Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1545: Kardashian family 1

Although this is a bit of whitewashing for this strange family, I have to admit that Kim Kardashian's star power is largely inherited from her grandmother, and some things are really innate, and you can't learn it even if you want to learn.

But if you want to create an empire, you must have a founding father, and in the Kardashian family, this person is the card's father-Robert Kardashian.

As the most normal person in the Qihua family, Dad Ka was born in Los Angeles. He studied law at university and obtained a lawyer’s qualification certificate. However Dad Ka did not choose to be a lawyer, but went to sea and started a company. The Kardashian family’s original capital accumulation started from this company.

Robert Kardashian is best known for the "Simpson Wife Murder" that shocked the United States in 1994.

Yes, that’s right. People from this strange family seem to have the ability to attract hot spots. Robert Kardashian is a close friend of the suspect, the football star Simpson. He appeared in this shocking case in the United States. Dad Ka joined The luxurious "Lawyer Dream Team" defended Simpson and eventually helped Simpson escape the charges of deliberate murder and become famous in the first world war.

This battle not only rolled in bills, but also provided a gossip that went down in history. As the Kardashian family became more and more famous, until now, this stalk has been turned up by the media from time to time and said that there is no way, because the Kardashian family I really can't produce any commendable works.

However, in this wonderful family, Robert is too normal. The direct consequence is that the sense of existence is too weak. It is no wonder that he died several years before Kim Kardashian, and the Kardashian empire was completely Kris Jenner. This super gene replicator is made by one hand.

Kendall, Kim, Courtney, Kelly, Kohler and mother Chris are the core components of the Kardashian family!

Chris Jenner is a TV actor, socialite, and business woman herself. She has an extraordinary sensitivity to fashion and gossip. After divorcing Robert, Chris married the men's decathlon at the Montreal Olympics in 1976. Champion Bruce Jenner.

And the most powerful thing about Chris lies in her extraordinary genetic ability. She not only brought five cash cows to the family, but also inherited her drama genes.

Her first marriage ended because her extramarital affairs with a young man was exposed. Although her private life is controversial, her maintenance and operation of the family are obvious to all. This mother is more like the military adviser behind the big family. It is the career development of the children.

In addition to getting 10% of the brokerage fee from her daughters, Chris also makes a lot of money through appearance fees and her own endorsement business. Let’s put it this way, don’t look at Kim Kardashian who is rich now, but Chris made more money than anyone else, including her five daughters.

Of course, if the Kardashian family is only through normal operations and hype, it may be difficult to achieve its current achievements. This is indispensable with the help of Bruce Jenner, Kim and Kohler’s stepfather. Bruce Jenner’s existence is equivalent to the Kardashian family’s success. Booster.

Originally, except for an Olympic champion, Bruce Jenner is really an ordinary man, of course, his looks are very handsome, in line with the aesthetics of European and American women.

But this is really not an advantage, because he is too handsome, and it is even more ordinary in the Kardashian family. Just like the other male members of this family, he has no "red" points. Oh, it's not completely absent, after all, he contributed two daughters to this family with a strong male factor.

Of course, this was all before his transgender. It is not uncommon for transgender in Thailand, where there are many ladyboys, but in other places, it is comparable to driving a Mercedes into the Forbidden City. It is unthinkable and at the same time very incomprehensible!

In 2015, Jenner released his own nature after transforming, and shook his head like a daughter in major magazines. As another celebrity in the LGBT circle, he successfully put this topic into operation and held it firmly. Heat, in order to make him belong to the Kardashian family, he did not hesitate to change his name to Caitlin Kardashian Jenner. Compared with changing gender, changing his name is just a piece of cake.

However, for the Kardashian family, the real core is the three sisters Kim, Kohler and Courtney.

The eldest sister Courtney is the eldest daughter of the family. In addition to making a big splash in reality shows, Courtney also opened many fashion stores with his mother and younger sisters, and created their own brand. She is very business-minded. Although she is only 1.52 meters tall, it can't stop her from becoming the focus of attention. After all, being very tall or very short can also attract people's attention.

Kim Kardashian is the second sister of the family, and the hottest and constant topic queen in the family. As the leading figure among the Kardashian sisters, she became popular because of the "xing love video tape" incident, and her most famous label is 'Paris Hilton's Friend', although Kardashian's identity includes actors, costume designers and entrepreneurs, but her acting is as bad as her good friend Hilton, and even shortlisted for the Golden Plum Award. People think this is Chi Guoguo's mockery, but for the Kardashian family, this is a very good hot spot.

As long as it can enter the line of sight of the camera lens, regardless of its reputation?

Regardless of black cats and white cats, those who can catch mice are good cats.

Everyone has different talents. Kim Kardashian, who has nothing to do in film and television drama, has a good understanding of himself and his family.

She is not only a reality show star but also a celebrity in the fashion circle. She has been on the cover of fashion magazines many times. Although she is not a stunning beauty, her iconic Fengru Fattun, combined with exaggerated clothing styles, can always make The hot spot of the human eye and she does not shy away from showing her body, making full appearances at every turn, blinding the world's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

I have to say that Kardashian also understands men’s appetite very well. Her fat tun is a chun medicine that can attract black stars. It is fascinated by a lot of NBA local stars who are unwilling to fight. They are strong and majestic, but the court has become soft feet. shrimp!

As for Kim’s younger sister, Kohler Kardashian, she is also the youngest of the three sisters. Like her older sisters, she is also a TV drama actor, model, and reality TV actress. Anyway, these labels don’t need money, just stick them. Hey, the more the better!

Although Kohler is not well-known for her second sister, she has also made her own place in the entertainment industry. Most of her energy is placed on the family reality show. Of course, as the tallest of the three sisters, Kohler is quite popular. Favor of the brand.

But one of the things she is most famous for is that she made a tens of millions of Lakers star to be ashamed and almost became a bereaved dog, but under the operation of the topic of their sisters’ success, she not only succeeded in picking herself from the notoriety After going out, he also brushed a wave of fans’ favors. This ability to turn hands for the clouds and rain for the rain, no one else can admire him.

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