Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1512: Pseudo-charity

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In any case, because his father's tireless instillation of zz views, the Koch brothers also planted a seed of freedom from an early age, but also because of the horrible memory of the Soviet Union, he became hostile to the Soviet Union, and then turned to Extreme right yi!

The Koch brothers absorbed the conservatism of their father’s concept of zz, but they did not radicalize it, did not accept some conspiracy theories, and they clearly opposed war. Compared with their father, they emphasized laissez-faire economy. learn.

With the continuous increase of wealth, the Koch brothers became the representative figures of the hardline libertarians in the United States. The brothers joined the zheng are successively, but suffered successive setbacks. From then on, the Koch brothers realized that to change the direction of the United States, rely on themselves Participating in the election is difficult. They must turn to academic circles and think tanks in the field that influence the production of zheng policy ideas.

They began to infiltrate universities and fund private institutions in top universities, hoping to allow their economic thinking to occupy the authority of the academic world and attract more young students.

Of course, this does not mean that they completely abandon their tentacles in the zheng circle. In order to maintain their influence in the zheng circle, the Koch brothers not only generously donated the elephant party, but also directly joined it, and invested in promoting some organizations that promote the concept of libertarianism. , Such as the Cato Institute, George Mason University's Mocates Center, Federalist Association, Heritage Foundation, London Institute of Economic Affairs, etc.

These ideological machines are like octopus tentacles, reaching all walks of life in American society, even in the sewers, they will not let it go, and they have the title of "Koch Octopus".

In general, the Koch brothers have very strong opinions and their ideological positions are extremely firm. Yang Cheng did not expect that he could influence the thinking of the two brothers, which is simply unrealistic.

He just wanted to deepen the ties between the two parties through this meeting. It has nothing to do with zz, just to make money.

I need the help of the Koch brothers, and the other party may also have some unknown purpose, such as pulling Yangcheng into the group.

For a long time, the Koch brothers have been trying their best to win over and unite a group of extremely wealthy but extraordinarily conservative families to form their own small groups. When these small groups unite, the massive private funds that can be used are enough to change the future of the United States. .

Of course, in order to conceal the true purpose, many of their actions will be disguised as charity activities and cleverly set up names.

For example, in recent years, many people, especially many people in overseas countries, have been curious about why a considerable number of people in the United States deny the theory of climate change?

Why has the US shooting problem not been resolved so often?

Why do the top one percent of the richest Americans pay lower taxes than the middle class?

Why do many people call for the abolition of "Guanhai Medical Insurance"?

On these issues, behind the experts and scholars who made many conservative suggestions, it is the Koch brothers and their small groups that are working hard!

In the "involving zheng" scheme designed by the Koch brothers, the first step they must do is to invest in intellectuals so that their ideas become raw materials; the second step is to invest in think tanks to allow them to process raw materials. In the third step, they should subsidize various non-governmental organizations so that they can put pressure on elected officials so that the Zheng policy can be implemented as soon as possible.

After decades of careful layout, these steps have now achieved remarkable results and have begun to reap fruits.

For example, the American Enterprise Institute, which is a standard think tank, is a quasi-academic institution externally, making suggestions for the legalization of the emission rights of oil, natural gas, and coal companies, and recommending more tax cuts for these companies.

Koch Industries, as well as the companies of its allies, have reaped huge benefits as a result, which is incalculable!

And they don’t mind if their small group continues to grow, the strength will grow and the income will increase proportionally~

The Yang family is the most sought-after target of Koch Industries in the near future.

First of all, the Yang family has all the basic requirements to join a small group, requires conservative, strong economic strength, involvement in traditional industries, and a good influence in the zheng industry. The most important thing is that behind the Yang family, all forces or teams most want to absorb The Chinese community;

Secondly, the young generation of the Yang family is now cooperating closely, which has the prerequisites for a deeper contact. You can't know each other, and when you meet, you will embrace and call you brothers and sisters?

Finally, what the Koch brothers is more urgent is the sudden emergence of Yang Cheng. If he only shines in the new field of the Internet and the media, it would be fine, but he even inserted one foot into the traditional industry.

Delta Air Lines is the top three in the United States; the development of aircraft leasing companies is in full swing; North Sea Petroleum has a large share of shares; Westinghouse Electric is already in the bag.

According to data, Yang Cheng is stepping into the field of new energy. It has acquired a waste recycling power plant in London and intends to integrate the waste recycling power generation field in Great Britain.

This series of sao operations made the Koch brothers admirable, and at the same time they couldn't help but become anxious. If they don't bring this little guy into the group, I'm afraid they won't be eligible to negotiate terms in the future.

What is angel investment? When people need money, you appear as an angel. When they develop, you wave a check and want to join the company. That is not called angel investment, it is called grabbing money and sharing the cake.

How can the Koch brothers who have been in business for a lifetime fail to understand this?

Especially after Yang Cheng was injured in Nigeria, the decisive retaliatory action almost stunned the brothers’ eyes. If they were replaced by someone in their, even if they were only in their 30s, they would not let them. They are so surprised, but how old is Yang Cheng?

Just turned 28, a young man under 30 years old, can make such a wave, can you pay for it in the future?

It is precisely because of this unexpected incident that the brothers' hearts have been strengthened-the Yang family must be joined as soon as possible. They are optimistic that the Yang family under the leadership of Yang Cheng will become an American stock that no one dares to ignore. The important force of.

And this kind of power is better in your own hands. If you give it to someone else, isn't it just giving yourself an enemy?

They can't do such a stupid thing!

The brothers glanced at each other, and the boss Charles said, "Jan, we will hold a private charity party at the manor tomorrow. The people who attend have a deep relationship with us. They are all friends. If you don’t mind, You can get involved."

This is an olive branch, thrown in front of Yang Cheng, to see if he can pick it up.

They didn't worry that Yang Cheng couldn't understand it. If they couldn't even understand the words, there would be no need to participate!

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