Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1661: Acting 1 girlfriend love

No, she is not such a person. . .

Xu Xian is trying to resist this idea. Her subconscious mind tells her that her girlfriend is not such a jealous person, but Yang Cheng's words are like magic sounds that linger in her mind, and the voice is getting louder and louder. She is about to forget the existence of the subconscious.

Yang Cheng was originally trying to change the concept secretly, but the purpose was to alleviate Xu Xian’s inner guilt, but as he said it, he felt that what he said was somewhat reasonable. If it wasn’t jealous, why did he make such troubles? Where is it?

Taking 10,000 steps back, as long as Xu Xian didn't do things that hurt the world and didn't frame Li Huanxi's best friend, what did she look for as a backer and Li Huanxi?

Well, it can be said that Li Huanxi has a psychological shadow, and he is paranoid hope that Xu Xian can make the same decision with her, but this possibility is not great in Yang Cheng's view.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask her out and I will confront her." Yang Cheng said.

Xu Xian shook his head bitterly, "She won't answer my phone, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to meet again in the future."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Don't worry, I can find it~"

After speaking, he waved to Hansen to come over, whispered a few words, and Hansen walked away quickly.

Seeing this, Xu Xian couldn't help asking, "oppa, what are you going to do?"

Yang Cheng pressed her hands, "Don't worry, I won't hurt her, I just want to talk to her."

Xu Xian didn't believe it, but she didn't say much. Some things can only be completely believed by seeing them in person.

Not long after, Hansen came back and reported an address to Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng pulled Xu Xian away and said, "I found her. I am relaxing by the Han River."

. . .

When Yang Cheng drove to the bank of the Han River, Li Huanxi was about to leave, but was stopped by the bodyguard sent by Hansen, so Yang Cheng and Xu Xian saw a grass on the side of Han River Park. Li Huanxi was right. A bodyguard glared at the scene.

No matter what Li Huanxi said or scolded, the bodyguard was indifferent, because he did not understand Korean, even if he understood him, he would not leave because Li Huanxi was not his boss.

Until Yang Cheng appeared, the bodyguard retreated far away without saying anything, leaving space for the three of Yang Cheng.

Li Huanxi clenched fists with both hands, staring at the dog men and women in front of him, and shouted excitedly, "Xu Xian, what are you going to do? I said, I won't take care of you anymore. Are you afraid that I will explode you to the media? material?"

Xu Xian opened his mouth to explain for himself, but Yang Cheng took the lead, "Let’s not say if anyone dared to send out the material you exploded. Even if it does, do you think I’ll just ignore it? You’re half entertainment. People in the circle should know the power of those who control the mainstream media."

Although Li Huanxi is not hysterical, but seeing her trying to suppress her anger and not let her erupt, we know that this child is not lightly affected by Yang Cheng, like a balloon being pushed to the extreme, without needles, I am afraid that fingers A light poke of the head is about to explode.

"Calm down, let's talk?"

"I have nothing to talk about for you." Li Huanxi said coldly.

"You and Xiaoxian really have nothing to talk about, but you should have a lot of topics with me." Yang Cheng's words whetted the other's appetite.

In Li Huanxi's surprised eyes, Yang Cheng said to Xu Xian, "Xiaoxian, buy me a cup of coffee."

Xu Xian understands that this is to leave room for conversation, but she is not at ease, she is afraid that Yang Cheng threatens Li Huanxi just like she threatened herself.

But looking at Yang Cheng's firm eyes, Xu Xian did not dare to refuse and left silently.

Only Yang Cheng and Li Huanxi were left. The breeze blowing from the river surface was a bit cool. Li Huanxi stood here for almost an hour, and felt colder at this time, holding his shoulders subconsciously, and looked a little pitiful.

"Do you need me to lend you a piece of clothing?" Yang Cheng asked kindly.

"No, don't be hypocritical. If you have anything to say, I want to go home!" Li Huanxi didn't appreciate it at all. In her opinion, Yang Cheng was too hypocritical, and there was no such thing as an idiot when we first met.

"No hurry, let's talk slowly one by one. I heard Xiaoxian say that you have refused to support the sponsor? Why?"

This question seems to be an innocent student.

But Li Huanxi didn't mind answering, "Because I feel sick~"

"But this will cut off your hope of debut~"

"This is what makes me disgusting. If I disagree with him, I will ruin my life. If I agree? Isn't it being exploited by him for a lifetime?"

"Regret it? Watching your good friend and best girlfriend debut and become a big star, and you can only be a dance teacher with no reputation and not much money, don't you regret it at all?"

Li Huanxi hesitated. Faced with such a conscience problem, she hesitated. Have you ever regretted it? Speak with conscience, there have been! And more than once, the higher the girl’s generation flew, the deeper the regret in her heart, and even more than once she wondered if she had accepted the olive branch thrown by the gold master, would she be able to get the attention of the public like Seo Hyun? Fame and fortune?

How can a child who has been trained in an entertainment company since he was a child who doesn't want to become famous and make big money? Who would become a hard-working trainee without wanting to be famous?

So Yang Cheng is now becoming more determined, and he may have unintentionally told the truth.

Based on her momentary hesitation, Yang Cheng smiled and said, "You don’t need to answer, I know the answer. This is human nature, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Then I will give you a chance now, a chance to make a new debut. Are you willing to accept it?"

Li Huanxi's face became stiff, and he sneered, "You want to support me? Are you afraid of Xu Xian being angry?"

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "You think too much. Your appearance is high among ordinary people. If you add professional makeup and styling, you can become a good network goddess, but that's all."

"What do you mean?" Li Huanxi felt that he was insulted, and he didn't even have the qualifications to be a lover?

Yang Cheng said straightforwardly, "It's just that you are a little short of the standard of being my lover, but in the face of Xiaoxian, I am willing to give you a chance."

If possible, Li Huanxi really wants to explode in the air, killing this non-human tortoise grandson!

"Talk about it, what are you good at?"

Yang Cheng didn't give her a chance to think more, and directly decided the matter.

"Wait, I haven't agreed yet~"

Yang Cheng disagrees, "You will agree. When you go back to calm down and carefully analyze the pros and cons, you will definitely agree, because you are no longer a child, and you don’t have the original impulse. Knowing that if no one in the entertainment industry supports you, you will always I don’t have a chance to get ahead, since early promises and late promises are both promises, why should I waste time waiting for you to understand it before talking?"

Looking at Yang Cheng dumbfounded, Li Huanxi found that his cognition had been refreshed. Is there such a person in the world? proud! arrogant! overbearing! Anyway, all the words she could think of hit Yang Cheng's head.

"So, let's talk about it, what are you good at? By the way, dance? You are a dance teacher, so your dance level should not be low. You can consider participating in a variety show in dance competitions, and then I will have someone push you behind. Show your charm on the show well, as long as you have a reputation, the future will be easy, whether it is an album or acting."

Yang Cheng's few words determine Li Huanxi's future. Listening to his light and fluttering tone, it is obvious that these things are nothing to him, just as easy as spending money.

"Are there any more requirements?" Yang Cheng asked again, almost becoming his own words.

Li Huanxi couldn't be angry anymore, she had been shocked by Yang Cheng's successive arrangements, and she instinctively shook her head to indicate that she did not.

Yang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, "Very well, I like your attitude. You can get more if you know how to get enough. My only requirement of you is to wait for Xu Xian to come over. You apologize to her and explain that you are just because Only when you are jealous are you angry and angry at her. After obtaining her forgiveness, keep your girlfriends friendship, and the things I promised to you will be realized one by one."

After thinking for a long time, Li Huanxi said lightly, "I can't do this. Our relationship has cracked. No matter how to make up for it, it will be useless. Xiaoxian is not a fool. She must be able to detect the change in my attitude and wait for my new debut. From now on, she will be able to guess that this is the condition we exchanged, and our relationship will deteriorate at that time. Do you think she needs the relationship of girlfriends from the show?"

Yang Cheng was surprised at how quickly the other party’s emotions turned around, and at the same time she gave her a thumbs-up, "That’s good, but I don’t care about the future. I only care about the moment, even if your superficial girlfriends can only last for two. Months, giving Xu Xian a buffer time is much better than suddenly losing an important friend."

Li Huanxi lowered his head, seeming to be weighing, and suddenly muttered, "You are so kind to Xiaoxian~"

"I treat my women very well~" This is equivalent to admitting that he has many women in disguise.

" I promised~" Li Huanxi made a decision. Just like Yang Cheng said, he used to be a trainee under tremendous pressure and delayed half of his youth in the practice room, no matter what she is now How calm and indifferent he is, I am eager for success in my heart, hoping that the sweat I have paid will be rewarded.

Of course, what cannot be denied is that the temptation to be famous and make money is too great. Who doesn't want to live a better life?

In the face of such temptation, the feelings of girlfriends seem to become a little cheap, but what about? People are selfish, just hope that this decision will not be regretted.

Yang Cheng snapped his fingers, "Smart choice, adults are not right or wrong, only pros and cons!"

Li Huanxi smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect it to be such an ending. I thought we won't have anything to do with it in the future, but now I have to perform a drama with my girlfriends. It's really..."

She didn't know how to describe this feeling, but Yang Cheng thought, "Don't think about this too complicated. The relationship between you and Xu Xian over the past ten years is true. You are just saving it now, by the way. You can get more, you should be happy~"

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