Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1548: diving

Liu Wen was completely dumbfounded. The original intelligent brain was messed up by Yang Cheng, and his eyes became dull like a pot of paste.

Yang Cheng reluctantly shook his head and simply said, "Well, let me let you make a reality show or live broadcast plan for you based on your characteristics. Try the water first. Once there are waves, consider increasing investment. ."

With a practical direction, Liu Wen knew what to do, and nodded, "Okay, I will listen to your arrangements."

Yang Cheng said, "Which company is your current brokerage contract with?"

Of course he will not make a loss-making trade. Since he decides to invest in this person, he has to get the right to belong to her. If he makes money, he will have to split between them.

Although it is all small money for him, from the perspective of the media group, it is still very necessary to win over a first-line model in the fashion circle.

Models need exposure, while media needs ratings and subscriptions. This is a win-win situation.

"New York and Paris were signed with Marilyn and Milan signed with D Economics." Liu Wen also knew Yang Cheng's thoughts, not surprising.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Cheng didn't propose to enter the room to communicate, which meant that he didn't want to take advantage of that aspect for the time being. In other words, he had to cooperate more economically.

It is reasonable to sign the brokerage contract to him. There is nothing wrong with this. This is the reality. Otherwise, how can people help you?

Yang Cheng nodded, "Do you tell them about the contract termination? Or should I find someone to help you tell?"

Liu Wen was embarrassed, "I still have to trouble you, and my liquidated damages are a bit high."

"It's a trivial matter, so I'll talk to a lawyer. There must be loopholes in the contract. No matter what, I can provide the other party with a few good resources in exchange for your contract.

Okay, you don't have to worry about this. Go back and sign your team together. After so many years of cooperation, it is not appropriate to change people rashly. "

Liu Wen finally felt relieved, and his decision to come hastily finally paid off.

When the matter was over, both of them were a little embarrassed. After all, being alone in such a romantic island, something will definitely happen after a long time.

"Um, I'll go back first." Liu Wen stood up and stroked his hair.

Yang Cheng didn't keep him either. If Luo Yue didn't come, maybe he could not bear to pounce on it, but now, he can only pretend to be a gentleman.

"Um~ I'm with you."

Walking out of the villa and walking along the stone road to the beach, I found that the local indigenous people were wearing tropical costumes, dancing and singing on the beach. This was a welcome ceremony, and the guests seemed to have participated in it.

Yang Cheng and Liu Wen looked at each other and joined the team.

The tropical hula dance tests the coordination ability of the waist and abdomen very much. The stiff people jump out like zombies, and there is no beauty at all.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng and Liu Wen are both physically coordinated people, and both are involved in ballroom dancing. Although they are not familiar with hula dancing, in the lively atmosphere, who cares whether they dance well, right? What?

Just jump!

The dance welcome ceremony lasted for about 20 minutes, and the guests returned to their rooms to rest. Of course, it was mainly for the girls who had just landed to rest. The others did not care.

Many guests who came to the island in advance, their bodies warmed up due to dancing, did not go back to the house at all, making appointments in twos and threes to experience the various entertainments of the resort.

Yang Cheng originally wanted to take Liu Wen to play, but the girl was a little tired after a long flight. She apologized and went back to her room to rest, leaving Yang Cheng alone on the beach to look around.

At this moment, he was a little looking forward to Luo Yue's arrival. It is better to be accompanied than alone.

After kicking the sand on the beach for a long time, I felt bored, so I simply went to the diving place, asked for a suit from the instructor, and ran underwater.

The charm of diving cannot be described in words. Every time you enter the water with an oxygen cylinder on your back, you feel fresh, especially the moment you enter the water, you feel another world, another planet!

The Philippines has always been a famous diving destination, where coral reefs are densely populated with tropical fishes, and there are all kinds of dolphins, whale sharks and other marine elves swimming by your side. The feeling is indescribably wonderful.

Watching bubbles rise slowly in the water, it is much more dreamy than the live wallpaper on the computer desktop!

Especially when I see the creatures in the ocean, passing by you freely, some dumb fishes are not even afraid to touch with your hands. At that moment, all the worries on the body are wiped away, I just feel that the world is still very beautiful. of.

Yang Cheng didn’t have a coach to accompany him. This was what he specifically asked. He wanted to experience the underwater world alone. Although he hadn’t dived for a long time, he didn’t forget his movement skills. The coach who was worried about his safety fell behind and was afraid If there is a mistake, if the big boss dies in his own hands, he will not be responsible.

However, seeing Yang Cheng shuttle freely under the water like a fish, her flexible posture and movements were more graceful than his coach, and her hanging heart fell directly back.

Of course, Yang Cheng didn't know anything about it, and when he was playing with the oxygen tank about to call the police, he slowly surfaced and beckoned to the speedboat not far away.

Holding a heart-shaped pebble in his other hand, he stepped on the water and waited for the speedboat to come over, while looking at the shape of the stone. When he was underwater, he saw the stone at a glance, so forget about the surprise.

Nature's supernatural craftsmanship, pure natural heart-shaped stones are more meaningful than artificial heart-shaped stones bought in batches for girlfriends.

The speedboat approached, and the coach pulled him onto the boat. With a thumbs up, he exclaimed in English with a spicy crab smell, "Boss, your skills are great."

Yang Cheng took off the diving goggles gasping for breath, "Thank you, I haven't dived for a long time, and the movements are all strange."

The coach didn't know whether he was flattering on purpose, or he really felt that Yang Cheng was good at skill. He kept complimenting him, which made Yang Cheng a little embarrassed.

Back on the shore, Yang Cheng suddenly felt fatigue. People who hadn't exercised for a long time suddenly exercised vigorously, and the body must be unwell.

Fortunately, I danced before diving, and the muscles are activated, otherwise I have to strain.

After looking at the time, there were still a few hours before Luo Yue arrived, so he went back to the room to take a shower and slept beautifully.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Luo Yue with his hair curled up, dressed as a gypsy girl, with a soft and natural face, sitting beside Chuang with a smile, watching him slowly open his eyes.

In the dim, Yang Cheng thought he was dreaming.

Nine Heavens God Emperor

List of chapters in high-speed text handwriting America, enjoying life

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