Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1605: Derailed problem

Yang Orange looked at Beatrice, who had pulled the brim down, and smiled constantly, the kind that kept laughing.

"What's the matter with you? Is that funny?" Beatrice's eyes were a little dangerous, a sign before a woman became nervous.

"It's okay, by the way, are you sure you don't need to report the itinerary to your family? After all, it's so late and you are out alone."

Yang Cheng was sure that he had not found Beatrice with bodyguards to follow. It stands to reason that he should not. Even if he does not have the status of the princess, as the little princess of the Borromeo family, if there are no three or two bodyguards by his side, the family People can rest assured that she goes out, really thinking that the world is peaceful?

Besides, the Borromeo family has reproduced in Italy for so many generations, the enemy is estimated to be enough to carry a basket, and there are not a few who hope that their family will die, and they can cause hundreds of accidental deaths at will.

So Beatrice dared to go out alone, either because her bodyguard was far away, or she simply tied her fortune and life to Yang Cheng, and believed that Yang Cheng would not sit back and watch what happened in her sight.

On the way, Yang Cheng did not realize that besides Hansen and the others, there were others following, so that was the latter?

Yang Cheng thought for a long time and came to a conclusion, this girl is really big!

"You're still laughing!" Beatrice was dissatisfied, because after she finished speaking, Yang Cheng still had a nasty smile on her face. Isn't it a shame?

Yang Cheng didn’t realize it. When she lost her mind, she forgot to sort out the expressions on her face. Beatrice grabbed the handle and sneered, “Sorry, I was thinking, you just come out with me like this. Do you worry your family?"

"Don't worry, my family knows I'm out to the party."

"Pierre also knows?" Yang Cheng tried to ask.

Beatrice's wine glass paused in the air, and her expression was slightly sad, like a family whose lights were extinguished not far away.

"He might be at the party too~" Beatrice said vaguely.

Yang Cheng realized in an instant that the immortal couple in the eyes of the media did not seem to be as happy as the words and pictures depicted.

It is also true that the male members of the Monaco royal family seem to be born with a bohemian factor. It is said that before knowing Beatrice, Pierre's favorite place to stay is various parties and nightclubs, people give the nickname'Monaco Nightclub The little prince', it wasn't until I met Beatrice that he was restrained.

However, it is not luan, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit, this is the eternal truth, if human nature can be easily changed, then it is not a creature on the earth, but a **** beyond nine days. Then again, don't gods also have their own unique hobbies?

Regardless of whether Pierre has created a perfect image of a prince, he is truly perfect. At least he is a man, a man of wealth and status, and a man of wealth, status, and young talent. Pierre's temperament could not be better understood.

The lay people who have eaten meat for a lifetime go to the temple to become a monk, and can they eat the vegetarian food that is used to fade out the birds?

Occasionally going to the mountains to hunt for game and pay homage to the five internal organs temple is reasonable.

This topic is not suitable to continue. Yang Cheng poured himself a glass of local ice wine. Compared with the taste of Canadian ice wine, it is a bit less sweet and more sweet and refreshing. It is very refreshing with yogurt. unique.

"Do you have a fiancee?"

After a bite of the wine in the glass, Beatrice’s face was flushed~

"Yes~" Yang Cheng nodded heavily.

"Do you have a good relationship?"

"Very good~"

"Then you love her very much?"

Yang Cheng hesitated a little, nodded gently, "Love~"

Beatrice sneered, "This love seems very shaky~"

Yang Cheng didn't feel guilty, and said calmly, "Because I am not a person who is used to putting the word'love' on my lips."

The slightly mocking smile on Beatrice's face gradually stagnated, her eyes slowly dropped, and she sighed, "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay~"

"May I ask you a question? I hope you can answer me truthfully."

"You can ask~"

"After you established a relationship with your fiancée, have you ever had a relationship with another woman?"

Yang Cheng faced those hot eyes and smiled bitterly, "Don't you have the answer?"

"I want to hear from you~" Beatrice was very persistent.

Yang Cheng had no choice but to nod her head and said, "I have been~"

"several times?"

Yang Cheng was upset, "Hey, are you interrogating?"

"Answer me, a few times~" Beatrice suddenly strengthened her tone, as if she had to ask the bottom line.

Yang Cheng sighed, "I don't know how to count, who will keep memorizing the number of times."

Beatrice leaned back, looking frustrated, "I knew that men are all the same~"

Yang Cheng was so angry when asked, "Then you can retaliate against him in the same way? Anyway, you are paying attention to equality between men and women. You are welcome."

Beatrice stared at Yang Cheng fiercely, and then frustrated, "I tried, but ran away at the last second. I hate that I can't do it myself."

Yang Cheng shrugged, who can blame for his lack of promise?

"You teach me~" Beatrice said naively.

Yang Orange was dumbfounded, "Teach you? How to teach this thing?"

Looking at the other person’s pleading eyes, Yang Cheng cursed her softheartedness, “Don’t look at me like that. I really don’t know how to call it. If you want, you can have a relationship with any man on the street at any time, even if only once. Enough revenge for your family."

I may feel that I have overstepped what I said and tried to make up for it. "Actually, I said that. I really want to solve the problem. Retaliation is not a good way. It is painful for a lifetime. The most important thing is that you have to put your mind right."


"Yes, if you put pleasure first, whether you have a husband or not, the passion of that night is the most important thing, and you will not regret it.

If you do not have a hot pursuit of sports, then you will definitely regret it and don't be dominated by impulse. "

He said that these were of course not for the good of the other party, but wanted to pick himself from the inside. God knows if this stupid woman will go back to show her husband after doing a stupid thing, and put herself in it, that would be so wrong. !

Beatrice was like a primary school student who had just come into contact with the new world, her eyes were hollow and confused, but her expression gradually became firm, and Yang Cheng secretly cursed herself for talking too much.

"Then what, don't think about it, drink and drink~" Very jerky changed the subject, and the effect is zero!

"How did you feel when you cheated?" Beatrice asked Yang Cheng was almost crying, really treat him as a confidant sister? Not so bullying.

How awkward to look at that bitter gourd face, Beatrice seemed to have not noticed, with a pair of big eyes shining, waiting for Yang Cheng to solve her confusion.

"How can you feel? It's cool, I have conquered a beautiful woman again~"


Yang Cheng scratched his head, "It's not accurate to say conquer. How can I say it is like a person who likes food, who has tasted 90% of the world's food, repeats the same taste every day, and suddenly tastes a new taste. , It's delicious, can you understand that feeling?"

Nodding thoughtfully, Beatrice's confused eyes gradually recovered, "I seem to understand that men are animals that love the new and hate the old~"

Yang Cheng opened her mouth and nodded helplessly, "Almost, there really are no so-called good men and good women in this world. The principles are the same. If you are not drunk, you drink less. Can't touch it."

Beatrice snorted and laughed, "A very vulgar sentence, but I have to say, it makes sense."

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand, "This is reality, so you don't need to entangle so much. With your status, everything is fine with your mood. Isn't the princess always wayward?"

"Ha~jason, I didn't see it, you still have the potential to be a psychologist."

Yang Chengbai gave her a glance, and he was dry in the last half of the day, so he quickly took a sip of wine, "As long as you don't run out to retaliate against your husband tonight, it will be my greatest help."

Beatrice shook the glass playfully, "Why? I'm afraid that Pierre knows this will cause you trouble?"


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