Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1663: Daily 1

Yang Cheng is thinking about some issues. He feels that the things he has done recently are a little bit ridiculous and do not fit his current personality. But then again, everything he is doing now is to complete the task of ‘13’~

The reason why he suddenly became hypocritical was entirely because he was bored with what he had done recently. In his opinion, his energy should be placed on enjoying life instead of endless fighting. He could not understand the phrase'with the sky. Where is the fun of fighting, fighting with the ground, fighting with people, and endless joy.

If possible, he would rather go home and become a rich second generation who is at ease, regardless of his career and family business. Isn't it good to be a winner in life with money and leisure?

Anyway, he now fully understands what Lao Ma said, and he really doesn't pretend to be 13. The thing he regrets most now is the creation of New Era Media and the constant expansion of his business. Why bother? After much deliberation, I feel that I am still forced by book friends. If it weren't for the story of being scolded, I could write 2000 chapters in daily life alone!

(I am an upright man pushing the pot under the Red flag^_^)

Now that I'm talking about this, would it be too much if the daily routine is not watery?

. . .

On this day, Yang Cheng accompanied Irene back to Daegu to visit her parents. They came back from the United States to see their eldest daughter, packed their things by the way, arranged the family, and then focused on studying with the younger daughter in the United States.

Yang Cheng followed to see if there was anything to help. The main reason was that after Pei's father and mother heard that Yang Cheng was also in Korea, they had to invite their son-in-law to the house for dinner, and thank him for everything he did for the family.

Irene is also a star anyway. Although there is no big fire yet, her popularity is not low. Recently, she is more frequent in variety shows. Anyone who likes to watch entertainment shows should think she is familiar with her. If the two of them take the train back to Daegu together, it is probably still The scandal spread all over Korea without getting off the car. After all, this country is too small. People in the east fart, and people in the west can feel the oppression of the smog.

"Oppa, I called you out suddenly and didn't interrupt your work?"

In the co-pilot, Irene ate the potato chips nervously. She couldn't taste it at all. It was purely to hide her embarrassment. When she thought of calling Yang Cheng, she was uncomfortable when her parents called Yang Cheng. , The son-in-law's son-in-law called.

"Of course not. The company is mine. I work whenever I want to work." Yang Cheng has a big G with one hand and is very domineering.

"That's okay, who knows what they think. Suddenly they went back to Korea and called us to go back. She was not mentally prepared at all." Irene threw potato chips into her mouth, chewing hard. , That posture seems to treat potato chips as killing his father and enemy.

Yang Cheng smiled and didn't answer. He still cut in on other family affairs, and changed the subject, "How are you and your teammate?"

Irene was stunned, "yeri? She seems to have been warned by her agent, and she has converged a lot, little girl, she must be a little willful."

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be old-fashioned. In my eyes you are also a little girl."

Irene hooked her hair, pursed her lips and smirked, obviously she was also amused by her own words, "By the way, oppa, is it a bit too early for us to go back now?"

In the morning, she told Yang Cheng after calling her parents. She thought he would have time at night. Who would have thought that he would show up at the door of the dormitory within half an hour after hanging up the phone. It is only ten o'clock in the morning, and it is estimated that there will be another hour. We are in Daegu.

"It's not early, I just want to go shopping with you after I arrive in Daegu. Don't rush home. It is not convenient for you to go shopping alone in Seoul. It should be fine in your hometown? Even if you are found out, you can say that you are going home. Visiting relatives."

Irene felt warm in her heart. She liked the feeling of being silently taken care of by Yang Cheng. When she thought of shopping and dating with her sweetheart, she was so cold and excited like a child, "Then we are going to see Movie?"

"Watching a movie? Yes, what do you want to see, "Travel to Busan"? A movie made by oppa."

"I've seen it, I went to the cinema to support it the first time it was released, and I invited the children to watch it together. The shot was great."

"I heard that I won the box office champion?"

"Yeah, many records have been set. Anyway, it's amazing."

Yang Cheng is very satisfied with the performance of this movie, after all, he made the decision personally.

"Well, since you've seen it, we'll change it."

"Oppa, let's watch "The Secret Agent", it's very popular recently, and the online reviews are particularly high."

"The Secret Agent? A police movie?"

"No, it seems to be the story of the anti-Japanese era~"

"Anti-Japanese? Can there be any good-looking anti-Japanese films in Country Z? How many serious and non-serious dramas are there."

"Oh, that's different. This is the history of Korea."

"Korea still has history?"


The last conversation ended in Irene's shame.

A movie theater in Daegu at the entrance of an alley may be due to workdays and daytime. Therefore, there are not many audiences. Yang Cheng and Irene easily mixed into the dark theater.

At the beginning of the movie, Yang Cheng was still a little careless, flirting with Xu Xian and Luo Yue from time to time, that is, his brain is smart enough, and most people are dealing with several women at the same time.

But after being'threat' by Irene several times with his beautiful eyes, he finally focused on the movie, let alone, he really saw something different.

In fact, the plot of the movie is very simple. It is about the era when Korea was colonized by RB in 1920. A group of people who were unwilling to be ruled by Japan formed a gang to fight against RBzheng right. However, RB people were not puppets and stood motionless. When they were beaten, they also fought back. They vigorously bought the Koreans who came to Japan, Han Yan, torture and extract confessions from the captured members, and did everything they could to eradicate these disobediences.

Under the violent raids of the RB violent organization, the members of the gangsters died and fled, and they were completely unable to counteract RB's yin prestige. Since they were unable to fight directly, they would destroy them, and the gangsters became terrorists.

Of course, RB people are not vegetarian. You have your spy, and I also have my spy. Both sides have undercover agents. When RB learned of the secret report, they tried their best to prevent the militants from getting the bombs. The battle between the two sides began.

The protagonist of the story, Kim Yoo-jin, is still played by Kong Liu, the protagonist of "Travel to Busan". This buddy has been so hot recently. Two consecutive fire movies have been released, and the limelight is no different.

Closer to home, Kim Yoo Jin, played by Kong Liu, is a core member of the Yi Li group. In order to hide his identity from others, he smuggled bombs from the Shanghai stock market into the capital. The group of them acted on the knife edge. The disaster is over.

The traitor who took refuge in the Japanese army, Li Zhengchu, played by the actor Song Kanghao, also used spies to get the latest trends of the bandit, and repeatedly undermined the plan of the bandit, so he was reused by the RB people, and he quickly followed Going to Jin Youjin, trying to find out Zheng Chaeshan, who is played by Li Bingxian, leader of the bandit, through Jin You, and then there is an intriguing pursuit.

I won’t reveal what the ending is, and if you are interested, come and see.

The atmosphere of the whole film is a bit depressing and boring, but the wonderful performance of the actors keeps the film always in a high-level suspenseful atmosphere. Even if the audience is impatient, they can only endure seeing the end, regardless of the scale of the scene or the action. The intensity of the play can only be said to be average, not worthy of such a high score.

Yang Cheng really didn't understand how a beautiful girl like Irene likes to watch this kind of movies. He thinks this type should be the favorite of middle-aged uncles, and it can reflect their depth and maturity.

At the end of the movie, Yang Cheng and Irene didn't rush away, but stayed until the end. They didn't put on their masks until the staff came in to pick up the trash and walked out of the cinema with their heads down.

Back in the car, Irene asked, "How does oppa like the movie?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "The passing score is not as good as it is, but you can still watch it. By the way, the heroine in the movie seems to be a contracted actor of BH Entertainment, right?"

Irene took out her mobile phone to search, "Yes, Senior Han Zhimin signed BH Entertainment very early."

"She played well, much better than ordinary vase actors."

"I also like Senior's performance."

Yang Cheng didn't rush off after starting the car, but turned sideways and asked, "Do you like this kind of suspense and thriller movies?"

Irene spit out her tongue, "I'm usually very nerdy. The kids told me to go out to watch movies before, but I was lazy and didn't go. The four of them came back after watching "The Secret Agent" and kept chatting. I was worried that I would talk to them. There is no common language, so..."

Yang Cheng smiled, this is another circle culture at work.

Just about to put into gear and drive, Irene grabbed Yang Cheng's arm, her big bright eyes flashing with gossip, "Oppa, do you think that is Senior Son Yejin?"

"Who?" Yang Cheng didn't react to the name for a while, but felt familiar, but couldn't match her face.

"Senior Son Yejin~ The one next to him is..."

"Oh my God~ It seems to be Jeonyul from Girls' Generation. Are they two real?"

Following the direction of Ai Lin's fingers, Yang Cheng saw two slender women, wrapped tightly, one after another at the side entrance of the cinema.

"Did you read it wrong? Or just a person who looks alike~"

In South Korea, it’s not surprising to see two people who look Irene patted Yang Cheng excitedly, “It’s absolutely impossible to admit wrong, did you see it? They were so close just now. Looks like~"

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't gossip, even if you really want to date, you won't go to Daegu~"

"Senior Son Yejin is a native of Daegu. Did she bring Senior Jeonyul back to see her parents? Probably not, after all, Baihe is too..."

Yang Cheng remembered the gossip he had heard before, and said, "Is it weird? Don't you know that you are also a lily in the eyes of the outside world?"

"What?" Irene was frightened.

"Really, you and Zheng Xiujing of Fx are a pair, it seems to be called Krystal? Yes, that's her~"

"Who made these rumors, how could it be~"

Yang Orange smirked, "Why is it impossible? Say yes first. If the other party is a beautiful woman, I don't mind~"

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