Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1563: 1 stumped string

(Suddenly in the morning, the memory of youth is gone, and the mood is inevitably low. In addition, the recent virus has caused panic. After sitting in front of the computer for a long time, I can't write a word and can only post it. 2020 is really difficult. Now, everyone must pay attention to safety. Who knows which one will come first tomorrow or the accident? Come on!)

There are no special reasons for choosing Daniel restaurant. One is that it is near and the other is expensive. Inviting people close to you to eat, of course, is how expensive it is, or how to show sincerity.

Of course, it’s not a big deal for him to spend thousands of dollars on a meal. Whoever has hundreds of millions of dollars would think that spending 100 yuan on KFC is a luxury?

In the same way, following Yang Cheng and meeting many worldly Susu, and even Liu Junyu, who is used to his cousin being the top richest man, didn't think it was worthwhile to have a meal at Daniel's restaurant.

Why should it be emphasized?

Because Yang Cheng and the others had just entered the door, they encountered a special slapstick plot that is the least popular and disgusting.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Yang Cheng. The protagonist of the incident is Liu Junyu. This seemingly quiet cousin, after putting on make-up and taking off her glasses, is a lively high-cold goddess.

Especially when she joined the Yang Cheng team, she often dealt with CEOs and CFOs of major companies, and cultivated a strong business woman. When she accompanied her face, if the cold moonlight floated on her body, it made people Fearful, afraid to come forward.

However, there is always a person in this world who feels that he is the best, so that all women have to look at him with admiration, and they can easily hook their fingers to make people climb up his chuang willingly. In the category of self-confidence, this is because of the developmental imperfections in the brain.

For example, the one in front of me is a handsome guy from the Korean Plastic Surgery Hospital. He is about 175 in height and has a slim suit on his body. He is matched with the IWC that shows cuffs from time to time, and the LV belt for fear that others may not know him.

Just now when Yang Cheng and the others came in, they had not yet been seated, they saw this handsome man with neutral temperament with two catties of powder and lipstick on his face blocking the aisle.

Then, with a disgusting smile that could no longer be fake, he said to Liu Junyu affectionately, "Dear, didn't you mean to work overtime tonight?"

Yang Cheng looked at Liu Junyu subconsciously, and saw that she made no secret of her disgust, and said indifferently, "I warn you for the last time, don't use such words to me, I will sue you for harassment, and what am I not doing? I need to report to you, please get out, you are blocking our way."

The handsome Han Fan’s face powder not only has whitening effect, but also has the effect of increasing the thickness of the skin, and the effect is remarkable. He turned a blind eye to Liu Junyu’s resistance, and showed his own'same-sex' charm. "I didn't expect you to come here. Would you like to eat together?"

Yang Cheng had to speak. This grandson looked like he was under-beaten, not to mention the style of acting, the kind who couldn't solve his hatred after being shot for ten minutes.

Said to Yingwei, "Thank you for the security to send this person away. He has affected our dining experience."

Sorry before the introduction, handsome Han Fan frowned and looked at Yang Cheng, just so straightforwardly, without evasiveness, and there was a sense of scrutiny in his eyes.

"Are you Jun Yu's boyfriend?"

This is spoken in Chinese, it turned out to be a national Z? Yang Cheng was even more upset.

Before Liu Junyu could deny it, Yang Cheng arrived, "Yes, I am her boyfriend. Do you have any comments?"

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Junyu was very surprised, but he thought that his cousin would not harm him, so he looked at the development of the incident.

In the eyes of handsome Han Fan, this is the default, and it is the default with provocation.

He thought he smiled cruelly and turned his gaze to Susu, "Then who is this beauty?"

Yang Cheng has already felt speechless for this giant baby with a face comparable to a city wall and an underdeveloped brain. It would be too much if the plot is not over~

"It's also my girlfriend, why? Do you have any comments?"

Handsome guy Han Fan felt that his dignity had been insulted and his IQ had been challenged, and his face was sullen, "Very good, we are not finished~"

Insane, come here to touch porcelain?

Who proactively recruited you or provoked you? Inexplicably, he said ‘we’re not finished’, and then turned his head and walked away from the villain in a cartoon, not forgetting the cruel words before leaving.

Yes, it’s cartoons. This IQ can't live longer than 10 minutes in an adult TV series, but it can still be mixed in cartoons~

After the three of them were seated, Liu Junyu smiled apologetically, took out a pair of big black-rimmed glasses from his handbag and put it on. The temperament changed again by 180 degrees. The cold goddess was transformed into a cute little girl next door, and then put her hair. Put it on, a proper school flower.

Fortunately, she wore more casual clothes, which didn't make this look look abrupt.

"Who is that person? Just like crazy~" Susu couldn't hold back gossip as soon as she took her seat.

Liu Junyu smiled helplessly, "I met at school, and when I first helped me with my luggage, it was quite normal. Who would have thought that it was getting more and more excessive. By the way, he is a Chinese-Korean hybrid, but he has always regarded himself as a great Chinese."

Yang Cheng has seen a lot of this kind of people, so it is not surprising, and the origin of such a character is definitely that the mother of Z country married the father of Bang country, and only arrogant and staid Bang country people can cultivate such offspring.

To give a simple example, the skewers of huskies and other dogs will dismantle their homes as they grow up~

Susu is also very After contacting for so long, I finally have some girlfriends, so I naturally want to share the same hatred.

It may be that she has been with Yang Cheng for a long time, and Su Su is not interested in those nymphs. You must know that she has chased Korean stars for a while before.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "It's okay, I'll clean him up when I look back, and see what to drink first, don't let a trash ruin the mood of eating."

Having said that, Yang Cheng took out his cell phone and sent Hansen a message, asking him to stare at the string, and it was best to find a way to teach him a lesson.

Of course, you can’t beat people. Everyone is a civilized person and you must love peace. However, in view of the shameless behavior of the other party, find someone to put a few packs of fans on him, and then become a wave of sunrise crowds. No, it should be Manhattan crowds, Xiang Jing Fang's report should be enough to punish that person.

Andrew likes to do this the most. When Hansen received the news, he was on the sidelines and immediately volunteered that the task was handed over to him, and he ran away without waiting for Hansen's approval.

Things went well. When Yang Cheng and the others came out of the restaurant to board the car after eating, they heard a noise coming from the restaurant.

More than an hour ago, I was still arrogantly looking at people's skewers with my nostrils. Now I can't get arrogant. When Jing Fang put on handcuffs and took away, he struggled hard and kept shouting that he had made a mistake. , Injustice and so on.

Seeing the three of Yang Cheng watching the show, Chuan'er immediately pointed to Yang Cheng and shouted, "It's him, he framed me, are you idiots?"

Yang Cheng couldn't help but frowned, because he saw one of the police chiefs coming over after hesitating for a while. It seemed that he was about to ask himself?

Chuan'er is right, this is an idiot~ Hearing the words of a drug criminal~


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