Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1645: It's her

"Small things, but Minister Yin, you have to tell me about the plan, what are you going to do next?"

Yin Shanming's old face darkened, "I am going to start with those two congressmen and investigate them. I believe they must have received bribes to help the bribers propose. Since they dare to threaten, don't blame me for using power."

Yang Cheng gave a hum, then asked, "What else?"

Yin Shanming hesitated, "My office once received a report that Li Meijing, vice president of CJ, was suspected of tax evasion."

Yang Cheng's pupils shrank slightly, and he attacked CJ Li's family? He had a vague idea, but he wasn't sure, could it be she was a ghost?

So he asked, "You have hatred with the Li family?"

Yin Shanming was stunned, "No~"

Yang Cheng smiled meaningfully, and suddenly said, "Li Fu~ Isn't it nice?"

"Very good...what?" Yin Shanming's subconscious answer proved that Yang Cheng's guess was correct. He also wanted to pretend to be innocent. Unfortunately, it is useless to fix the situation.

The doubts from the beginning were solved instantly, and he felt that something was wrong, especially Yin Shanming’s change of attitude was too illogical, and he couldn’t figure it out at first, but when he said he wanted to deal with CJ Li’s family, Yang Cheng reacted. Come here, maybe there will be San~Xingli's participation in this matter.

Only that family can make Yin Shanming obey, and only the San~Xing Li family can take any opportunity to start with the CJ Li family, and will never let go of any opportunity to cause them trouble.

Although their relationship is good on the surface, in the face of historical contradictions, that relationship is more vulnerable than plastic!

As for why he thinks of Li Fu~ It's even simpler. Only Li Fu is the secret of their meeting. It is really possible to know from Li Zhiyu, how could other people know?

It is impossible for Yin Shanming to take the initiative to say that there will be no fourth person to know.

Just now Yin Shanming said that his family was threatened. It is probably Li Fu~ Really. She recently took over San~Xing Electronics. She was so popular underneath that her temper was extremely irritable. At this time, I don’t know that her cousins ​​are not. Knowing how to provoke her, it happened to learn that Yang Cheng wanted to take advantage of Yin Shanming, so he pushed the boat along the river and gave CJ a lesson under the guise of Yang Cheng.

Thinking about it this way, everything makes sense~

Yin Shanming was silent, he didn't expect his acting skills to be so bad, and he was discovered by Yang Cheng before he could do anything.

Embarrassment is not embarrassing. Between the Li family and Yang Cheng, he will stand 100% on the side of the Li family. No matter how powerful Yang Cheng is, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. As long as he stays in Korea for a day, the Li family is hanging. The sword of Damos on his head does not have the ability to resist.

Of course, if he is backed by a certain force, he may still be qualified to challenge, but the problem is that he, a civilian prosecutor, has always maintained his own'pureness' to the outside world, and has never accepted any party's solicitation. , It’s not that he is really clean, he just wants to sell it.

Who knows what that crazy woman thinks? He was uneasy, and he didn’t draw a big pie or give actual benefits. He came up with his family as a threat. After meeting, he gave a blueprint for the prospect of temptation. At this point, he had no room for rejection, just Never forget it.

This is the current meeting. I did not want Yang Cheng to know her existence according to Li Fu~really. It is a pity that Yang Cheng was too cunning and cautious. He was not fooled and did not say that, and he directly broke his disguise. People, don't be too evil, or you will have no friends.

Now that you know who the master is, there is no need to talk nonsense with Yin Shanming. Next, he should go to Li Fu~ It's a good chat, this woman, she will go to the room without an injection for three days!


Yo? Can't answer the call?

Yang Cheng didn't give up, and continued to fight!

Still not answering? Go straight to the door!

Recently, San~Star’s new mobile phone exploded, and it can be said that it became a hot news of global attention in an instant, but it is estimated that San~Star itself does not want this kind of heat.

Just in the middle of last month, San~Xing’s new mobile phones went on sale worldwide. However, in less than 10 days, users have successively received reports from users about the charging, fire, and even explosion problems of the new mobile phones.

What’s more unfortunate is that at this critical level, the head of San~Star Electronics was involved in the ZZ storm and was investigated by the Guan party. In desperation, only Li Fu~Zhen took charge of the company. Just a few days ago, San ~Star announced the recall of 2.5 million mobile phones sold worldwide, but country Z was excluded.

The impact of this move is probably not just as simple as losing the trust of consumers in country Z. Now Li Fu is really stressed, not to mention Yang Cheng’s phone calls, and she has no time to answer other people’s calls. It was late at night, and her office was still bright.

Yang Cheng went to the San~Sing Electronics Headquarters in Seocho District and asked to meet with Li Fu~Zhen at the front desk. He did not make an appointment. The front desk naturally disagrees. In the end, Li Zhiyu put pressure on Li Fu~the real secretary. He went downstairs to meet him personally and took him up.

"Mr. Yang, Nim is in a meeting, please come to the office to sit for a while~" the secretary said politely.

"Thank you, I'm not in a hurry, let her work first~"

He has time, as long as he can meet, it doesn't matter if he waits until the early hours of the morning.

Fortunately, Li Fu~ I didn’t let him wait that long. He sat in the office for about 30 minutes. Li Fu~ Zhen came in with a tired face and sat down on the sofa. In front of the secretary, this was nothing. Image behavior, but she doesn't care anymore.

"You go out first and close the door~"

Dismissed people, Li Fu~ really kicked off his high heels and kicked Yang Cheng, "Why are you here now? Give me trouble~"

Yang Cheng smacked her lips, "I wanted to go crazy, but I can't bear to see you so tired~"

Li Fu~ Really curled his lips, "Farring? Why? Just tell me, don't let me guess, it hurts!"

Yang Cheng laughed, "It deserves it, who made you ignore the feelings of the country Z market? Knowing that it is your most important market, the first batch of recall lists excluded Country Z. I can only send you a sentence that deserves it!"

Li Fu~ It’s really only in front of Yang Cheng that she doesn’t hold her airs in front of Yang Cheng. She looks like a little woman, "Asshole, who are you talking to? This decision is not made by me, nor the old men in the company. The current country Z is 20 years ago, you can choose them at will, a bunch of idiots, but unfortunately, I just came to the company when the decision was made and nobody listened."

Yang Cheng looked unpredictable, "You know, well, what you have to do now is to make up quickly and try to restore the hearts of consumers in Country Z. Otherwise, when Li Jayong comes out, you will face the situation of losing the market in Country Z. , Will he go crazy?"

"Oh~ I know, I am already doing it. I will put Country Z on the second batch of recall lists urgently, and then sincerely apologize."

"It's useless for people to apologize. It's best if you personally apologize. For example, write an autograph letter so that consumers in country Z can see your sincerity in understanding your mistakes.

You have to know that the people of Country Z are the most tolerant people in the world. As long as you give face, you can say anything.

What's more, your product itself is not bad. What's worse is your sales attitude. Apple can play the high-cold set. You like to buy it or not, but you can't be a san~star. "

Li Fu~ Really hesitant, "Really do this?"

Yang Cheng nodded earnestly, "Of course, if you want to solve this potential crisis to the greatest extent, just listen to me. A sincere hand-written apology letter is more useful than yours. Don’t forget your identity, san~Princess Star They all personally apologized, this is enough face!"

Li Fu~ I kicked him in a weird way, and he was called a princess in person, even if it was she was not ashamed! Although outsiders call her that, it was the first time someone called her princess in person, let alone, it felt really good.

"Well, I know what to do. Tell me about you? Why do you want to go crazy?"

Yang Cheng snorted pretentiously, "You are so embarrassed to ask me, contact Yin Shanming with me behind your back, and want to use my hand to hit CJ, don't you think it's too much? Even I'm cheating!"

Li Fu~ really secretly scolded Yin Shanming for trash, and flattered, "I didn't tell you because this matter is harmless to you, and you don't want to think about it. How could I do something that harms your interests?

That Yin Shanming is a good chess piece, I naturally have to make good use of it, and let him know that our relationship is not a good thing. It’s better to pretend that we don’t know each other and give him a little freedom, otherwise he will It's one thing to be rebellious, to be ruled by one master, and another to be ordered by two masters. "

Li Fu~ This is really reasonable, but Yang Cheng still thinks she is sophistry.

"Tell me first, how did CJ provoke you this time? At this juncture of burning eyebrows, I didn't hesitate to spare my hands to clean them up~"

Li Fu~ I really sighed, "You all know the contradiction between our two families?"

Yang Cheng nodded affirmatively, "Of course~"

San~Star’s prehistoric article also mentioned that, in general, it is engaged in Sino-Korea trade, flour processing and wine making. After the San~Star Chamber of Commerce, it established CheilJedang, Cheil Textile, Cheil Fertilizer and other subsidiaries~ The problem lies with the heirs. In the mid-1960s, founder Li Bingzhe began to consider the issue of succession. Legend has it that at the beginning he thought about splitting assets equally.

But after all, according to tradition, the management rights were handed over to the eldest son Li Mengxi, who is the father of CJ Li Zaixian, who died of illness last year. There were a lot of jokes at the time, so I won't mention it for now.

Li Mengxi cherished the opportunity given by his father and worked hard, but his abilities were limited. Not only did the company fail to make progress under his hand, but the performance fell into a trough. Finally, one day, Li Bingzhe could not bear it and completely lost his patience and called the eldest son to the office. , Asked him to write down all his titles on the paper, and then personally picked up the pen and stroked them one by one, telling the eldest son, "You have too much work on your hands, and you can't be too busy. Take a good rest for a while."

The meaning of this sentence is easy to understand, not to mention that Li Mengxi is not an idiot, but lacks in ability.

However, Luan was dumbfounded and could only accept helplessly, because in this company, the father and the emperor are no different!

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