Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1565: Title-2020 is too hard

After the call was hung up, Liu Junyu met Yang Cheng's eyes without evasiveness, his eyes were rather complicated.

Yang Cheng smiled, "Don't look at me with this look. Although I don't have a good impression of that cousin, I still have a good impression of you and me. Anyway, we are clinging to cousins, and we are better than outsiders. Get close, let alone you are a girl, I can’t let you be bullied."

"Thank you~ But let this matter go, people have already been punished, right?" Liu Junyu just doesn't like to talk, it doesn't mean that she has a problem with her IQ. The scene where the string was taken away by JC just now, you know it with your ass. Who did it.

And the reason why Yang Cheng was cruel, didn't he avenge himself?

Although that Chuaner didn't do too much to himself, it seemed that such revenge was a bit harsh, but Liu Junyu could tell right from wrong, and even if Yang Cheng was at fault, he should share half of it!

Therefore, she never talked about Yang Cheng's behavior, but her kind heart told her that this matter should be stopped in time, and the other party's backstage came out to intercede, even if she is the best step, if she still holds on to it, or even pursues it. In the end, Yang Cheng might look at her cousin's identity and bite the bullet and help to the end, can it be done?

Will Yang Cheng still value herself as much as she does now? Liu Junyu dare not bet, at least for now, she still has to rely on Yang Cheng to get ahead, so let's do it.

She also told Yang Cheng clearly her attitude.

Yang Cheng has nothing to do, and is happy to see the people around him. He is not a cruel person. Even if he can put people to death and never turn over, he does not want the people around him. Such thoughts and behaviors.

People are conflicted like this, they can do whatever they want, and they always demand high standards, and Yang Cheng himself is helpless.

At this moment, Yang Cheng showed the warmest smile since he met Liu Junyu, and said, "I see, do what you said~"

This smile is so warm that Liu Junyu thinks that it should be noon, not the cold night~

"Then~ I went up?" Liu Junyu felt his face was very hot, so he didn't dare to face Yang Cheng, and quickly said with a dull head~

Maybach stopped downstairs in the apartment for a while, and the apartment tenants passing by kept looking around. Talking about gossip, the old beauty is a lot~

However, Yang Cheng didn't care about it. Instead, she looked at her cousin who was staring so embarrassedly and deliberately, "Don't you ask me to go up and sit?"

Liu Junyu shook his head like a rattle, "The house is too messy~"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Look, you are scared, I am teasing you, go up soon~"

Seeing Liu Junyu was amnesty, pushing the door and getting out of the car as if escaping from famine, but she knew the etiquette and did not forget to wave goodbye to Yang Cheng when she approached the door.

With a funny look, Yang Cheng asked Andrew to drive. Although there were some episodes this night, it was generally very pleasant.

. . .

The next day, after a full night, Yang Cheng called Andy Jin and told the other party's decision. The other party was so excited that he wanted to express his gratitude. Yang Cheng said that he would not thank himself.

Andy King is also very sensible and immediately stated that he would send the compensation gift as soon as possible.

I thought the matter was over, but Andy King obviously didn't want to miss this opportunity to get in touch with Yang Orange, and tentatively said, "Mr. Yang, do you have time for noon? I want to invite you to lunch~"

Yang Cheng didn't know what the other party wanted to do. Listening to the tone shouldn't be a bad thing, so she clutched her phone and asked Susu, "Are there any arrangements for noon?"

Susu knew Yang Cheng's daily itinerary well, and replied without thinking, "No~"

In that case, agree to it, and Yang Cheng gave a positive answer.

Andy King was overjoyed, "It's great, I will send you the time and place later, see you at noon."

The national pride of the Koreans is really terrifying. Every meal must show some national characteristics, and I can't wait for the whole universe to be marked with the Smecta logo.

But the guests are as they please, and since they have invited them, Yang Cheng is not picky about anything.

Taking advantage of the low traffic flow before noon, I drove to Koreatown in New York, not far from the Empire State Building. The style is completely different from Los Angeles. The rhythm here seems to be faster, in line with the temperament of New York, unlike the one in Los Angeles. Like a scenic spot, the rhythm is leisurely.

Of course, the same thing is that the streets of the two Koreatowns are relatively clean, and many local and beautiful people will also come here to eat-cheap, as for the taste, it’s a matter of opinion.

Andy King set the restaurant at K Restaurant on 32nd Street. This old restaurant has been established for more than ten years. It has a good reputation in New York. Many local Korean stars come to New York to check in at K Restaurant.

What surprised Yang Cheng was that at the entry point, he also saw a group photo of the restaurant owner with Papa Ma and the international chapter. It was indeed Papa Ma with children everywhere!

As a big figure in the Korean American ethnic group, Andy King can naturally enjoy the service of an exclusive box, but today he did not enter the box directly after coming to the restaurant, but stood at the and saw Yang Cheng come in. After that, his eyes lit up, he quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hands, tightly grasped Yang Cheng's indifferent right hand, and shook it vigorously, "Thank you Mr. Yang for the opportunity. This is my honor."

Yang Cheng smiled, "President Jin is too polite, please come out to meet him."

Andy King should be more than 50 years old, with a typical stick appearance, squinting his face in the Chinese character, wearing gold glasses, and a scumbag.

"It should be, please, please inside. Mr. Yang should be the first time to come to K restaurant. I don’t know that this restaurant serves the most orthodox Korean food and presents a banquet pattern as much as possible. The taste is very good. Celebrities have visited here."

"I'm looking forward to it~"

After entering the box, Yang Cheng paused slightly because he found a beautiful woman sitting on each side of the long table.

President Jin, who was following Yang Cheng, saw this scene, his eyes narrowed with laughter, "I learned that I have the opportunity to have lunch with outstanding young entrepreneurs. The two beautiful international students especially hope to see Mr. Yang. Style."

Yang Cheng knew this arrangement well and didn't say anything, so she chose a more natural looking beauty to sit next to her.

The beauty looks really young, and there is no obvious sign of the knife on her face. Of course, it is also possible that the hospital level of the operation is good. Anyway, it is difficult to see the problem with Yang Cheng's visual inspection.

Smiled gently, "What's your name?"

The little beauty looks a little thin, of course, it can be described as slim, but the unevenness hidden under the translucent black silk princess-style shirt is particularly eye-catching.

"Mr. Yang is good at noon, my name is Park Shanying." The little girl's English is not so slippery yet, she seems to be an overseas student.


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