Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1634: Glamorous career

It may be related to the character of Li Byung-hyun in the past. BH Entertainment signed a ticket to the famous and famous actresses in the Korean entertainment circle. They are all big beauties. On the contrary, the male actors lack a lot, not without them, but one less. Top actor who can occupy exposure.

But like Xuan Bin’s appearance, he has some acting skills, and there are very few male actors who can lead the box office. Even if they did, they would have been listed first by other companies. This kind of time reflects the CY entertainment. The new company's background is inadequate.

"Song Zhongji? Hmm~ It would be great if he could sign, but his acting skills..."

Regarding Yang Cheng’s doubts, Liu Jianjun said, “The acting skills can be honed slowly, but the flow is really not practiced. It is purely because of God’s appreciation.”

"Okay, look at the arrangement, how about SBS? No one is doing things, right?"

"Not yet. I participated in a board meeting and opened two ministers to kill chickens and monkeys. People who come to see SBS are still very interesting."

"Well, staring, CY Entertainment has risen so quickly. S~B~S is the top priority. Without this platform, our influence will inevitably be frustrated. Once we find bad signs, we will go to Li Zhiyu. He is also one of the shareholders, so he can't watch his own interests suffer."

"I understand, I won't give people a chance~"

After that, Liu Jianjun took to the shooting scene of "The Liar" to explore the class. Yang Cheng waved his hand and invited everyone on the scene to eat barbecue, showing the charm of the boss, so he patted his **** and left. The company account was still used for checkout. Of course, the crew would not think about that much, only that the boss was generous.

A crew includes assistant agents of various stars. To be less, there are 100 people, and the meal is Korean beef, plus drinks and beverages. This meal cost a small 10 million. It is worthy of being a character on the list. horizontal!

. . .

After leaving CY Entertainment, Yang Cheng went to the Han River, which was an important piece of his layout in South Korea. He greeted Li Zhiyu in advance, and he waited at the clubhouse early.

Unlike the first time I came here, the entire clubhouse was completely renewed. A large number of trees were planted around the clubhouse to form a natural barrier, blocking the outside view.

A yacht comparable to the main building of the clubhouse was quietly parked on the berth. At that time, the yacht had just sailed into the Han River, but it caused an uproar.

That is to say, the energy of the Li Zhiyu family is great, and the media is forcibly suppressed. What the club wants is a low-key, not everyone knows, more often, the yachts are parked at Incheon Wharf, here are only a few boats that do not exceed 20 Mi’s small yacht, today was deliberately to welcome Yang Cheng, so that the captain drove the yacht over.

It is not easy to enter the inland river. The Han River basin is full of reservoirs, and only a few tributaries allow yachts to pass. Fortunately, these procedures are nothing in the eyes of the privileged.

Those who are eligible to board a yacht will not allow a good mood to be ruined by the so-called rules.

Under the joint protection of this privileged class, as long as you don't drive bumper boats on the Han River, no one will jump out and find yourself uncomfortable.

As soon as I entered the door, there was a beautiful welcome lady, bowing to Yang Cheng 90 degrees. These beauties who have undergone strict etiquette training are all selected by Li Zhiyu. They have cut their double eyelids at most and have never had major surgery. Of man-made beauties are all natural.

Yang Cheng walked very slowly, and beckoned to one of the beauties who looked like Jin Tae Hee, "Do you usually have guests making things difficult for you?"

Li Zhiyu followed, for fear that the welcoming guest might say something wrong, he winked frequently, but Yang Cheng found it and gave him a stare.

"To be honest, I am the boss here, no one can hold you accountable~"

But the welcoming beauty said, "Everything is fine, no guests deliberately make trouble, I like this job very much~"

Yes, it seems that I can't tell the truth. Yang Cheng grabbed Li Zhiyu's neck and said in a low voice, "Remember, ordinary workers must not be bullied. If you need to find professional and technical personnel."

Li Zhiyu immediately said, "Brother Yang, don't worry, I have explained it, and the people who come are the top people in this country. The quality is guaranteed. Those who like chaos can't enter the gate of the club."

"That's good, are there any guests today?"

"Of course, we are not short of guests anytime~"

After hesitating for a while, Li Zhiyu revealed the identity of the guest, "Senior Prosecutor Yin Shanming and his family are dining in the upstairs box~"

Yang Cheng paused, "Senior Attorney General?"

"Yes, and he is a veteran prosecutor. He is deeply rooted in the main prosecutor's office and a very powerful figure~"

Some people say that the best people in South Korea are not in the Blue House, but in the Grand Prosecutor's Office. This is not an exaggeration. Thanks to the South Korean judicial system, South Korean prosecutors have the most detached status in the entire Korean court because they are enough " "Independence" is not only horizontal independence, but also in the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

From a higher level, the procuratorate is nominally affiliated to the Ministry of Justice, but even the Minister of Justice cannot interfere with the handling of prosecutors. In other words, the prosecutor himself is the highest official in handling cases and has full independence and freedom.

The same is true for subordinates. South Korea implements a system of procuratorial guidance and investigation. When it comes to specific cases, JC cannot handle the case independently. All cases must be reviewed by the prosecutor, who decides what evidence to use and how to obtain evidence.

To put it bluntly, South Korea’s JC is a **** shovel officer, who is responsible for wiping the prosecutor’s ass. Usually it’s not good. In many Korean movies and TV dramas, the Jing staff are a little depressed or unwilling. This is definitely not art. Exaggeration, the reality is like this. After all, you have to listen to the prosecutors when handling the case. They rush to the front, earning a little, not to mention that their lives are in danger, but what about the prosecutors? Sitting in the office in a suit and tie, most of the credit lies with them. The key is to make more money. Can JC's heart be balanced?

Moreover, the most important power of South Korean prosecutors is the monopoly and hesitation of prosecution granted by the judicial system.

What do you mean? To put it simply, only prosecutors have the right to prosecute. Private individuals do not have this power. At the same time, prosecutors have the power to delay the prosecution without initiating public prosecution under conditions of suspicion and litigation.

For example, if you stole money from a neighbor’s house, even if the evidence is conclusive, the prosecutor can refuse to prosecute and determine that you are forced to live by life.

This is only minor and more serious. Prosecutors can use their power to become a protective umbrella for chaebols and capital.

As long as the media has not exposed it, regardless of how serious the crime is, the prosecutor can hide the case and wait for it to be forced to investigate or prosecute.

In short, the progress of the case is all within the prosecutor's mind.

A small prosecutor has such great powers. One can imagine how good those who sit in the positions of chief prosecutors and senior prosecutors should be. Some chaebols with insufficient capital must be polite to see the chief prosecutor. Angry treatment.

With such great power, corruption will naturally breed. Therefore, Yang Cheng was not surprised to hear that a powerful senior attorney general appeared in the clubhouse. This is South Korea!

Because of the high income and unimaginable power and social status, prosecutors also rank alongside doctors and become the most desirable profession in the hearts of Koreans!

One is holding life and money; the other is holding society and money~

Not to mention the money obtained through illegal means, the salary alone is enough to make 80% of Koreans envy.

In recent years, the per capita salary in South Korea has been around 45 million won per year, while the annual salary of prosecutors was 65 million won as soon as they started.

With such a high return, investment is naturally proportional. If you think with your toes, you can also know that such a good job can be done by anyone who wants to do it?

The high tuition fee is enough to keep most people out of the threshold. According to the statistics of the Korean media, just to complete the law school education, it will cost about 160 million won, almost 250,000 RMB, and the total cost of taking the judicial examination is 63 million. Regardless of whether you have passed the test or not, the 200 million won and 1.3 million RMB are necessary to spend. If you fail the test, it will naturally be worthless.

The key is South Korea’s judicial examination, which can be called one of the most difficult public examinations in the world. The judicial examination in country Z is difficult enough, with an average pass rate of 8.75%, while the Korean judicial examination has a pass rate of less than 3%. The difficulty is so high, and the cost is beyond the reach of many people, but it still attracts young Koreans.

No way, the taste of success is so wonderful. For the underachievers, this is the only way to change their lives. They must take a gamble. Once they win? In the future, if you want to drink spicy food, and want beautiful women to wave, who would not want to live such a life?

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