Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1510: Koch's game

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Yang Cheng arrived at Hampton Airport by helicopter, and then got into Conrad's car. This guy actually came to the airport to pick him up in person, and Yang Cheng felt very comfortable.

An old Audi Q5 that is too ordinary to be ordinary does not seem to match Conrad’s wealth and status, but he has no such awareness at all, just like the old stock **** likes to drive Cadillac, it is a transportation vehicle, in Hampton It's not enough to worry about driving a sports car and driving it into the sea with one kick.

"The climate here in Hampton is really comfortable~" Yang Cheng pressed the window and stretched out her hand outside the car, feeling the gentle sea breeze, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, this is why many rich people like Hampton, do you want to move over?" Conrad sent an invitation along the way, wanting to be a neighbor with Yang Orange.

Yang Cheng didn't even think about it, she shook her head and refused, "The seaside is too cold in winter. It doesn't matter how thick the sea breeze is. If you only live in the summer months, it is better to rent a house."

Conrad disagreed, "However, Hampton's land price has been growing steadily, and there is still room for further increases in the future. This is much more stable than buying a fund."

Yang Cheng remained unmoved. Of course, it was mainly because he had recently run out of money and couldn't stand the lavish toss.

Conrad simply said, seeing that Yang Cheng had no plans to buy a house, he didn't mention it. Instead, he pointed at a modern-style glass building on the side of the road and said, "Look, Kevin Klein's home ~"

Yang Cheng tilted his head and saw a minimalist modern mansion located on Banpo, which also fits the style of Kevin Klein. As the founder of ck, Kevin is also affectionately called "The Prince of Seventh Avenue in New York."

"He lives in South Hampton now all year round?"

Conrad nodded, "I can often see him riding a horse on the beach, very leisurely. By the way, he also owns several other properties on Long Island."

These words seemed to imply Yang Cheng, look at the eyes of others.

After driving past Kevin Klein's house, I soon arrived at the Koch family mansion, a very magnificent white building that blends perfectly with the beach.

"By the way, jan, have you been very close to Ms. Burns recently?" Conrad asked with a trace of temptation, looking forward.

Yang Cheng did not deny it, "There are several cooperations."

"Oh, I don't mean anything else, I just want to remind you that behind Ms. Burns is ExonMobil."

Yang Cheng turned to look at Conrad, blinked, and asked suspiciously, "Did you hear any news?"

Conrad shook his head, "No, ExxonMobil's recent expansion momentum is very strong, we must be more vigilant."

Yang Cheng thought he was worried about his zz position, but he was afraid that his own interests would be damaged. After all, he invested a lot of resources in Beihai Petroleum.

But for Yang Cheng, it doesn't matter. He is undoubtedly deeply involved in the traditional energy field. He invests in nuclear power plants and waste-recycling power plants, all of which are new types of energy and have considerable potential in the future.

As for oil, it’s not bad to make more money. It doesn’t matter if you don’t make it. Anyway, Delta has a big business, and North Sea Petroleum’s products can’t be used. You can also use other people’s.

Conrad Koch's investment in Beihai Petroleum is entirely a private investment, and has nothing to do with the family, at least the legal principle is so, so it cares more than Yang Cheng.

Before I had time to say more, the Audi car drove into the gate of the manor, a winding driveway leading to the quiet green depths, which was very private without losing the natural beauty.

This house is actually owned by Conrad’s uncle David Koch, and his father Charles spends more time in a luxury apartment in Manhattan.

But the two often met and talked here, and over time, people were willing to call this manor "Koch Manor".

Nowadays, in the United States and around the world, when people think of the Koch family, the first thing people think of is the brothers Charles and David, but in fact, the famous Koch Industry was founded by the father of the Koch brothers, Fred Koch. .

Old Koch graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a major in chemical engineering. He developed a new refining technology that not only reduced the cost of refining, but also increased production.

Because Fred’s research results do not charge users a patent tax, it further increases the attractiveness of this technology to small independent refineries.

In the late 1920s, because of fear of the increasing competitiveness of independent oil refineries, the "patent club" formed by oil giants initiated a lawsuit, accusing Fred and the refinery it served of infringing patent rights.

Although none of these lawsuits won in the end, they caused great losses to Koch Industries at that time.

Helpless, Fred chose to leave the Soviet Union in the embarrassing situation, and built 15 cracking plants there. The predecessor of Koch Industries survived.

In fact, Fred had four children, the eldest son Frederick, the second son Charles, and the twin brothers David and William. Fred died, and the Koch family was inevitably caught in a family struggle. After a **** internal fight, Charles and David defeated the other two brothers and gained control of Koch Industries.

The two brothers are more talented in business and zz than their father, and even out of blue is better than blue. As a senior zz player in the United States in modern times, the Koch family holds the great stick of Koch Industries in one hand. In spite of the wind and rain, while supporting schools, think tanks and non-profit organizations to influence zz.

The two-pronged approach has also allowed this family, which is full of strong zz colors, to traverse the American continent.

The 8-year reincarnation game was staged again this year, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com Koch brothers will naturally enter the game. It is said that this year the Koch brothers have used up to 2.5 billion US dollars in bullets for the Elephant Party to help the Elephant Party win the championship. The election fees at all levels in the United States are even closer to 1 billion. Of course, all of this. The purpose is to promote the passage of tax reform bills in their own interests.

Once the bill is passed, the benefits of the Koch family will far exceed 2.5 billion U.S. dollars, even more than ten times!

But the problem now is that the Koch brothers look down on Don Lad’s upstart face, and can even be said to be disgusted. They have used extremely contemptuous attitudes and words to Tang Lad in many public interviews. De expressed Hong Guoguo's ridicule, for which Tang Lade was also upset, and often shouted in the air.

The relationship between the two parties became very stale, so a rare situation emerged. The Koch brothers, who have always been die-hard supporters of the Elephant Party, have allocated some resources and turned to support Mrs. Zipton. This is a rare experience in decades. Wonder at first sight.

In order to redeem its big benefactor, the Elephant Party did not hesitate to make a series of promises as compensation, and barely allowed the benefactor to change direction and fully support the enemy.

The above are all the materials that Yang Cheng collected before coming. He estimated that the Koch brothers would definitely talk about relevant topics during the meeting today. Can he not be unprepared?

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