Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1504: People with HIV?

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Miller is very confident of his own strength, this is also the confidence he dares to face two murderous strong men, and dare to be at ease.

Although Yang Cheng had speculation whether this fat man was bluffing, he still did not question.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I simply wrote a check for 100,000 U.S. dollars. The Citibank's promissory note was still very effective.

It's just that after he tore it off, he didn't pass it directly. Instead, he put it on the table in front of him and said, "Give me your name. After I verify it, you can take the check and do good deeds."

Not to mention, this fat man's nickname is really correct. Seeing Qian's smile, like Maitreya Buddha, it's not an exaggeration to call a Bodhisattva.

He didn't reach for it, but blinked at Leiden on the side, and said humblingly, "Look, your boss is bold~"

Turning his head and looking straight, "Becker, I won't say my full name, it grows to the point where I can't remember even eating three sandwiches."

Zhao Anqi, who had been sitting quietly in the back, suddenly laughed. This fat man is not likable, but his words are very humorous. At least it is funny to complain about the Arab name.

Yang Cheng was waiting for the following, but Miller seemed to have no intention to continue. The two of them looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, and Yang Cheng suddenly smiled, "You bought three words for $100,000? Your business is too good. Are you shrewd?"

Miller laughed a few times, "Well, who made me a bodhisattva heart, help people to the end, Becker is the illegitimate son of a prince of the Saudi royal family, although having an illegitimate child in the Arab world is more difficult to understand. , But it is true.

He was raised outside since he was a child, and when he grew up, he discovered a talent for business. With the help of the prince, he set up a trading company. Many sensitive products were imported into Saudi Arabia by Becker’s company. He is the ideal one. But a partner.

With background, personal connections, and perfect transportation channels, he can find a way even if you want to poppies in Saudi Arabia. Of course, the premise is that you pay enough money to arouse his interest. "

After a pause, it seemed that he was still a little short of US$100,000. Miller was embarrassed to add, "He is staying in this hotel now. If you need it, I can help introduce it, but you need to pay another sum. Donation!"

Yang Cheng snorted coldly, this fat man who was in good measure, "Andrew~"

Andrew was the most energetic to deal with this kind of person. He cruelly licked the corner of his mouth, took out a dagger from nowhere, and played with a knife. The sharp blade reflected chilling light in the sun.

Miller was startled, and then sneered, "Hey, man, everyone is civilized. Don't use knives and guns. This is inappropriate."

Andrew grinned, "I think it's appropriate. With so much meat on you, it won't matter if you cut a few pounds."

Miller smiled more ugly than the dead, "Stop kidding, I'm afraid of pain."

"Really? I think you like to make jokes and it works well~" Andrew threatened again.

"No, wait, I have AIDS~" Miller suddenly shouted in a hurry.

Seeing that seems to be the truth, Andrew took a step back subconsciously, although he knew that just standing by his side would not be contagious.

Yang Cheng didn't believe it, and sneered, "You really made up any reason."

Miller eagerly took out a piece of paper from his pocket, which appeared to be a hospital laboratory test report, "I didn't lie to you, I really have AIDS, otherwise, why do you think I would dare to come to talk business alone?

If you don’t believe me, look at it, this is the test report, which was just found out~"

Yang Cheng pressed his doubts, his eyes motioned Andrew to take the test sheet and glanced at it. The capital positive is more conspicuous than the dead fat man. Damn, is it true?

He couldn't help but begin to sympathize with this Miller.

As if feeling Yang Cheng’s sympathetic eyes, Miller smiled bitterly, “This is retribution. I abandoned my wife and children and was confused by a female cousin. Who thought she was a HIV carrier.”

Andrew couldn't help asking, "Then you are so afraid of death?"

Miller spread out his hands helplessly, "I want to do something for my ex-wife and children. No one knows which day I will die. I want to make more money so that they don't have to worry about money. "

Yang Cheng nodded secretly, she was still a person. He believed that Miller had not lied and his eyes would not be deceiving!

He decided to abandon his unhappiness for the time being and waved to Andrew, "Okay, don't scare him."

"Help me make an appointment with Becker, and I will give you a reward when it's done."

Even if there is no reward, Miller doesn't dare to talk nonsense. He knows that he has encountered a tough situation. Although he has escaped temporarily by relying on the bitter story, who knows if the other party will violently hurt people again?

After all, my own story can't be kept for long~

Yes, he lied, even though it was only one of the 10 truths, he still lied.

It is true that he had an affair! Abandoning his wife and child is also true! Really want to compensate for adding people! Going to the hospital for an examination is even more true, but this checklist is actually a wrong checklist.

hiv checked the correct rate of 99, he was lucky to be the remaining 1 and he was misdiagnosed, but he was very thief and saved the test sheet. He has been walking in the Middle East these years, relying on this test sheet, but nothing Less fooling people.

Therefore, to serve Yang Cheng honestly and stop him from tracing his own past, Miller urgently needs to do it now, and Yang Cheng does not need to say at all.

"No problem, I will contact you now, please wait a moment."

Miller wiped the cold sweat that appeared on his like a ball of flesh, crawled from the sofa and rushed out of the room, for fear that after a second, Andrew's knife would reach his. In terms of fat, it is the fat accumulated over the years. What a pity to lose!

Of course Yang Cheng didn't know anything about Miller's careful thoughts. The test sheet was true, and the sadness in Miller's eyes was also true. How could he think too much about the effects that the Oscar actor couldn't perform?

Turning to look at Leiden, "How did you meet Miller?"

"As he said, among the brokers in the Middle East, he is relatively well-known. Although he is a person, he has a very large intelligence network and has a good relationship with people in various fields.

Once he took someone to my warehouse to pick up the goods. I thought he would leave after taking the goods. Unexpectedly, he stayed and drank with me every day just to make a good relationship with me.

For me, a small person who cannot be too small, he can personally make friends, one can imagine how good this person is.

Just like that, we got to know each other. By the way, he introduced me to the business, although it was only a few thousand dollars. "

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