Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1599: Wenqing 1

She was rarely interested, and Yang Cheng didn't stop it. In her words, these were intended to be taken back as gifts for relatives and friends, but that was not enough.

As the most fascinating tourist attraction in the Lake District, no matter from which angle you look at it, the picture in front of you is distorted and beyond imagination. Walking in the cobblestone alleys, the gentle and moist breeze is gently blowing on the face, row upon row of quaint small buildings clustered on the shore. The waves are beating against the black and white boat piles in the harbor.

The tree-lined park by the lake is fresh and spacious, and the central flowerbed exudes a faint fragrance. This is a place where the soul can rest for a short time.

Everyone was tired, Yang Cheng offered to choose a quiet and comfortable open-air bar, enjoy a glass of sweet Lake Como wine, listen to local artists, and tell his life story with romantic songs made by melting ice and snow.

Under the umbrella, Yang Cheng gave Luo Yue half of the wine in his hand, snapped his fingers, and asked for a glass of beer brewed by the locals using the snow water of the Alps, which made him feel satisfied.

Carson rarely had such a leisurely time. Today, he is not only Yang Cheng’s housekeeper, but also an old tourist. He used to ask Hansen to help take pictures before, and it was passed back to his family in the first time, and the smile on his face never stopped. .

When he got ashore, the cellphone had a signal, so he simply used the cellphone to drop out the property information and handed it to Lin Ximan.

I was tempted just by hearing the description before. Now I saw the photos and videos, Lin Ximan had almost no hesitation, and decided to buy this hilltop villa. For this reason, he also borrowed 100,000 yuan from Luo Yue with his salary as collateral. EUR.

After only one hour at Cape Bella, everyone returned to the yacht and returned to the villa by water. Carson also supervised the kitchen to prepare dinner. Yang Cheng asked Andrew to drive and drove them to the small town of Como.

Although it is called the small town of Como, it is also a city based on the administrative level.

Italy has a long history and rich culture. It is an ancient European civilization. Humans lived here in the Paleolithic Age. The Roman Republic and the Roman Empire had a profound impact on the development of world history. The Middle Ages once became the birthplace of the European Renaissance.

Como is the capital of the province of Como in northern Italy and the largest city in Lake Como. The world-famous Silk Road brought the sericulture industry of Country Z to Italy and took root on Lake Como. Since then, the silk industry has flourished. .

As early as the 13th century AD, the silk industry became the main source of income for Como, and it is still the largest silk industry center in Europe. Its products are sold to Milan, Paris, London, New York and other metropolises, enjoying the reputation of the hometown of Italian silk.

This small city with a population of only over 83700 is home to more than 800 silk product companies. The silk products of almost the world’s top luxury brands, such as scarves, ties, underwear, including dresses, are mostly made of precious silk produced by Como. Its exquisite craftsmanship has been recognized and trusted by consumers all over the world, and even from a certain point of view, it surpasses the country of origin Z, but this is a Western perspective. In fact, compared with some traditional techniques of country Z, Still inferior.

Of course, no matter what, the small town of Como also has a dreamlike charm because of silk.

After passing by the small town of Como in the morning, there is no time to wander, come back again, let Andrew park the car in the central square in front of Como Cathedral, a few people get off the car and stroll the ancient city, through the vicissitudes of history for more than 2,000 years, feel the rich cultural atmosphere of the ancient city.

Como Cathedral, Medieval Palace, City Hall, including the ancient city gate tower and San Federico Church, etc., the magnificent classic buildings are dizzying, like a living architectural museum, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance and other styles of buildings In the eyes of professionals such as Luo Yue and Lin Ximan, it is tantamount to entering a treasure house. Taking pictures and researching without fatigue, Yang Cheng can only be thankful that they are not wearing high heels.

The majestic palace architecture is extraordinary, the towering church bell tower rushes into the clouds, and the Roman stone pillars have witnessed the vicissitudes of the times. This small town is like a heavy history book that records the changes of more than 2000 years, but Lake Como will always be an ancient city. The immortal soul merges the natural landscape into the simple world, and the breeze from the Alps blows over the pier, opening the prelude to the sunset.

Reluctantly returning by car, on the way, Yang Cheng turned back to the second woman road in the co-pilot, "We are going to live here for a month. We have enough time for you to study, why rush for a while?"

Luo Yue smiled embarrassedly, "Many buildings can only be seen in textbooks, so I was fascinated for a while."

Lin Ximan's heroic and pretty face has the aftertaste of intoxication, "Yes, this is a treasure house of architecture, and each building can be studied for months or even longer."

Yang Orange smiled, "Anyway, you are going to buy a house here too. In the future, you and Luo Yue will fly over to live for a while if you have nothing to do. You can study whatever you want."

"It's really the right decision to come out with you this time~" Lin Ximan nodded with emotion.

Luo Yue stretched out his arms to hug his girlfriends, his little appearance, "That is, follow the sisters and drink spicy food~"

The second daughter started arguing again, and Yang Cheng said, "After sending you home in a while, rest early after dinner, and continue playing tomorrow~"

Luo Yue was taken aback, "Aren't you going to eat? Going out?"

Yang Cheng told Luo Yue about the arrival of Beckham at noon, "I have to go there~"

Luo Yue can understand, "Don't need me to go with you?"

"No, I'm tired after playing for a whole day. I went around and came back after nothing else. I was also tired."

"Well, then you go early~"

Lin Ximan felt that he was delaying them, and hurriedly said, "You don't need to worry about me, I can do it myself. After eating, I will go back to my room and sleep. You can go to work if you have anything to do~"

Yang Cheng gave a comforting smile, "It's okay, don't worry~"

Back to the villa smoothly, dinner was ready, and they happened to be hungry, so they started to eat. Yang Cheng also simply ate a few bites to cushion his stomach, then went upstairs to wash up and put on a new dark green dress. I boarded the yacht again and went to Beckham's villa.

Compared with Yang Orange’s manor and George Clooney’s mansion, Beckham’s residence on Lake Como is not big, but the environment is more peaceful. It is said that it used to be a star hotel, and he bought it and transformed it into a private residence. Located between Lezzeno and Como, it can also be reached by car, but there will be some detours. It is not as convenient to take a speedboat. Anyway, the lakeside villas here have docks.

When the speedboat approached, the night had completely fallen, and the small towns on both sides of Lake Como were brightly lit, like a bonfire rising on the lakeshore.

The wharf of Xiaobei’s house was even more congested. Many invited guests had the same plans as Yang Cheng. It was convenient, but the gate of the destination was blocked. The staff responsible for clearing the navigation road were too busy. , One of them boarded a speedboat directly, and quickly swam back and forth between the yachts.

Yang Cheng finally got in line, and because his speedboat was too long, he couldn't find a place to berth for a while. After all, the 13-meter-long boat is no different from a cruise ship in the inland lake. There is no choice but to let a bodyguard take the speedboat. Drive back, wait until the party is over and call to pick him up.

After finally stepping on the trestle bridge, Yang Cheng sighed, and simply tidied up the dress. Fortunately, the dress was not driven quickly, and the dress was not wet by the waves, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

The service staff on the shore were very friendly. Although they were hired temporarily, they were very professional. They politely apologized to Yang Cheng, and then respectfully led the way.

This is an old two-story building hidden in the jungle. The surrounding scenery is beyond imagination. Although it is not a gorgeous palace-style building, the exterior wall painted in pale pink is more romantic. Victoria's handwriting, princess heart, no matter how old women, all have.

The open door of the villa faces Lake Como. The back side should be the back garden and the door for land access. Judging from the flashing lights from time to time, it is estimated that the outdoor parking lot is already full of guests’ vehicles. I knew that tonight should be full of friends.

Go to the front of the villa through a slate staircase. There is a high stone wall along the **** on the right hand side. A mountain spring flows slowly in the corner of the wall. There is a reservoir next to it. There is also a disposable paper cup by the side of the wall. The clean spring water can be drunk Dozens of pots of flowers and plants are placed on the side of the spring and on the stone wall, adding a bit of vernal charm to the pristine courtyard. The spring water is next to the villa. It is an arch of the vicissitudes of the wine cellar, with the faint aroma of wine coming out, blending with the clear air from the Alps, the taste is exceptionally fresh and refreshing, and suddenly turning around, the distant mountains and lakes suddenly rush into the eyes, the kind of paradise on earth With the sense of sight coming up again, Lake Como is really beautiful everywhere.

On the side of the lake, there is a blue open-air swimming pool, about 15 meters long, surrounded by parasols and sun loungers. At this time, there are several children in swimsuits, accompanied by maids and parents, playing in the pool. The little blond girl's silver bell-like laughter always attracted the attention of the guests who had just visited, and they responded with gentle and loving smiling faces.

Not far from the swimming pool, there is a natural gravel beach by Lake Como, which should have been remodeled by Xiaobei at a huge price. The beach is covered with pebbles. From this perspective, a tall, thick sycamore tree with branches and leaves Mau, a narrow wooden bridge under the tree spans between the two walls, like a fairy bridge in the past paradise, dozens of small boats and speedboats are moored on both sides of the pier, slightly destroying the artistic conception.

If it is the evening when the sun sets, sitting on the trestle and tasting a glass of Lake Como wine, watching the clouds coat the landscape with a light gold, and watching the stars and the lights gradually lit up, what kind of scene it would be like ?

Today, I may have seen a lot of beautiful scenery. Yang Cheng's heart is full of literary fire and wants to express it. Unfortunately, Xiaobei did not give him a chance. After receiving the report from the servant, he immediately came out from the room to look for him.

Called from a long distance, "Jason, here, I have been waiting for you for a long time~"


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