Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1665: Emperor Song

(I have finally resumed work, and I am so busy, have you all resumed work? ^_^)

Back in Seoul, Yang Cheng took Irene back to the company and went directly to Liu Jianjun's office.

"What happened to me so anxious to come back~"

Just as Liu Jianjun was about to say, he immediately shut up when he saw Irene coming in.

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "It's okay, let's talk~"

"Domestic has issued restrictions on Korea~"

"So fast?" Yang Orange asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Liu Jae-shik was going to follow the runningman to a concert in China, but the performance permit was cancelled and the visa was denied. As soon as I heard about it, I knew I was going to suffer. I called back and asked about it. As expected, although No official restrictions have been issued, but..."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "This kind of restriction is spread privately, it is impossible to get it on the surface, after all, we must pay attention to estimate the impact."

After a pause, "I told you before to reduce the domestic business in the recent stage. Should we lose a lot?"

Liu Jianjun showed a grateful expression, "Thank you for your prompt reminder from the boss. Since last month, I ordered the entire company to reduce its domestic business and temporarily transfer to the United States. This wave of our losses is small, but the other companies have suffered. Now, the stock prices of S~M and YG fell at the same time and suffered heavy losses."

Seeing him gloating over misfortune, Yang Cheng said irritably, "Don't be too happy, I guess this ban will not be lifted for a while. You have to find a solution. The mainland market of Country Z cannot be replaced by other markets."

"I understand that in a short period of time, we will urgently open the Southeast Asian market, especially the variety star Liu Jae-shik, whose popularity in Southeast Asia is no less than that of Korean idols."

Yang Cheng pondered, "Yes, you have to pay attention to this matter. By the way, I saw a movie called "Secret Agent" yesterday. I think there are Li Bingxian and Han Zhimin in it. They are both from BH Entertainment. Do we participate in the investment of the movie?"

Liu Jianjun nodded without hesitation, "Yes, but the share is not much, only 20%. It was also an investment made to support Han Zhimin. I didn't expect the effect to be good."

"Han Zhimin?"

"Yes, BH Entertainment is the world of actresses, but the actress team headed by Han Jiaren is too buddhist, and there is no fight or snatch. The outside world will not believe it, and I have to send resources to them one by one. I really took it."

Yang Orange laughed, "Isn't this a good thing? There is no contradiction if you don't fight or grab. Do you still want BH Entertainment to hit the bottom?"

"That's not true, but the company has to make money, too? I don't know. The most profitable artist recently is Liu Jae-shik, who has just joined him. This is the case when we signed a top contract with him."

"Okay, stop complaining, it's always a good thing. If you feel that a lot of resources are useless, you might as well sign a few new people."

"I signed, I am optimistic about a girl named Li Xianbin. She made her debut in Country Z. Her acting skills are not bad at her same age. She is more recognizable and has a good body. We dug her from other economic companies. Contract, prepare to focus on cultivation in the next few years."

Yang Cheng took the information and glanced at it. It is indeed more recognizable. Compared with the popular heroine of the Korean drama, Li Xianbin's appearance is easy to be engraved in the mind.

The data stated that she had been a trainee, had a certain degree of dancing skills, and had a very hot body. As soon as she signed for the company, she won the resources of a TV drama heroine for her. With good luck, she started to become famous.

"You have a good vision, and cultivate it. Our company does not lack resources. Don't be stingy. At least let the audience feel familiar to be qualified."

"Understand the boss, we already have a series of packaging plans, as long as she works hard by herself, it will be a matter of time for her to get angry."

"Okay, is there anything else? It's okay, let's withdraw first~"

"Yes, when it comes to "Secret Agent", what do you think of Song Kanghao, boss?"

"What do you mean? You don't want to sign Song Kanghao, do you? Do you think his agency can release people?"

Yang Cheng thinks that Liu Jianjun is inflated, and really thinks that CY Entertainment World Invincible wants to sign whom to sign?

"Why not? Once there is a problem with the company now?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, looking at Liu Jianjun who was smirking, and couldn't help asking, "Did you catch something? Or did you secretly kill? Why do you say that?"

"That’s not the case. I just think there’s a show. At Feng Junhao’s banquet a few days ago, I talked to him for a long time after you left. During the period Song Kanghao also came to join us, I just tried it out. He didn’t refuse. The attitude is a bit ambiguous."

Yang Cheng said strangely, "No, the only actor in Korea can enjoy the emperor's treatment in any company, and when he is in his position, resources come to him, and he does not need to take the initiative to find resources. It’s the same in any company."

"That's how it is said, but who knows what nasty he has with the company he belongs to now? Maybe he is being threatened by the company. As far as I know, many brokerage companies will try their best to lock in their ace artists. Means of planting three kinds of abuse are frequently used. Is it possible that Song Emperor is also facing such a dilemma?"

"such as?"

"Hey, I heard that Park has a blacklist in the entertainment industry. Song Kanghao and his colleague Jin Hye-soo are on it."

Yang Cheng has really heard about the existence of this list. Most of the people on the list express dissatisfaction with Park's handling of the shipwreck of the "Suiyue", and part of it is another candidate he supported during the election. Piao Chi Guoguo's suppression.

But for a person of Song Kanghao's status, life is not easy at best, and he will not be able to survive. After all, his influence is too extensive and his favorability is not low. If he is targeted, it is easy to cause People are turbulent.

"Do you think he can't hold it anymore? Ready to change backer?"

"I think his company can't hold it anymore, forcing him to think about his future."

Yang Cheng was silent for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, you can go to contact It is better to sign, and it doesn't matter if you can't sign."


. . .

On the way to send Irene back to the dormitory, she suddenly asked curiously, "oppa, I don't understand what you said just now, but it seems that I heard the name of Senior Song Kanghao."

Yang Cheng laughed and said, "Ears are pretty bright, yes, President Liu and I were discussing the possibility of signing Song Kanghao."

"What? Sign senior Song Kanghao? This is incredible~" Irene opened her mouth wide in surprise, always as cold as hers, it is difficult to see such an expression on her face.

"It's just possible. I think it's more difficult, but it's better to try than not to try."

"If it succeeds, I believe the entire entertainment industry will be shocked." Irene still hasn't recovered. No one in the entertainment industry knows Song Kanghao's status in Korea better than her.

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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