Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1636: The betrayer cannot be trusted

In an empty box, Yang Cheng sat on the sofa and chatted with Li Zhiyu over wine.

"What do you think of Yin Shanming?" Yang Cheng asked.

Li Zhiyu said proudly, "An extremely hypocritical old fox~"

"Oh? Your evaluation is a bit interesting~"

"The main reason is that I have seen him through. People who rushed out of the poor and small households are more or less contaminated with similar temperament, but his ambition is bigger than anyone else~"

Even if Yin Shanming was killed, the disguise he thought was perfect was so easily pierced in Li Zhiyu's mouth.

Yang Cheng found it interesting, "It seems you have investigated him?"

Li Zhiyu took a sip of wine and sneered, "The eighteenth generations of ancestors who can sit in this position have been turned over by others. What secrets can there be? The funny thing is that this clown is still covering up, alas. ..."

Yang Cheng didn't think there was anything. People's horizons are ultimately limited. The **** determines the thinking. It is really not easy for Yin Shanming to do this.

But he still said with emotion, "Power, after all, it is the most intoxicating thing in the world, far better than the wine and beauty~"

Li Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, and agreed with this sentence, "Yes~"

"By the way, since his details have been investigated, why hasn't he been used? Don't tell me that a senior attorney general will be worthless~"

"In fact, the reason is very simple, he has betrayed his master~"

Yang Cheng suddenly, indeed, the word betrayal is too heavy, no one likes to be betrayed, especially those big people.

Others are afraid, but he is not afraid, because he does not belong to this country, and his future will not be tied to this small country. What is so terrible?

If Yin Shanming has the ability, he can toss as he pleases, Yang Cheng doesn’t care, as long as the other party can give him enough in return, even if one day he chooses to betray again, Yang Cheng is not afraid, anyway, he has taken it back, and Yin Shanming dare not dare Betrayal is another matter. Yang Cheng will make him realize how unbearable the price of betrayal is.

The knock on the door of ‘dum dong dong~’, it is estimated that Yin Shanming is here.

Li Zhiyu consciously got up to open the door, led people in, and said to Yang Cheng, "Brother, this is Prosecutor Yin Shanming~"

Yang Cheng nodded and pointed to the single-person sofa, "Sit down, Minister Yin is so extraordinary that ordinary people can't reach it~"

From Li Zhiyu's mouth, Yang Cheng probably groped the character of this person, with a definite target.

Sure enough, although Yin Shanming didn't know Yang Cheng's true identity, he knew that the other party was not easy when he saw Li Zhiyu's little brother's usual piety.

Still guessed by the wife. . .

Yin Shanming sat down without speaking, and quietly waited for Yang Cheng to speak.

"Minister Yoon, there is no other meaning for Ji Woo to invite you, get to know, have a drink, and have a chance to cooperate in the future~"

Yin Shanming remained extremely vigilant and said solemnly, "I am not a businessman, so there should be no room for cooperation with you."

Yang Cheng smiled and didn't mind the other's tone, "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Yang Cheng."

"Yang Cheng?" Yin Shanming murmured the name, a bit familiar, and immediately looked at Yang Cheng and felt that this face seemed to have been seen somewhere~ but he couldn't remember it for a while.

I had to shout, "Mr. Yang~"

"Minister Yin, how is my club?" Yang Cheng seemed to be chatting, with no subject at all.

"It's great, it's a place that many people yearn for. I also want to thank President Li for giving me the opportunity to let my family come in and have a long experience~"

"Minister Yin is humble. The purpose of establishing the club is also to provide members with a pure land to enjoy life. If even the family can't bring in, what is the meaning of this life?"

. . .

The simple meeting lasted less than 5 minutes and ended in a hurry. The two talked a lot, but they didn't say anything practical, more of aimless chatter.

Yin Shanming returned to the box confused, and shook his head helplessly in the face of the curious look cast by his wife.


"I didn't say anything~" Yin Shanming was a little aggrieved. Since taking him to this position, no one seems to dare to treat him with such an attitude.

But he couldn't have the courage to resist. He just wanted to shake his hand away, but somehow, his **** was stuck to the sofa, just couldn't lift it up.

The wife's brows were twisted together, and relatives were present. She didn't say much, but said, "Maybe the other party is just trying to touch?"

"Perhaps, forget it, leave him alone, we will go on a boat cruise on the Han River after we finish eating. It's too late today, otherwise we can go directly to the sea on the largest yacht~"

. . .

Looking back to Yang Cheng, and after sending Yin Shanming away, Li Zhiyu asked, "How about? Is it available?"

Yang Cheng nodded, "It can be used, but you need to hold his seven inches, otherwise he may bite you at any time~"

Li Zhiyu curled his lips, "It's not strange for a guy who is a seller to beg for glory to do this."

"Stop complaining, go, transfer Yin Shanming's information to me, then find a small matter for him to do, and try his attitude."

Li Zhiyu said sternly, "Understood, Brother Yang, do you have anything to do here?"

Yang Cheng remembered about CJ and SK, so he said, "I heard that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism plans to restrict foreign investment into the cultural industry?"

Li Jiyu tilted his head and thought for a while, "I haven't heard, I'll check it~"

"Well, if there is, you also know the trouble it will cause CY Entertainment."

"Let Yin Shanming solve it?"

"Let him go and see what he can do."

"Always give him something good?"

"What do you think he needs?"

Li Zhiyu smiled speechlessly, "What else can I want, the position of the general manager, I can't give this~"

Yang Cheng groaned, "You can hang him with this big pie, and then give him any benefits. Is anyone in his family doing business?"

Li Zhiyu scratched his head, "I can't remember, wait for me~"

After speaking, I saw Li Zhiyu rushing out, and after about 20 minutes, he came back out of breath, "His wife is a teacher at a university, and recently I want to get the title of associate professor~"

Yang Cheng stared at Li Zhiyu like a fool, "Do you think that with Yin Shanming's position, would he have an associate professor title?"

Li Jiyu is dumbfounded, and it makes sense~

"What should I do? You can't send money directly, right?"

"Of course not, it's not that we grabbed his handle, but he was holding our seven inches~"

Yang Chengjing thought for a while, "Where are his relatives?"

Li Zhiyu's eyes lit up, "His cousin runs a restaurant~"

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "This is not the end, just get a shell investment company and invest in his cousin's restaurant in the name of financing. If you are interested, you can help him open a chain store."

"This is a good idea. Even if something goes wrong, everything is a formal and legal procedure. We don't have any trouble."

"Well, you can do it, right, where's your sister? In the company?"

Li Zhiyu nodded sullenly, "Yes, it must be~"

"Go and ask her out for me~"

Li Jiyu said bitterly, "Ah? I can't do it, Fu is really angry, who never listened to me, you should call it yourself~"

Yang Cheng pretended to be impatient and kicked him, "So much nonsense, if you let you go, just say I'm looking for her in a hurry~"

Li Zhiyu rubbed his butt, but it didn't hurt at all, Yang Cheng didn't try hard, just touched it.

"My brother, don't make it difficult for me. If I rush to show up in front of Nu Na, don't want my toes. I don't know who I learned from. She likes to step on people's feet with high heels recently! "

Yang Cheng smiles Don't worry, just say I let you go, she will definitely not step on you~"

I can’t turn it around, the sorrow of being a little brother lies here, crying sadly, "Okay, okay, you are all big brothers, can't afford to offend~"

. . .

After returning to the Shilla Hotel and Villa, I heard the sound of high heels from far and near. The footsteps were very familiar. Before someone outside knocked on the door, he went to open the door and hugged him. The haggard woman asked softly, "You didn't embarrass Ji Woo, did you?"

Li Fu~I really annoyed and pushed Yang Cheng away, "I know you guys are talking nonsense, what can be the urgent matter~"

Yang Cheng clasped his shoulders, and closed the door with his legs, "Isn't I distressed for you? I'll give you an excuse to come back and rest. The company's affairs are endless."

Just now Yang Cheng didn't have time to observe, so he really pressed Li Fu on the sofa and did it right. He was facing the observation for a while, but he didn't see the symptoms of drug addiction. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't disappoint me~"

List of chapters in high-speed text handwriting America, enjoying life

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