part of the body except cheeks, and must not make up. Those who violate the above regulations will be reprimanded, or detained, sentenced, and beaten.

   Many years ago, these requirements must be strictly followed even by the migrant population.

   Had it not been for the recent years, the Saudi royal family had gradually relaxed all restrictions on women while promoting social and economic reforms. Zhao Anqi could not even breathe Saudi air, although she herself did not have this desire.

Traditions have changed little with the times. In the future, Saudi Arabia will further promulgate policies for women’s freedom, such as offering physical education classes for female middle school students; allowing Saudi women to enter the stadium to celebrate the National Day with men and to sing and dance on the street. Wait.

   It can be said that this is the most popular feminist movement in the world since entering the new century.

   For the little princess like Zhao Anqi who has been held up since childhood, she can't understand the series of restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia. Why can't women drive? Why can't women make up?

  Anyway, along the way, Zhao Anqi always complained every time the Batie guy talked about a restriction, and he was full of hatred for this country.

  Because they are in the desert area, it gets dark late. Although Yang Cheng and the others are a bit hungry, they are not in a hurry to eat dinner, but first go to a resort hotel on the seaside of Jeddah to stay.

   In the room, Leighton and Hansen were talking in a low voice.

   A few minutes later, Leiden came over and said, "I'll go out and meet the broker first, and inquire about the situation."

Yang Cheng said, their trip to Saudi Arabia this time was to sell the tanks, but none of them had any experience in contact with Saudis, so there was no way to cross the river by touching the It's also a 500 million bill, and it's worth making a trip by Yang Cheng himself.

   "Go, it's better to ask people to talk at the hotel. Saudi Arabia has too many rules and it is not convenient to go out and talk."

   "Understand that this broker is an American, who has traveled to various countries in the Middle East all year round. He has rich experience in communicating with Arabs. With his guidance, the problem should not be big."

   Layton went to see the broker alone, while Yang Cheng ran to continue to comfort Zhao Anqi. She would have never brought her here. This aunt had no place to vent because she didn't want to be a gasp.

   "Okay, don't be angry, no matter how angry you are, you can't be the master of the Saudi royal family."

   Zhao Anqi gave him a white look, "I just regret coming, and I am not seeing it."

   "Yes, yes, I blame it."

   To say or to say, finally let this aunt's heart calm down, Yang Cheng broke out in a stinky sweat, and he was exhausted!

   At this time, Andrew's cell phone rang, he picked up and said a few words, and came to report to Yang Cheng, "Boss, Iota's information is out."

   Yang Cheng said immediately, "Send it to my mailbox."

   poured himself a glass of ice water, turned on the phone without any haste, and called up the latest email to download the information.

   "By the way, have you been to Saudi Arabia before?"

  While waiting for the download, Yang Cheng asked Hansen and the others.

   Andrew scratched his bald head, "I haven't been here, but Hansen seems to have been an instructor for a Saudi army~"

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