Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1609: For husband

Compared with US airlines on Atlantic routes, European airlines adopt a more crude pricing model to maintain their market share on transatlantic routes.

Can't tell the good from the bad, can only say that each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Taking British Airways as an example, through the establishment of a low-cost sub-brand, Level, it provides passengers with two types of fares, super economy class and economy class, on transatlantic routes.

Currently, Level is based in Barcelona and uses a wide-body aircraft A330 to perform flights to Boston, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles and Oakland.

British Airways retains its own flight from London to Las Vegas and will open a flight from London to Toronto, expanding its market share in the transatlantic route operated by Gatwick Airport, which is similar to that of WestJet on the same route. , Norwegian Airlines launched a dislocation competition.

This model is a bit similar to the Tian Ji horse racing in Country Z. It uses the service advantages of traditional airlines to deal with the low fares of low-cost airlines, and then uses its own low-cost airlines to fight price wars with other traditional airlines.

From a certain point of view, such a model is smarter than blindly adopting price competition, but there are also disadvantages, that is, it is not good at both ends.

With the full support of Delta Air Lines, Norwegian Air, in the competition between Gatwick Airport and British Airways, can provide services that are not inferior to traditional airlines. For passengers, as long as the aircraft seats are spacious enough, and a taste Not bad airline meals are enough, they won't ask for more.

Of course, the first-class service is definitely not bad. With this comparison and cheaper air tickets, passengers will naturally know who to go to buy tickets.

As for route selection, low-cost airlines enter the market by providing flights to second-tier cities, which can expand the route network and reduce airport costs.

At the same time, it chose to open European routes in unopened cities in the United States, avoiding direct competition with other airlines with abundant route networks.

When entering December, Norwegian will officially open the routes from Barcelona to Newark, New York, Bergen to Providence, and London Gatwick to Denver. Once these three routes are opened, they will greatly divert to the United States. There is a intensive passenger flow from the northeast to and from Europe, and Denver, as a plateau city in the Midwest of the United States, has a relatively developed business and a large population, enough to guarantee the source of tourists every week.

However, it is reported that British Airways is also investigating the route from London Heathrow to Nashville, indicating that traditional aviation also has a tendency to extend to the secondary market. The news has not been verified, but since there is news, it proves that the route has Very likely to be opened.

In any case, the competition on the Atlantic route will only intensify, and every airline company is paying 120% for even 1% of the share.

It seems that Alitalia is by no means useless, at least it can help Delta to continue to widen the gap with the latter.

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng's attitude of refusal began to waver.

Beatrice keenly grasped the moment of shaking, "How about? Do you want to think about it?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "I don't understand, why are you working so hard? Is your father going to hand over the Borromeo family to you?"

"I am also a member of the family~" Beatrice groaned.

But Yang Cheng did not believe this reason, "Come on, this joke is not funny at all~"

Beatrice knew that if he didn’t tell the truth, it would be difficult to win Yang Cheng’s trust, so he said, “Well, I admit that I have selfish intentions. Pierre’s investment company owns a part of Alitalia’s stock, not much. , About 3%, worth close to 50 million euros, which is equivalent to more than half of the assets of his investment company."

Yang Cheng suddenly felt that this particular reason was the root cause. It was nonsense for the family, and his own interests were real.

"Let me think about it~" Yang Cheng does need to think carefully. The situation of Alitalia and Norwegian is different.

As the flag carrier airline, Norwegian Airways’ management and equity structure are cleaner, while Alitalia is behind complex interest entanglements, such as ZF, Italian National Railways, Etihad Airways, Air France-KLM, and many small investments Fanghe retail investors, even if they solve the equity issue, it still involves the corruption of the management and the arrogant union.

At that time, don't say whether ZF will agree, the Italian people will spit on Yang Cheng to death.

Ugh. . . Difficult, this is Yang Cheng's true thoughts.

Beatrice really gave him a big problem-whether to be the white knight or not!

This question seems to him to be much harder than fully cooperating with the Borromeo family~

When he was worried, he poured wine into his stomach unconsciously. After a while, most of the bottle of wine entered his stomach. Even if the degree of red wine was not high, plus the amount before, Yang Cheng's head started to feel dizzy. Of course, it is far from drunk, and his thinking is still very clear, but his hands, feet and body are slightly floating.

Beatrice wasn't much better either. She didn't have any talents, and she didn't have the same amount of alcohol as Yang Orange. She had a pretty pink face when she drank it, but she was very energetic and didn't want to stop at all.

It didn't take a long time, and I opened another bottle of wine. I didn't know if it was troublesome or hot, so I took off my jacket and wore a tight half-sleeved T-shirt. His hot figure was visible.

Yang Cheng took a sip of wine, suppressed the heat in his throat, and continued to ask, "You must be aware of Alitalia's debt situation, right? Also, the last time it went bankrupt, what was the final solution?"

Beatrice did not notice Yang Cheng's faint green eyes at all, and took a sip and recalled for a moment, “In 2008, Alitalia declared bankruptcy due to the financial crisis, but the then Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi decided to help. , Alitalia was able to escape.

At that time, Alitalia’s management and the union originally negotiated a plan: including firing 1,600 employees, cutting wages by 8% and extending working hours, in exchange for shareholders’ investment of 2 billion euros, but this plan was rejected by the union and they hoped that Large-scale layoffs do not want to extend working hours.

In the end, Mr. Berlusconi came forward and asked for help from the bank to give Alitalia some short-term financial support, including a bridge loan of 600 million euros, to help it tide over the difficulties, and finally sold a large number of shares. , Finally got rid of the bankruptcy crisis. "

"Are the 600 million debts paid off?" Yang Cheng keenly grasped the key figures.

Beatrice fluffed her hair and looked a little embarrassed, "Not yet, and as far as I know, Alitalia is losing 1 million euros every day. If there is no capital injection, the company may face the problem before next summer. The danger of capital exhaustion."

Yang Cheng took a million a day? "

There are at least 200 days before next summer, 1 million per day, that is 200 million euros.

"Wait, Etihad Airways has acquired 49% of the shares. Didn't it assume the corresponding debt?"

"Etihad Airways hopes to use future company profits to repay its debts, but since its capital injection in 2014, Alitalia is still in a state of weak profitability, and it did not last long, and it continued to lose money until now.

The accumulated debt currently amounts to 900 million euros. "

Yang Cheng felt a pain in his head. If he didn't ask him, would he have to wait until he got involved in the negotiation to know?

"How many employees does Alitalia currently have?"

"Near 13,000~" Beatrice can only give a rough estimate.

"How about the number of planes?"

"120 planes ~ transported more than 20 million passengers last year." This is quite accurate.

Yang Cheng clicked on his temple and said, "The number of employees must be adjusted. You have to know that low-cost airlines-Ryanair owns 300 flights and transported more than 100 million passengers last year, but the number of employees was only 11,000.

Alitalia’s personnel structure is too bloated. If this burden is not solved, no one can change the outcome, but only extend life. "

Beatrice actually knows what the problem is, but it's about her own interests, and the standard must be lowered appropriately.

"I think you can bring your request to ZF representatives. In the past ten years, ZF has spent 7 billion euros to provide support to Alitalia. This is all taxpayers' money, and certainly not endless investment.

So I guess that ZF must have the idea to withdraw all, for this reason it is not impossible to agree to the terms of layoffs. "


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