Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1658: Gambling proposal

Sun Jingzhi's words caused Yang Cheng's heart to plummet and fell directly to the bottom.

He is not afraid of competing with others, or even afraid of the other side's tricks. He is afraid of national power. If a country starts to reject him, no matter what tricks he has, it is useless. In front of the country, personal strength is vulnerable!

Yang Cheng frowned tightly, and asked bluntly, "Is someone from above who has sent you a message?"

Sun Jingzhi nodded, "Not alone, many people have hinted from the side."

Yang Cheng spit out badly and took a sip of the tea. She didn't drink any taste at all. She was silent for a long time before questioning, "Why do I think this is like an excuse for you to find a way out for your defeat. "

Sun Jingzhi laughed loudly, "It's not impossible, how do you think it's your business."

"Well, since you are not here to apologize, why are we meeting today?"

"I'm here to propose a solution~"

"Oh? You mean, can you help me out of my current predicament?"

"Of course, and it can almost be solved~"

Yang Cheng took a deep breath, "Talk about it~"

"Release the shares of S~B~S~"



"for you all?"

The continuous question and answer without breathing a single breath came to an abrupt end, and Sun Jingzhi showed hesitation on this question.

Yang Cheng didn’t use him to answer, and instead said, “Once the shares of S~B~S are sold, will my previous efforts be in vain? I will kill Tairong for you in vain. I have not waited for the dividends to be recovered. Just jump out and pick peaches.

To be honest, President Sun, if you consider it from my perspective, do you think this is a game? "

Sun Jingzhi smiled bitterly, "Maybe, after all, this thing is too incredible for you."

"Right? So you give me an idea. Should I give you the shares of S~B~S?"

Of course Yang Cheng would not listen to the other party. He was just trying to force the other party to think in another position, but this is a trick. People don’t want to die for themselves. If everything is considered from the other’s perspective, the world will There is no business as an industry anymore.

And the more Yang Cheng thinks about it, the more he feels that this incident might be Cui’s instigating Park’s hands and feet. It’s not a so-called state power at all. If ZF is dedicated to dealing with a company, it doesn’t need to do so many tricks. Still using CJ's hand?

Of course, it is also possible that considering the strength of the Yang family in the United States, and not wanting to do too much, chose this roundabout approach.

However, this possibility is relatively small. Yang Cheng doesn't think that the Korean arrogant personality would consider it so fully.

But no matter whether his guess was correct or not, Sun Jingzhi was embarrassed. It wouldn't work if he wasn't embarrassed. He was pressed against the wall and rubbed against him, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"What does SK mean?" Yang Cheng asked again.

Sun Kyung-sik cheered up, "SK? They want megabox theaters, but I know you will definitely not agree."

Yang Cheng laughed angrily, did this group of sticks really take themselves wronged? Didn't worry about it, just thought about dividing it up?

"I don't think it's enough. It would be nice to take .W directly."

He was telling the irony. How could Sun Jingzhi couldn't hear it and laughed, "Jason, I know you have grievances in your heart, but when doing business, you have to compromise with each other. Today you take a step back, and if you don't say it, I have to retreat tomorrow. step."

Yang Cheng laughed again. Sometimes he has to admire the Korean thinking mode. What makes them feel that they are overwhelming. Hasn't this matter been decided?

"President Sun, why don't we take a gamble? If this matter is not resolved in the end, what will you pay me? Otherwise, I will give you the shares of S~B~S. Of course, the price will rise according to the market price. Counting 20%, it won’t make me toss for nothing, right?”

Sun Jingzhi hesitated, "What do you want?"

Yang Cheng took a sip of tea and snapped his fingers at Li Zhiyu, "Zhiyu, tell me, what valuable assets does CJ have?"

Li Zhiyu opened his mouth to these doors, "CJ Entertainment, the most valuable one is definitely CGV Cinemas."

Yang Orange snapped his fingers, "This is good, don't you want the megabox cinema chain? Then bet on something of equal value, fair~"

Looking at Sun Kyung-sik playfully, "How about President Sun? My proposal is very exciting? Do you want to take a gamble? After winning CJ, there will be no rival in the Korean entertainment industry. If you lose, you can only lose a theater line. , It's no big deal~"

He deliberately said that the other party's loss was very light, magnifying the prospect of temptation, just like a Junket Operator that not only stimulates gamblers to bet.

Li Zhiyu also looked at Sun Kyung-sik with the same look in the theater, but he was happy with everything that could make CJ suffer.

Sun Kyung-sik suddenly felt thirsty, so he drank a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, his expression was complicated, "Jason, you have a big problem for me!"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, "Look, this is the problem. You have caused me trouble. I don't think I have been mad with you because of the smooth cooperation in the past. This proves how high my quality is!

But on the other hand, I just put forward a 50-to-50 fair bet proposal. You think I'm having a problem. President Sun, do you think I'm as bullying as other opponents you stepped on? "

Sun Kyung-sik quickly denied, "No, no, how could it be possible? Whether it is Jason or the Yang family, they are all objects of my admiration, but the matter is very important. I dare not make a decision alone. Please allow me to go back and think about it. You reply?"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "You must be someone from SK to make you President Sun like this? How about you invite people out to sit down and talk, I think that as me, it should be enough to meet any core of SK. Character?"

"That's natural~"

At this time, Li Zhiyu asked suddenly, "President Sun, I heard that Li Meijing was arrested? The charge is tax evasion?"

He slapped his lips, gloating, "What should I say, as a big X citizen, paying taxes is everyone's duty! How can this be done? It's simply not right~"

His face was almost engraved with the word ‘deserved’ which seemed a bit regretful.

Sun Kyung-sik sighed, "Ji Woo, we are always a family, there is no need to be like this~"

Li Zhiyu laughed and said, "That is, if President Sun is willing, we are indeed a family. Unfortunately, some people's "Li" and our family's "Li" are not the same word. This is not what I said, but their family Proved by actual actions!"

Sun Jingzhi didn't want to quarrel with the junior, so he could only say to Yang Cheng, "Jason, come here first, thank you for your tea, let me go back and think about your proposal before I give you a final answer."

Yang Cheng glared at Li Zhiyu, and said helplessly, "Alright~ President Sun walks slowly."

After standing up and sending a few steps away, he said meaningfully, "By the way, about the Vice President Li Meijing, if you need it, you can contact me, maybe I can help~"

Comes with a kind smile, but ~ he did it at all!

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