Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1550: 1 bite of dog food

Today, Yang Cheng was pleasantly surprised. He never expected the West Coast headquarters designed by Lin Ximan to be so stunning. What is commendable is that it is completely aimed at Yang Cheng's appetite.

He likes this kind of architecture that is perfectly integrated with nature. The so-called natural is the most beautiful. The simplest example is artificial beauty or natural beauty, which one is more popular?

Seeing Yang Cheng's eyes fell completely into the phone, Luo Yue and Lin Ximan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The reason why the first draft was delayed for so long was that they didn't want to disappoint Yang Cheng and tried to be as comprehensive as possible.

Thanks to Luo Yue's understanding of Yang Cheng, the works finally presented to Yang Cheng are so amazing.

I have to say that Luo Yue has almost touched Yang Cheng's personality preferences.

"It's really great, that's all~" Yang Cheng clapped and shouted.

Luo Yue groaned, "What's the hurry? We still have alternatives, although we are also most satisfied with the ‘Sky in Water’ package."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "No need to choose, just this, I like it. I don't think other alternatives can have this set of plans that will surprise me. Is this work called "Water in the Sky"? A great name, which fits the situation. ."

Lin Ximan said proudly, "Of course, I have the best one. We also like this plan. If you don’t have other requirements, let’s formally finalize it? Next, Yueyue and I will go back to perfect the details. It is necessary to hire professional interior design experts to plan the interior design."

Yang Cheng nodded, "That's it, I'm pretty sure, I can't wait to see the finished product."

Luo Yue laughed, "Then wait, the construction of this plan is not easy, especially if you want to introduce such a large amount of water, you have to say hello to the city hall. Whether it can pass is still a question."

Yang Orange said stupidly, "Don't worry about that. If you can't solve this little thing, how can you be your husband?"

The two spoke affectionately, Lin Ximan felt a chill, rubbing his forearms, "Don't be numb, I won't be with you if you sprinkle dog food."

. . .

Gradually, the golden sun turned to orange, and it began to become soft and charming. Unknowingly, the sun fell below the sea level, and a group of fiery clouds hung at the end of the line of sight, but the color of the clouds next to the setting sun changed a lot. , For a while, lily-colored, for a while golden, for a while, half-purple and half-yellow, and then half-grey and half-red, until it is completely white as goose feathers, like angel wings.

Under such a magnificent sunset, everyone lost the chat and was intoxicated.

On the beach not far away, the staff was preparing for tonight’s bonfire party. The whole lamb that had been pickled for a whole day was put on the fire. The chef of the resort personally held a brush and a seasoning bottle next to it to see this posture I know there is something delicious to taste tonight.

More and more guests come out of the room and gather on the beach, close to the coconut grove. The staff has arranged a dining area, unlimited drinks and beverages, and desserts and salads are completely self-service. If you want to eat it yourself, if you have a special taste , You can also ask the chef to cook on-site.

In short, everything is ready, just waiting for nightfall.

Yang Cheng and the three of them returned to the room after watching the sunset, washed and changed clothes, they also had to fit the theme of the night party?

Luo Yue, the master bedroom of the villa, stood in front of the suitcase and took out a skirt and gestured on him. Either he shook his head and was dissatisfied, or guessed Yang Cheng's expression and felt dissatisfied. Soon the suitcase was emptied.

Standing there, pouting, don't mention your grievances.

Yang Cheng hugged Luo Yue's waist from behind, and softly comforted, "What's the matter? Can't find suitable clothes?"

"Hurry up and help me choose, it is difficult for me to choose."

"How about that aqua-blue gauze skirt? Simply, your skin is white, and what kind of clothes look good on you."

"Puff chuff~" Luo Yue laughed. Women, when they lose their temper, when they hear her boyfriend's kind words, even if she knows it is to make her happy, she is willing to listen.

The premise is who said it, it doesn't matter what it said!

Turned around in Yang Cheng's arms, tiptoed, and gnawed on Yang Cheng's face, "Listen to you~"

The sky gradually darkened, and the fires piled into triangles were raging, and everyone's faces were red.

The staff in traditional Filipino costumes wore warm smiles and walked through the crowd with wine trays. Even on the soft sand, they could walk flat on the ground.

The local singers sang gently with their guitars, and sang along with the waves, which is very charming.

At this time, Yang Cheng, one of the host of the party, appeared on the stage. He was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of black wide-leg pants, walking barefoot on the beach, with an oriental beauty on each side, each with a unique style. , There are gentle and sassy, ​​the same is that the smiles on their faces are so happy and warm, against the backdrop of the fire, they are like people in the painting.

I don't know who started the head, a sharp whistle, both ridicule and admiration, the posture of one-for-two appearance, the limelight overwhelmed everyone on the scene.

Luo Yue looked at all this with a smile, keeping a smile, his voice squeezed from between his teeth, "It will be cheaper for you tonight."

Lin Ximan seemed a little unhappy on the surface, but the arm holding Yang Cheng didn't mean to loosen at all, and his heart was extremely calm, without the tension when he first went out.

She finally realized that her state might be wrong, but this is her best friend's boyfriend, and she is not allowed to think about it.

but. . .

Sweeping Yang Cheng's handsome side face with the light, his heart throbbed, no matter what, as long as he didn't tell him, who would know?

Yang Cheng didn't know the careful thoughts of the two women around him. At this moment, he was suffering from William's jealous and jealous ridicule, "Man, you are too cool."

William was drunk alone, his eyes swept back and forth on the two women, sighing again and again.

A good vacation was ruined like The most important thing is that this guy still looks very at ease, she can't help her uncle and aunt.

Luo Yue saw that there was no woman beside him, so he could not help but cover his mouth and chuckle, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will tell Kate about your good performance."

Yang Cheng burst into laughter, "Yes, you must tell the truth, I believe Kate will be happy."

When William didn't fight, it was this guy who didn't talk about loyalty. If he wasn't afraid of losing his identity, he really wanted to use the wine in his hand to splash Yang Cheng on his face. It was so annoying!

However, Yang Cheng accepted it as soon as he was good, and said something to help, "You should go and chat with a beautiful woman. Luo Yue won't talk nonsense if you just chat."

Luo Yue gave his man a lot of face, and nodded in agreement with difficulty.

With a dazed effort, William saw Yang Cheng blinking at himself vaguely, and instantly understood that the brothers are interesting enough, this is to help hold the little spy, pay attention!

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