Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1589: Box office failure

Do you think 12 is the final compilation? Do not!

When Leiden was chatting with his comrades and some high-level troops, everyone was worried about the future, because according to the current situation, it is very likely that by 2020, Lu Jun in the United States will only retain 10 ABCTs, that is to say, at 290. Based on this, 116 may be added.

This is only the American land jun. In the United States, there is also a unit called the National Guard. There are 6 ABCTs. Of course, they are equipped with fully equipped main battle tanks. Needless to say, they are all M1A2. Local tyrants want BY. Although it is a reserve force and cannot be counted in active service, and its training level and actual combat effectiveness must be greatly discounted, the performance of the tank will not change. The name M1A2 is worth that price.

However, the establishment of the National Guard would not fluctuate too much in a short period of time, and Yang Cheng did not cast his greedy eyes on for the time being.

In addition, the US Marine Corps also has three tank battalions (the first tank battalion, the second~ and the fourth~), with the same organization. Each tank battalion has 58 tanks and a total of 174 tanks.

However, the models are a bit behind. They are all M1A1, old guys who are about to be eliminated. Although they can sell for some money, they can only be regarded as the meat on the mosquito's legs in front of M1A2. If there is a chance to take it off, Yang Cheng does not mind eating it It doesn't matter if you can't do it, you can eat meat yourself, and you have to leave some soup for others.

Therefore, with a total of more than 1,400 main station tanks, Yang Cheng's goal is to win at least a quarter!

Swallow this big cake, and within a few years, he won't have to worry about cash anymore!

He was almost red eyes for cash. When Leiden talked about it in the afternoon, his eyes were red. Don't blame him, it's too short of money recently!

By the way, this is not counting the dusty tanks in the inventory. Pulling it out, washing it and checking it can also be used for the show.

How much is there if you include inventory?

Many cents parties insist that if the inventory is included, there are at least 5,000 active M1 main battle tanks in the United States. Most of this argument is based on false rumours, because at the earliest there were people who said that there were more than 8,000 tanks in inventory. Not through the brain.

Yang Cheng also specifically inquired about Leiden, and the answer was speechless. It is estimated that the total output of the Meidi M1 series, including active duty, decommissioning, dismantling, scrapping, and foreign trade, is estimated to be just over 8,000. As soon as I saw this number, a lot of cents would directly make up for the US Emperor Eight Thousand Active Service.

Of course, inventory is certain, but the number of this part is definitely not too much, and basically exists as a backup car.

We must know that the production line of M1A1 has been stopped a long time ago. If the active M1 wants to run perfectly, the parts often need to be replaced. If there is no production line, it will naturally be removed from these backup vehicles.

This has also resulted in a lot of inventory car parts being incomplete. It is estimated that even one-tenth of them can be directly on the court. Yang Cheng is not considered. If you have time to screen the available inventory cars, it is better to spend some energy on public relations. Troops, just let them sell the active service directly?

Yang Cheng was immersed in a dream and couldn't help herself. Just when he was about to wipe his saliva, Donna Lande's call woke him from the dream.

"Boss, "Now You See Me 2" is coming to an end in Country Z. According to our analysis, the global box office is expected to fall to 330 million US dollars."

Yang Cheng's good mood immediately dropped, "330 million? I remember that the total box office of the first film seemed to be 350 million?"


"So this sequel can be declared a failure?"

"It's a pity, but ~ yes! We failed."

Yang Cheng's heart sank, "Wait, let me check~"

Quickly searched for news about "Now You See Me 2" in the United States.

Surprisingly, there are still a lot of praise? But why is the box office so terrible?

The American "Variety" magazine, known as the "Hollywood Bible", praised the performance of the sequel to "Now You See Me 2": "Compared with "Now You See Me 2" in 2013, this sequel is more successful. , Is full of exciting plot like a roller coaster, plot that is enough to fool the audience, and the design that will make people's jaw drop.

The four knights that everyone liked in the last movie are back, but this time their experience is completely different from before, so in addition to the satisfaction of old fans, it will inevitably attract more new audiences. "

"The Hollywood Reporter" is also very optimistic about the reputation of the film after its release. "Although the story of the film is quite complicated, as you can think of, this sequel with David Copperfield as one of the producers, The magic section is even cooler than the first one, providing the audience with an almost illusionary carnival experience, so it can be determined that it is a very popular kind of film."

TheWrap website believes that the film has given itself a correct positioning, "Now You See Me Not a superhero movie to save the world. It is far less heavy. It is an entertainment film with a sense of justice, even if you haven’t watched it. You don’t have to worry about not understanding the plot of the sequel to the 2013 "Now You See Me"."

Regarding the directing ability of the newly appointed Chinese director Zhu, Variety Magazine gives the best example with a wonderful scene, "It is very commendable that the Four Horsemen under the threat of the villain to steal the super chip is a scene ~ www.wuxiaspot .com~Director Zhu Haowei arranges this scene like a smooth dance drama, so magical that you can hardly believe your eyes."

As for the two new starring actors Liz Capan and Daniel Radcliffe, Mecoal also gave unanimous praise: The Hollywood Reporter said, "For the newly joined Lizka Pan, Ed Solomon’s script has meticulously designed many details to make this female character play the best role in the Four Horsemen. Liz has captured the subtleties very well and successfully shaped this character."

Australia’s "Sydney Morning Herald" evaluated Daniel Radcliffe’s performance in "Now You See Me 2" even more highly: "Daniel Radcliffe finally played the role after Harry Potter. An adult role that suits him. In this film, he uses his acting talents to become one with this role."

Seeing this, if she didn't know Donna Lande's character, Yang Cheng thought she was joking with herself. This reputation is quite good, how could she fail?

However, Donna Lande told him with cruel reality, "Boss, what you see is all propaganda that we paid for."

Commonly known as soft text~

Yang Cheng stopped talking, embarrassed, turned off the browser, and muttered, "The box office in Country Z should be good, right? I remember this sequel invited a very popular king-level figure in Country Z."

"Yes, his name is jay-chou. He also wrote a special episode for the film and promoted it in the Asian region. The effect was good. Because of his participation, this film achieved unexpected results in the Z country. The results, although the total box office has not yet been released, it is already certain to surpass North America."


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