Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1541: Ellison's crazy idea

The seaplane with the Ammanpulo logo crossed the sky and landed steadily on the water, causing waves of waves as it slowed down.

When the plane stopped at the berth, William opened the door and jumped out, opened his arms to Yang Cheng, and laughed, "Man, let's make some noise!"

Yang Orange smiled weirdly, greeted him and gave him the strongest hug ever. . . Take it as comfort.

The two separated, and William’s housekeeper stepped forward to help carry the luggage, but this hypocritical guy never forgot to show his prince and the demeanor of an English gentleman, he politely declined each other, and cast an excessive wink. "How can a beautiful lady carry heavy luggage."

Yang Cheng said with a smile, "Asshole, don't pretend, this is no outsider~"

William pretended to be dissatisfied, "Jason, I didn't pretend, the gentleman's style is from the inside out."

Too lazy to pay attention to him, Yang Cheng walked forward around the housekeeper and William chased after him, "Hey, man, wait, you, as the host, don't need to show me to visit the island?"

Without looking back, Yang Cheng waved his hand to the back, "Go and show your gentlemanly, friendly reminder, your good time is running out."

William was confused, how this sounded like a curse.

"What? Hey, stop and explain what means good time is running out?"

. . .

Guests arrived at the island one after another, and the originally peaceful and quiet air became hot and dry.

Everyone knows what they are here for, and the hormones on their bodies are constantly swaying. If they didn't know that the good food is behind, it is estimated that the beautiful butlers and waiters who serve the guests will suffer.

In Yang Cheng's villa, William was still gripping his sentence and grumbled, and he kept asking Yang Cheng the meaning of that sentence.

Forcing Yang Cheng to have no choice but to recruit it truthfully, "I'm sorry, brother, Luo Yue will arrive on the island in the near future, God bless you, your good time is really running out."

"What? Luo Yue is coming? Brother, are you crazy? We are here to avoid them. If Luo Yue knows, Kate will know it too!" William grabbed the few hairs left on his head, expression Some collapse.

God knows how much he paid to participate in this party, and the money is nothing. He also worked so hard to play a good husband, a good father, and a good son at home. After so many days, he was finally able to come out and let him go directly. A bolt from the blue.

Yang Cheng was also very helpless. He was depressed all night, and it just eased right now, because he transferred the pain to William.

This is what plastic brotherhood says.

But the explanation still needs to be explained, "Man, I didn't think so much at the time, I regretted it after hanging up the phone."

William is still in that incredible collapse, "Tell me, today is April Fools' Day, right? Are you kidding me?"

Yang Cheng opened her hands with regret, "I'm sorry, it has been more than two months since April Fool's Day."

"Damn, damn, damn~" William murmured incessantly, but Yang Chengquan didn't hear it.

At this time, the butler came in and said, "Boss, Mr. David Ellison wants to visit the villa."

Yang Cheng said immediately, "Of course, please ask him in."

After a while, I saw David Ellison walk in in a sao full of silk costume, took off his sunglasses and greeted him, "Hey, I said you two are too unsophisticated, and you won’t bring me together."

"When did you come?" Yang Cheng asked.

"Not long after I arrived, I went back to my room and changed my clothes. This island is very good. I like this style."

David Ellison was not polite to Yang Cheng, and went straight to the kitchen refrigerator to get a bottle of beer, twisted the bottle cap and threw it on the ground.

Yang Cheng was speechless for a while, "What about the quality?"

David Ellison had a sullen look, "I came here to release the pressure, to untie the constraints, the quality? Why do you want that stuff?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he sat on the solo sofa, only then did he notice that William looked like a dead person, and he couldn't help asking, "What's your situation?"

William was so depressed that he didn't want to speak, so Yang Cheng had to explain it.

Hearing that, David Ellison laughed directly out of the camera, "Deserve it, who made you get married so early?"

Angrily, William picked up the pillow on the sofa and threw it at David Ellison.

Ellison grabbed the pillow with a smile, and gave Yang Cheng a thumbs up, "Or you can play~"

Yang Cheng winked and motioned to Ellison to stop talking about this topic, lest William turn into anger, and said, "By the way, Conrad should be coming soon."

"Recently, your relationship with the Koch family is a bit subtle?" David Ellison put a smile away and tentatively asked.

Yang Cheng said, "For now, the Koch family is trustworthy."

This is equivalent to admitting in disguise.

Ellison hesitated, "Jason, have you considered forming your own consortium?"

Yang Cheng was startled, "What did you say? Form a consortium? Are you crazy or am I crazy? You know that after the old consortiums are gradually it is difficult to have a consortium in the true sense in this world. ."

Ellison gave a wry smile, "Right? Many people say that, but my father doesn't think so. He thinks that people can succeed because they dare to think and do things that others dare not think and dare not do!"

Yang Cheng started to stammer and was frightened, "So, Larry wants to set up his own consortium?"

William ignored the frustration and turned his attention to Ellison. "He should know that this is a thankless thing, and in a sense, Silicon Valley has formed a consortium model, just a family The competition between them is greater than cooperation, but externally, they are all part of Silicon Valley, including Oracle, Google, and Apple!"

"Of course I know, but you also know that my father is not a person who is willing to be left behind, and he does not want to follow other people's orders."

Yang Cheng looked a little cold, "Then why does he make sure that others can follow his orders? Or is he just trying to recruit some men to charge for him?"

William also nodded. He felt that Yang Cheng made sense.

Ellison shook his head, trying to say something but couldn't open his mouth.

William added, "In fact, if you really intend to unite some powerful partners, the formation of a consortium is not a whimsical thing. At least in terms of Oracle's strength and cash reserves, there is enough capital to become the backbone of the consortium."

Regarding the strength of Oracle, Yang Cheng never denies, "Of course, but to form a consortium in the true sense, you also need the support of various partners, such as banks! And the most important ZZ factor exists. Without the ZZ level **** is Rootless duckweed, castles in the sky!"


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