Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1641: Commit suicide in fear of sin?

For the next two days, Irene had been in a state of panic and anxiety. The nightmares were so continuous at night that she didn't want to close her eyes, for fear that when she closed her eyes, ghosts would find herself.


Hasn't the whole of Korea been overwhelmed by the news of Associate Professor Animals these days?

Yang Cheng is a trustworthy person. He said that he would not do it if he didn't do it. A gentleman did not do it. He liked to be reasonable.

You see, as an associate professor in a university, it’s not good to be a hard-working gardener but engage in qing~se~ transactions with female students?

As a person with a conscience, after discovering such a serious problem, should more people know about it?

Catch the animals together and make them accept the severe punishment of the law?

A total of more than a dozen victims, most of them were forced. Although a few volunteered, they did not receive corresponding rewards. They were also willing to stand up and expose the true face of this hypocrite.

Then there was news that laid the groundwork for that place. The news section of S~B~S also made a special report, treating Zhao Mingji as the villain's protagonist, and so fiercely that he won an opportunity for exposure.

But for Zhao Ming, this is not the way he wants to become popular.

He is ‘red’, but also stinks!

After the public opinion was fermented, he became a rat crossing the street. He didn't dare to go to school, let alone go out shopping at will. He could only hide at home as an otaku.

But things didn't stop there. On the contrary, because Zhao Mingji's silence became more and more intense, the supernatural netizens, based on the messy clues exploded on the Internet, even outlined a vague chain of interests.

Zhao Mingji sought out female students not only for self-entertainment, but also to provide seductive services to some big figures. This analysis directly aroused the anger of the whole people.

Everyone becomes a justice fighter, vowing to kill the gang headed by Zhao Mingji and avenge the victims.

Unfortunately, when their offensive just started to pick up, there was a shocking news from Jing. Zhao Mingji committed suicide at home in the early morning and left a suicide note before he died. He confessed his suicide in the suicide note. Reflecting on my past crimes, I was extremely ashamed, and felt that only death could make up for my fault.

Then he chose to hang himself to end his life.

Public opinion was in an uproar. Some people with more radical thinking thought it was their credit that they executed a prisoner with actual actions.

The funny thing is that they hurriedly searched for the next target that needed to be ‘executed’ before the matter was finalized.

Of course, radicals are only a handful of people, and most people choose to be silent. Regardless of whether this person is good or bad, it's definitely not easy to drive someone to death with their own hands, although they may never know each other.

The worst Irene, her pretty face lost its blood color after learning of her death, probably because of overwhelming fright, and she was lying in a panic and uneasy, not even answering the agent's phone, let alone Yang Cheng.

Obviously, Irene attributed Zhao Mingji's death to herself. Of course, she didn't blame Yang Cheng. After all, Yang Cheng was for her own good, but if she didn't say it, wouldn't there be such an ending?

Irene was very broken. Although from the perspective of a normal person, the death of this beast is not a pity, but for a kind-hearted girl, it is inevitable that there will be a psychological burden for killing a big living person.

In fact, Yang Cheng himself did not expect that the other party would go to extremes. His initial idea was to expose this beast to broad daylight and ruin his reputation. How would he cause chaos in the future?

This is just a lesson, even if it seems to him to be a light lesson, it is actually very serious, but he really didn't want his life.

Who would have thought that netizens are so powerful, relying on some speculations made out of nothing, to sketch out the chain of interests behind Zhao Mingji.

This forced the entire small interest group to abandon the car to protect the handsome!

Killing a Zhao Mingji in exchange for everyone's safety without harming their interests. This is a profitable business, and fools know what to do, let alone a group of profit-seeking guys?

Zhao Mingji just said goodbye to the world, waving his hand and not taking away a cloud.

In fact, if this matter is changed to Yang Cheng, it will definitely not go so unclear, at least it should be brought out with two backs?

Anyway, he was dead. After he died, he still managed the flood?

Of course, Zhao Mingji might consider the safety of his family before choosing to shut up and leave the world silently, trading his own death in exchange for the end of the whole thing.

He understands the righteousness, Yang Cheng is unhappy here, a good show of heroes saving the United States, but because of his death, the ending is not perfect. Where can I make sense?

Especially now that Irene is not answering the phone, forcing him to use the identity of the S~M director and ask the agent to take him to the red velvet dormitory. If you don’t see him with your own eyes, you don’t feel relieved, for fear that this girl will fall into a strange circle of thinking and can’t want to do it. It's too late to regret something extreme.

In front of the red velvet dormitory, the agent begged with a bitter face, "Board Nim, should we wait outside? It's not compliant to enter the women's team dormitory like this."

Yang Chenghu smiled, how could he be in the mood to consider this and that? He wants to see Irene with his own eyes now, but he cares about the rules!

"Okay, don't enter if you dare not enter, tell me the password, I will go in by myself, and you can go."

The agent was almost crying, "It's really not good. The president knows that I will be fired~"

Yang Cheng told herself to be patient and pretend to be harmless to humans and animals, "First of all, I will not do anything to Irene; secondly, there will be no other people in the dormitory except Irene, and you will not all be paid for activities. Well; in the end, once this matter is known, I will explain to President Kim that you can’t lose your job, even if you really lose it, I’m responsible for finding a new job for you. The status and salary are higher than now. This is always okay. Right?"

The agent gritted his teeth and said, "I hope Director Nim will keep his promise, the password is"

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't worry, I can do it if I can tell, you can go~"

"Wait, things are left~"

Just asked the agent to help carry gifts, Korean beef, fruit gift boxes and the like.

After watching the agent get on the elevator, Yang Cheng entered the password and entered the dormitory of the girl group.

It smells so good! As soon as the door was opened, a sweet smell floated out. At the entrance, the shoes were scattered all over the floor. Yang Cheng didn’t even have a place for her feet. She could only step in, find a place to take off her shoes and enter barefoot. After the red velvet dormitory, the area of ​​the dormitory is definitely not as big as that of the girl's generation. After all, there is a lot of money since their debut, and there are more people, so the dormitory is naturally more luxurious and spacious.

On the Red Velvet side, there are only 5 people, and they have not yet delivered benefits to the company. The treatment can only be said to be average, only about 120 square meters, with four rooms, three of which are for residents, and one small room is used to pile debris, which is equivalent to warehouse.

According to the agent, Irene was in a separate room. At this time, the other rooms had their doors open. Only the door of the room close to the bathroom was closed tightly. There was a faint TV sound, and Yang Cheng was relieved.

Putting down the gift, and walking over gently, fearing to scare Irene, knocked on the door very lightly.

There was no response, and he knocked a few more vigorously. This time he lay on the crack of the door and listened, but there was still no sound.

Frowning, he simply opened the door and went in. The room was dim, the curtains were closed tightly, and only the TV gave off a faint light.

The TV sound is very small, but it covers Irene’s breathing Stepping forward, a piece of about 1.5 meters*, Irene is sleeping soundly under the quilt, her face full of face. Wearing pink, it may be that the quilt is too thick and hot, and a few strands of hair on the forehead are stuck to the skin with perfume.

gorgeous! This was Yang Cheng's first reaction, followed by distress. Isn't this girl frightened?

He sighed, walked over with strength, covered Irene's forehead with a big hand, and touched the temperature of his forehead. After the comparison, the temperature was almost the same. There should be no fever. You can let it go if you don't get sick. it is good.

I don’t know how long Irene has slept, Yang Cheng wanted her to get up and eat something, so she called out as she stroked, "Eileen, oppa is coming to see you~"

There was no response at the first sound, and I called it a few more times. Irene hadn't opened her eyes yet, she murmured as if she was dreaming, "oppa? Why did you come here, I'm so scared~"

Yang Cheng's heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand, and they were cruelly pulled together.

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